Promotion For MovieForums Top 100 Horror Films


Let the night air cool you off
I think a lot of time people will look at disagreements and think things are going poorly, but we know from every other time we do a genre countdown that things will get sour at first. But it doesn't mean things are going poorly, we don't need to get too snarky about things looking bad. Everything is still all good. People care about things like genre distinctions and people care about this forum. Put the two together and people can take up arms a bit. I've been in the middle of it a couple of times with some Hall of Fames. I don't know if there are any right answers, but let's all try to come together to figure out what makes the most sense. I think my vote would be to let each person decide what they consider horror to be and let them vote for it. It could potentially lead to some wonky lists and maybe a couple of films pop up in a weird place on the list that don't belong there, but I don't know if the "integrity" of the list is always worth the drama it can lead to.

I think my vote would be to let each person decide what they consider horror to be and let them vote for it. It could potentially lead to some wonky lists and maybe a couple of films pop up in a weird place on the list that don't belong there, but I don't know if the "integrity" of the list is always worth the drama it can lead to.
Either that or just use IMDb tags. The only thing about the drama that really confuses me is how people who admit not liking / caring about horror seem to be most quarrelsome and imperative. If there's a movie genre / era / etc. I don't like / know enough to make a proper vote I just skip it and move on (I've skipped both countdowns, directed by women and 30s, held during my time here because I couldn't make a list I was happy with).

Anyways, I'll send a list to this regardless of the definitions.

I have also decided I probably won't participate if parameters defining horror are given. Just let us send a list.
You ran an animation HoF and said the parameters were for whatever qualified for the animation countdown, which had parameters. You've ran General HoFs which have had the parameters of not being able to nominate a former winner and time restrictions. There are some of us who want people to vote for horror films for a horror movie countdown, and there's simply a discussion on what should be eligible. Not unreasonable to have that discussion I don't think yet several people have already threatened to not send in a list if they didn't get their way. I don't get it.

If there's a movie genre / era / etc. I don't like / know enough to make a proper vote I just skip it and move on
And just what exactly is a "proper vote"?

Going by the rules used in previous genre countdowns, there are more than enough Horror films that I like - and several that I love - for me to submit a full ballot of 25 films. I may not be passionate about horror movies but I am passionate about this community and I wholeheartedly believe that these lists - regardless of their specific subject - should represent the community as a collective whole and should not be skewed to cater to the more hardcore fans of the subject.

And just what exactly is a "proper vote"?

Going by the rules used in previous genre countdowns, there are more than enough Horror films that I like - and several that I love - for me to submit a full ballot of 25 films. I may not be passionate about horror movies but I am passionate about this community and I wholeheartedly believe that these lists - regardless of their specific subject - should represent the community as a collective whole and should not be skewed to cater to the more hardcore fans of the subject.
See I have to rep your posts because you fight for what you believe in yet you are honest about it. You reasonably asked about Ghostbusters but admitted you view it as a comedy. So when you disagree with me about Gremlins and say IMDb lists it as horror, I can only put my tail between my legs and admit it should be allowed even if I don't like it. That's the way it should go on both sides.

Proper vote in that context meant that I hadn't seen enough movies matching the criteria that I considered worthy of "top something" list.
There is no set criteria for this and IMO the criteria proposed by nostromo and cricket is vague, confusing, and unworkable on the scale required for this kind of project. I don't know how much participation this countdown will get as there are a lot of factors that influence that, but the countdown I hosted had 79 participants. That's too many people to try to refine it in the suggested way.

There is no set criteria for this and IMO the criteria proposed by nostromo and cricket is vague, confusing, and unworkable on the scale required for this kind of project. I don't know how much participation this countdown will get as there are a lot of factors that influence that, but the countdown I hosted had 79 participants. That's too many people to try to refine it in the suggested way.
My proposed criteria is use IMDb. If there's a movie not listed as horror that multiple people want to vote for, set up a quick poll for the movie.

There is no set criteria for this
Not yet and that, to my knowledge, is the reason people are fighting in this thread for there needs to be one before the voting can begin. I have my preference (IMDb tags + possible extra inclusions either by poll or decision by the showrunner) which likely doesn't exactly match my personal definitions but it's simple and logical. I don't care about the exact criteria and I don't understand why people are already making "my way or highway" types of threats when the discussion has been going only for couple of days.

My proposed criteria is use IMDb. If there's a movie not listed as horror that multiple people want to vote for, set up a quick poll for the movie.

For the record, I'm still awaiting a proper explanation from nostro about what makes Gremlins "not horror," especially after he conceded that children's horror does exist.

I don't understand why people are already making "my way or highway" types of threats when the discussion has been going only for couple of days.
For me at least, it's not a threat. It's a statement of fact. I very much want to participate in this, but I am not willing to jump through hoops to do so.

Without a clear set of rules - the only logical options for which I can see are using IMDb tags and having votes on the few that aren't tagged or just letting people decide entirely for themselves - the voting process is going to be overly complicated and confusing. The more complicated it is, the less participation the project is likely going to receive and I don't just mean from people who feel the way I do about community representation. People have jobs, relationships, other hobbies, etc. and shouldn't be forced to wait days on a ruling for this movie and that movie and that other movie, etc. in order for them to come up with something deemed acceptable by Nostromo87.

The countdown will happen with or without my participation, so I'm not sure why people are so bothered about me saying I might not send a list.

I'm so put off...
Me too, seems more like an exercise in deliberately opening old scores from some rather than actually giving a sh*t about an actual countdown. Pretty pathetic imo.

A lot of this could easily have been avoided by sticking with the already established criteria used in the Sci Fi and documentary lists.

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I'll roll with anything, but I don't want people to not want to send anything based off of the restrictions that will be put in place.

I'll roll with anything, but I don't want people to not want to send anything based off of the restrictions that will be put in place.
I agree. Hopefully we come to a solution that's fair for all and everyone participates. It shouldn't be hard.