New Feature: Seen Log


Do people click on the Box-Office link? Just wondering.
I don't track clicks there, so I'm not sure. It's kind of an artifact from older versions of the site, though it is totally up to-date. I do think it'll probably get replaced, or more likely folded into an expanded Movies area.

Funny thing is, I'm looking at the pages now, and I can't find where I could even find what anyone else has Seen and Rated.
Yeah, as of right now, there's no way to see anyone's other than your own. Gonna open that up when I figure out how I want to integrate it into profiles, I think. It'll probably be pretty prominent, maybe replace the "years here" box since that doesn't seem terribly important.

Yeah, I was wondering about this. I might be able to do that by making them smaller. I'll give it a go. The original thought was that Poster View is more for seeing your viewing at a glance, and Title View is for the details, but I can probably get some more info into the former.
No biggie if it's problematic.

Hmmm, no. I'm seeing 50. I'll try it "as you." Best guess is you marked something seen which maybe got removed or didn't mark right, so it's counting against the entry total but not displaying.
Only noticed it 'cos I went into Poster View - I was in a view sorted by Rating. Just tried again and it now shows all 50 ..... I'll make an appointment at Specsavers lol.

@Chypmunk: you mean you don't want people to see your seen log, or something else? I assumed people would specifically want that out there, much like the Lists thing. I think, at most, I'd give people an option to hide it if they want, but I think it should probably be viewable by default. Let me know if you meant something else.
Yeah, I'd like to be able to hide it by choice if you can do that.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right

whats goin on
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'll give this a think/try. I originally used those icons when I was trying to cram all the options into one little area, but I guess it's not necessary now...though it may become necessary again as I add stuff. Text isn't as attractive or compact, but I agree it's better for actual usability, which needs to take priority. I think I read that an icon with text produces the best overall results, so I'll probably do that. Thanks for the suggestion.
I see you added both icons and titles. Maybe it's just me but I think that looks more confusing and somewhat cluttered. Don't get me wrong I think the new Seen List is 99.9% great and will be a neat feature.

Yeah, what Rodent said: haven't marked it as seen.

Amusingly, one of the very last changes I made before launching was changing "Search" to "Search Log" because I realized the former would probably make people think they could search for any movie.

I'm still thinking about how I want people to be able to add new entries from this page. I might just have a little button next to search that toggles whether you're searching all films or just your log, dunno yet.

I see you added both icons and titles. Maybe it's just me but I think that looks more confusing and somewhat cluttered. Don't get me wrong I think the new Seen List is 99.9% great and will be a neat feature.
It's not done, I'm adding it and playing with the alignment right now.

Bear with me on this stuff.

Trouble with a capital "T"
That's one of the first things I look at when I click on someone's profile, but maybe I'm in the minority.
Me too, I look at that all the time, it's useful.

I easily found the link to the Seen Log in my user CP, no problems. And I'm usually clueless and can't find the damn milk in the fridge!

That's one of the first things I look at when I click on someone's profile, but maybe I'm in the minority.
I'll give it more of a think. I think it's the least useful of the four, but maybe I can find room for more. Or display the information alongside age or something (and in many cases, just in place of age, since a fair number of people hide that information).

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'll give it more of a think. I think it's the least useful of the four, but maybe I can find room for more. Or display the information alongside age or something (and in many cases, just in place of age, since a fair number of people hide that information).
I know people sometimes hide their age profile, but I find it useful to know if a MoFo is as old as me or much younger, so I like that info when available.

Actually, I'm the same with the Years Here thing. I find it handy when a possible spammer appears, makes it soooo easy to track them as soon as they join.

Don't do this, Yods. I want to see everything Chypmunk has seen and rated.
Mar 1983: Rodent's mum