Halloween Watch-A-Thon



The rules are simple, watch as many horror movies as you can in the month of October and post a little something about them here. The MoFo with the most watched will be crowned champion of all things spooky, scary, and frightening.

Just want to keep things simple right now so that everyone feels comfortable to join in the discussion and fun.
Trust The Process

Okay that's cool, I'll likely just do 31
Yeah I was thinking to add in a list of 31 somewhere like last years but this way its just super relaxed since there's a lot of HoF stuff going on right now. This way everyone can share in the Horror together without any "challenge".

Welcome to the human race...
So this is replacing the previously-mentioned category-based challenge then? Fine by me. I think I can go at least 31.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

So this is replacing the previously-mentioned category-based challenge then? Fine by me. I think I can go at least 31.
Yeah its seemed like not that many people were interested in the whole category thing, and this can just be a more relaxed place to just talk about Horror.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds

Suspect's List

Oct 1. Phantoms - Small town horror
Oct 2. Murder Party - Social commentary horror
Oct 3. Creep 2. - Found footage horror
Oct 4. The Ritual - Horror in the woods
Oct 5. Mother! - Psychological Horror
Oct 6. Terrifier - Killer clown horror
Oct. 7. The Vault - Ghost horror
Oct 8. Slice - B-Movie horror
Oct 9. Freddy vs Jason - Iconic villain horror
Oct 10. Urban Legend - 90's Teen Slasher Horror
Oct 11. House on Haunted Hill - Haunted House Horror
Oct 12. The Autopsy of Jane Doe - Isolated Horror
Oct 13. Better Watch Out - Holiday Horror
Oct 14. Let The Right One In - Foreign Horror
Oct 15. House on Haunted Hill - Original to a remake horror
Oct 16. The Tragedy Girls - Millennial Horror
Oct 17. Dr. Giggles - Medical Horror
Oct 18. Piranha 3D - Horror on the water
Oct 19. Tower of Terror - Family friendly horror
Oct 20. House on Sorority Row - Sorority Girls Horror
Oct 21. The Evil Dead - Favourite Horror
Oct 22. Evil Dead II: Dead by Dawn - Horror Sequel

"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'll post some of my Halloween watches in here I won't be watching a ton of them, but I hope to catch a few choice ones. Can we start this now? Or are we waiting for the start of October?

That is correct you gotta wait till the start of October. There’s a few movies I really wanna see right now like Slice and the new Strangers movie but I’m holding off until October first.

Trouble with a capital "T"
That is correct you gotta wait till the start of October. There’s a few movies I really wanna see right now like Slice and the new Strangers movie but I’m holding off until October first.
Thanks Jay, that's what I kind of thought. So what I will do is just save up my thoughts on what I watch now, for later in October.

Films i'm gonna try to see:

If i do ten:

City of the Living Dead
The Fog
Carnival of Souls
Dellamorte Dellamorte
Bay of Blood
Blood and Black Lace
Night of the Creeps

If i do twenty:

The Pit and the Pendulum
Santa Sangre
Let's Scare Jessica To Death
The Phantom Carriage
My Bloody Valentine (original)
Evil Dead (remake)
The Innkeepers

Doubt i'll watch any more than that.

I'm not much into festivities but as it seems that almost half of the films I watch these days are horror I'll be posting here as well.

Some great films on @Camo 's list (and some not that great too). I hope you're planning to see the original Shutter as it's superior to the US remake.

Some great films on @Camo 's list (and some not that great too). I hope you're planning to see the original Shutter as it's superior to the US remake.
Which ones do you like and dislike? I haven't seen any yet of course. And yeah the original, didn't even know there was an American remake.

Which ones do you like and dislike? I haven't seen any yet of course. And yeah the original, didn't even know there was an American remake.
City of the Living Dead is one of the better Fulci's. I kinda recommend watching the whole "trilogy" or at least The Beyond as well. The Fog is OK but I prefer other Carpenter's like Prince of Darkness. It's been a while since I saw Carnival of Souls, Inferno and Shutter but I have positive memory of them.

Haven't seen (first three I'm going to watch at some point):
Santa Sangre, The Phantom Carriage, Bug, Slither, Blood and Black Lace, Let's Scare Jessica To Death, My Bloody Valentine (original) and The Innkeepers

Of the rest Night of the Creeps and Bay of Blood were bad (I'm not usually fond of slashers so it's no wonder I dislike the film that's considered one of the greatest influences for the genre). Also Phenomena was such a huge disappointment but at least Connelly is really cute. Others are mediocre.

