What new feature do you most want next?


What new feature do you most want next?
15 votes
Searchable/sortable log of seen films
5 votes
Expanded/upgraded lists area
6 votes
Statistics on posts, rep, etc.
2 votes
Overhauled forum structure
5 votes
Something else (specified below)
33 votes. You may not vote on this poll

Actually what I'm proposing is very easy to change. Simply flip the Business & Box Office Discussion and the Home Theater Questions & Information sections with TV and Music. This way TV and Music have a more prominent display available and make the other two the subforums.

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
I have a completely different suggestion. Introduce the ability to submit TV show reviews. Besides movies, I also watch a lot of TV shows. But there doesn't seem to be a way to post any the same way you can with movies, which means my occasional episode reviews often end up more forgotten.

I have a completely different suggestion. Introduce the ability to submit TV show reviews. Besides movies, I also watch a lot of TV shows. But there doesn't seem to be a way to post any the same way you can with movies, which means my occasional episode reviews often end up more forgotten.
A third of my DVD collection is TV Shows too, and I even wrote up a handful of episode reviews here.

Since they're such a different format though and they don't neatly fall into the every-review-has-a-unique-poster thing, I predict some problems there.
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"Well, at least your intentions behind the UTTERLY DEVASTATING FAULTS IN YOUR LOGIC are good." - Captain Steel

Actually what I'm proposing is very easy to change. Simply flip the Business & Box Office Discussion and the Home Theater Questions & Information sections with TV and Music. This way TV and Music have a more prominent display available and make the other two the subforums.
Dunno if TONGO still has me blocked, but this isn't such a bad idea. Song Tournaments alone seem to get way more traction than box office discussions.

minor thing - but a little yellow indicator to illustrate that you have posted in a thread.
We have that, on desktop; it's the little yellow border on the far right, on forums/search results/new posts.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
We have that, on desktop; it's the little yellow border on the far right, on forums/search results/new posts.
I'm losing my mind (or sight).. I looked today, and didn't see it, and then thought "Am I confusing that feature with another forum?" and of course, now when I check, I see it.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Can you make the forum give me whiskey whenever I want whiskey?
Gimme a cookie every time I want one!
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Is it easy to get more snow on the home page? I think it's a nice touch each year but barely noticable on a smartphone.

Easy, yes, but smartphones generally won't see it (since they'd be using the mobile style) and phones would generally find the site a lot slower with it.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Threads on individual movie pages (like IMDB use to have).

I'm positive that has already been talked about, in fact I think I talked about it, but if I did and didn't think it would work, I now have changed my mind and think it would be a neat & useful feature.