The Videogames Tab


Pulled the trigger on a RDR pre-order so I'll have a code when I go to resell. Went with Walmart because they offered free-shipping, everyone has the same pre-order bonus and that will be one less thing to do on Friday.

Get the Sunday paper and see the Target flyer, exclusive RDR pin set with purchase. Not that I would keep them, but when you are trying to sell a game along with 100 other people, it helps.

there's a frog in my snake oil
Horse ball pics in different biomes or it didn't happen!
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

Blackout (Battle Royale mode) for the CoD latest didn't live up to my expectations. It's obviously smoother than PUBG, but the pace is very typical of the other CoD modes. The map isn't big enough, so dying within 30 seconds of landing isn't uncommon. Guess I'll wait to see how Battlefield executes...

The People's Republic of Clogher
Pulled the trigger on a RDR pre-order so I'll have a code when I go to resell. Went with Walmart because they offered free-shipping, everyone has the same pre-order bonus and that will be one less thing to do on Friday.

Get the Sunday paper and see the Target flyer, exclusive RDR pin set with purchase. Not that I would keep them, but when you are trying to sell a game along with 100 other people, it helps.

You're pre-ordering something you're going to sell on?

I'll probably buy RDR this evening, download it overnight.

Obra Dinn watch: 15 fates uncovered, a couple by complete chance. Still trying to love it.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

Horse ball pics in different biomes or it didn't happen!

Horse balls lithograph are available with the Adam & Eve pre-order. Also includes 8 free gifts.

You're pre-ordering something you're going to sell on?

I'll probably buy RDR this evening, download it overnight.

I'm going to play it, but I know I will sell it. I have never gone back and replayed games, so I learned there is no point in keeping them. My experience with ebay has shown the rinky-dink worthless pre-order bonus helps differentiate yours from all the other ones selling one.

I am still hurting about selling p5 tho.

Anybody got any tips on unlocked phones? AT&T just doesn't have what I want and my warhorse , 4 year old LG G3 is finally starting to tweak. I wanted to wait until the 5g phones...and second 2nd gen one at that (hello Pixel).

Is it as easy as switching your sim card out and rolling? Seems to be what the internet sez. I want a small phone (think og iPhone).

Sounds like I've found another way to spend Sunday not watching football.

Wife and I played almost seven hours of Obra Dinn yesterday, with just a moderate break in the middle. So, yeah, we've gotten pretty into it. I think we're at 40+. I'd like to finish it today but I can see the last few souls being a lot of trouble, potentially.

There was at least one time where we felt really stuck and then realized there was a tucked away part of the ship we hadn't actually traversed, and when we found it a whole new part of the journey opened up. One of the downsides of the aesthetic style is that you can't always tell if something is a dead end or a turn until you go up to it.

Yeah, I don't love having to find the bodies. That said, the ship's map can show you exactly where it is, and once you get a little more familiar with the layout I find it doesn't take long at all. It felt a lot more cumbersome in the first couple of hours than it did after. Most of the entries in the book are clickable and take you right to whatever related thing you might want.

For accomplishments, it changes the handwritten font into a typeset one when something is confirmed. But if you mean not knowing which bodies are "done" at a glance, yeah, I don't love that. But you can hold E when looking at them and hit Tab and it links to whatever you've learned/entered about it. Became second nature after awhile, though definitely awkward at first.

The game's ambitions might be a little bigger than you can possibly marry to a genuinely elegant UI, though there are a few ways it could be better.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Yep, it's the 'at a glance' stuff mainly. If, also, they played the audio which goes with an entry directly via the book without having to traipse back to the body each time, that'd help a lot.

The People's Republic of Clogher

92GB. Don't know of any other double Blu Ray games, although I remember the physical PC GTA5 edition coming on an obscene number of DVDs.

Finished Return of the Obra Dinn. We played another four hours today. Took us a little over 12 and a half total, which we did in just under two days after starting Friday night.

Really lovely, definitely going somewhere on the all-time favorites list, though perhaps not in the top top tier. Some deeply satisfying deductive moments. A little bit of brute forcing at points when I was confident we had a couple of fates down and had one piece of information for a third very narrowed down, which feels fair-ish. If I had more patience I'd have allowed none of that, though I think that adds several (mostly un-fun) hours without too much more added satisfaction. But the idea of painstakingly going over those frozen moments of time and noting tiny distinctions that change your answers is really, really great. So many neat revelations that way, and it's amazing how many mouth-agape "wow!" moments there are in a game with this kind of mechanic.

I seriously hope this sort of deductive puzzle solving becomes more common. It hits that particular spot, that L.A. Noire only hit a few times, of letting you feel like a real detective. I've seriously been waiting for games like this all my life. And there are almost as many moments like that in Obra Dinn than in maybe all the other mystery games I've ever played, combined.

It's another of those "I totally get the complaints" type of loves. This is just a very particular itch that most games never even attempt to scratch. I feel like it was almost made for me. That might not translate for many others.

Oh, here's Pope on the "memory fast travel" thing, which I think people have been suggesting to him since he first demo'd it years ago:

There are a couple things like this that I considered but decided not to do.

In this case, I wanted the book to remain passive and keep the functionality of actually visiting a flashback restricted to the pocketwatch. Similarly, the pocketwatch is not capable of teleporting you in the real world, which would've been convenient gameplay-wise but more problematic thematically.

I'm not saying it's perfect or that my reasons are sound, just that I did put some thought into it.
Guess he just saw it as a trade off between gameplay and immersion/world-building. So it goes.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Fallout 76 beta apparently 12-4am UK time tonight. Is that it or will there be more playtime between now and 14/11 or whenever release is.

Anyone trying it?

We've gone on holiday by mistake
See how long I can stay awake tonight after 2 full days in work.