Danny McBride


After watching The Foot Fist Way, I needed more. I love his style of pratfall comedy.

Are there any other fans? If not you all suck.

So I started watching Eastbound & Down where he plays a substitute teacher who used to be a pro baseball player until he washed up. I noticed John Hawks plays his brother. He was great in Winter's Bone alongside Jennifer Lawrence.

What are your favorite McBride movies/shows/performances?

And on a scale of you love him to you want to re-populate the Earth with his babies in the event of a nuclear holocaust, how much do you want to smear hot oil all over your body with him?

how much do you want to smear hot oil all over your body with him?

A lot. Frankly. I've seen him naked in Eastbound and Down.
I can't wait. I'm only on episode 2, but I have a slab of butter ready to go.

Oh, there was a shower scene with a hilarious bikini tan on his butt. I popped a little half boner. No homo though.

Oh man, episode 3 cracked me up. He crashed the other teacher's car while drinking and driving, and then got him to say he was driving and bailed as the cops showed up.

Let the night air cool you off
I'm also a big fan of his. The high five scene in Hot Rod is so stupid, but I love it. The Foot Fist Way and Eastbound & Out are also fantastic. Vice Principals is on the watchlist.

I haven't watched a lot of his stuff---I've seen a few episodes of Vice Principals and enjoyed him in them. But I loved him in the director's cut of Tropical Thunder, which for me is the only version to watch, as the theatrical version on cable changes things a lot and is therefore less funny. He was great as the pyrotechnics expert in the movie.
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

What are your favorite McBride movies/shows/performances?
The first thing I saw him in was Your Highness, or at least most of it, and that was quite funny. Alien: Covenant was different because, while there are still moments of humour with his character, there's a grim sequence of events and his playing of the character reacting to that really impressed me.

His character in Eastbound & Down is tremendous. It's fully realized from episode one. By episode three you're already thinking things like "man, that's exactly what he would say there." I'm not sure how good he is at doing anything else, but playing some version of that guy is what he was born to do.

The really brilliant parts are when his character has vague aspirations of being better than himself, when he tries to show people he can appreciate finer things. Like when he says "This beautiful sunset is rockin' my nuts off," or uses the word "upon" to try to superficially class up a sentence, because it's something he heard someone smarter say once.

On the surface it's just shock and silly, and it's funny enough on that level, but I've known people who talk like this and have the same dude-with-sporadic-articulation-aspirations thing, and he really nails it.

I'd never even heard of him until I watched Land Of The Lost.

Not only did he stand head and shoulders above everything else in that movie, but he stood out and made me Wiki him to find out more.
Funny guy.
He was pretty solid in Alien: Covenant as well tbh proving he can be an actor rather than just a comedian.

He was pretty solid in Alien: Covenant as well tbh proving he can be an actor rather than just a comedian.
Really solid, yeah. And he was great with Katherine Waterston as well.

This might just do nobody any good.
He's even better in Vice Principals and he's got a new show coming up on HBO, The Righteous Gemstones, about a family of televangelists that he's likened to Five Easy Pieces.

I'm in.
This post was not worth it.

I thought Vice Principals was good, but had way less of the depth I mentioned and was way more about the shock humor. Funny through sheer outrageousness. And I say this as someone who loves loves loves Walton Goggins.

Still a good show, though. And yeah, I'm in for any show or movie he's helming, at least for now.

He has two little radio shows on Blaine County Community radio in GTA V. He goes under the name of Dwayne Earl. They are very funny. I've tried to get into Eastbound and Down and just haven't made it very far. I just don't have the patience for much TV type shows anymore. I may give it another go at some point. I do like to binge watch things from time to time, so maybe I'll get to it. The movie he just did with Josh Brolin was pretty good.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

I did like him a lot when he was all over movies 5-10 years ago or so. I'll mention 30 Minutes Or Less as a notable performance. I think he is easy to burn out on though, which is why he may have faded a bit recently.

A trailer for one of McBride's latest films played in the theater yesterday. It looks hilarious. I'm planning on watching it.

"Honor is not in the Weapon. It is in the Man"
A trailer for one of McBride's latest films played in the theater yesterday. It looks hilarious. I'm planning on watching it.

It is really good! I recommend it as one of McBride's best roles. He was originally going to direct the film too, but decided to give producer and second assistant director Jonathan Watson his first major directing gig with the film.
It's All About the Movies