City of the Living Dead is one of the better Fulci's. I kinda recommend watching the whole "trilogy" or at least The Beyond as well.
I've seen and liked The Beyond quite a bit, actually watched it for the horror challenge here last year (which i started then abandoned haha). What's the other one in the trilogy? I've seen a few Fulci's, didn't even realize he had a trilogy (i realize it's in inverted commas so it's more a thematic trilogy or whatever). It's not Zombi 2 is it?

The Fog is OK but I prefer other Carpenter's like Prince of Darkness.
Prince of Darkness was a mixed bag for me. Thought the horror in the second half was great, and so fun. But the first half is incredibly tedious and just weird and iirc rapey.

Also Phenomena was such a huge disappointment but at least Connelly is really cute. Others are mediocre.
Jennifer Connelly is by far my #1 celebrity crush ever so awesome to hear she's in it, weird that she's in a supposedly (not according to you but it has a good reputation elsewhere) good Argento.

I've seen and liked The Beyond quite a bit, actually watched it for the horror challenge here last year (which i started then abandoned haha). What's the other one in the trilogy? I've seen a few Fulci's, didn't even realize he had a trilogy (i realize it's in inverted commas so it's more a thematic trilogy or whatever). It's not Zombi 2 is it?
The third film is The House by the Cemetery and it's only thematic trilogy. I think the third is the worst of the three and even the thematic connection is little loose there. Glad to see you liked The Beyond

Jennifer Connelly is by far my #1 celebrity crush ever so awesome to hear she's in it, weird that she's in a supposedly (not according to you but it has a good reputation elsewhere) good Argento.
Really? I've always had the impression that Phenomena divides opinions a lot. At least I've read quite a few bad reviews. IMDb score is quite high for a horror film though. It's just weird mess in my opinion and the soundtrack is quite awful (I like metal but it doesn't fit there at all).

The third film is The House by the Cemetery and it's only thematic trilogy. I think the third is the worst of the three and even the thematic connection is little loose there. Glad to see you liked The Beyond
I've seen The House By The Cemetery (in the same month but i had abandoned the thread at the time) and didn't like it. Clearly the themes they had in common went over my head, i honestly barely remember either only that i liked The Beyond quite a bit.

This is what i posted, i'm sure it's terrible and nonsensical, i can't defend it like i said i barely remember it:

The Beyond

This was completely nuts. The opening was incredible; very drab with a brown colour palette obviously supposed to denote that this was in the past, what it actually did was make everything seem really nasty and evil. A problem i've had with Giallo so far (to be fair i've seen like four) is that some times they are way too campy and ridiculous for me to get into, camp is not something i deal with well. Not that this film is without camp but that opening got me in the right sort of mood for this sort of thing.

Some of the acting wasn't good of course, more than anything i found character reactions really baffling. Like the redheaded girl who just stood for five minutes watching her mothers face disintigrating without screaming or running out of the room for help or trying to stop this from happening in any way; there was loads of that. There was also these weird lulls when there was an attempt to cobble together some sort of plot i really couldn't care less about. The horror parts were really great though, just tonnes of kinda dated messed up imagery with an excellent soundtrack; clearly the strength of these types of films.

The spiders scene was utterly horrifying, as i've said loads here i really hate spiders; just the noises in that scene alone won't leave my head. The face munching didn't actually bother me because the up close way it was shot meant you couldn't see them properly it was them slowly coming towards him or when they were crawling up him that was revolting to me. That was another weird reaction, one of the spiders was munching his eyeball and he was letting out these really mild yelps the kind you'd expect if you saw one in your bathroom, not one devouring your face.

One weird thing i really like is that i couldn't tell you what exactly happened here, there was some book and a blind witch like girl and people were horrifically dying then coming back as zombies or something...i dunno. Think it was a curse at the start or something, i really don't care. Oh yeah the hotel is one of the seven gateways of hell, that's it haha. It just looked and sounded great at times, that was enough. The last 20 or so minutes especially when it went full on insane, and i loved that it went with a pretty horrifying ending.

Really? I've always had the impression that Phenomena divides opinions a lot. At least I've read quite a few bad reviews. IMDb score is quite high for a horror film though. It's just weird mess in my opinion and the soundtrack is quite awful (I like metal but it doesn't fit there at all).
What Argento doesn't divide opinions? Feel like 52% of the Suspiria opinions i've heard are it's glorious and 48% are it's a boring confusing mess. And that's only coz i speak to so many movie nerds online, if i went purely by public the latter would be closer to 90%. I have no idea if Phenomena is good but it's at least liked by most horror dorks i know.