October Horror Challenge??


Last year this challenge was kind of a disaster but I'd be willing to host it this year if anyone is interested. I was never really into the Horror genre but that challenge was the perfect introduction for me. The challenge is pretty simple there are a bunch of categories all within the Horror genre, all the categories add up to 31 films you have to watch before the end of October. I'm very interested to hear if anyone wants to join and any suggestions for categories they might have. Here is the list of categories from last year
Home Invasion:
Creature Feature:
Rewatch a Favourite:
Found Footage:
Body Horror:
From the Year you were born:
This Decade: IT
Two Horror Sequels:
Highest Rated
Hammer Horror:
Three different Countries:
Looking to have the categories set for like Sep 25th gives everyone a couple days to get their picks ready.
Trust The Process

Love horror films (watch one every day, seems like), but since I added to last year's disaster (and is the reason I don't go near HoFs except for the B movie one, and I blame alcohol... ) I'll just cheer it on and not participate.
You're an enigma, cat_sidhe.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I always do a horror challenge, but with two HoF's on my plate, I can't participate in one with guidelines and rules. I'll do my own horror movie challenge like before: Suspect's Horror Movie Thread
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

It was fun last year but i don't think i'm gonna watch 31 in October again. Might watch ten or something.

Since this seems like an appropriate thread. Does anyone know any good non-zombie virus epidemic films? All i'm aware of is Contagion which i'll probably try. Been reading all sorts about Ebola and i think that's the perfect type of horror film for me right now. Also it doesn't have to be horror.

Love The Andromeda Strain
Panic In The Streets from the 50s is a pretty darn good watch too imo - I'd be surprised if you haven't already seen that one though.

With regards a horror challenge.....
there's always a category or two in these things that I don't particularly want to watch so if I do a Horror Challenge this year (which is unlikely as I may well need a little downtime once the 30s deadline has passed) it'll be one I do on my own as I ended up doing last year.

Love The Andromeda Strain
Panic In The Streets from the 50s is a pretty darn good watch too imo - I'd be surprised if you haven't already seen that one though.
Haven't seen either. The only film i can think that fits the description that i've seen is Rabid and i don't even remember if they were zombies or not, but i don't think they were. Both look good.

Welcome to the human race...
I'd suggest mixing up the director/genre categories a little more (think I've watched just about every Carpenter horror) and maybe drop the "rewatch a favourite" category since that doesn't seem like a particularly challenging one. I also wonder if there's enough animated horror to warrant its own category, but I doubt it (or maybe that can be part of the challenge).
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Haven't seen either. The only film i can think that fits the description that i've seen is Rabid and i don't even remember if they were zombies or not, but i don't think they were. Both look good.
You talking Cronenberg's Rabid? If so then it's not zombies, more akin to vampires and that's a stretch. It's worth a watch imo, Chambers is actually pretty good in it, but I don't think it'll be exactly what you're looking for.

It was fun last year but i don't think i'm gonna watch 31 in October again. Might watch ten or something.

Since this seems like an appropriate thread. Does anyone know any good non-zombie virus epidemic films? All i'm aware of is Contagion which i'll probably try. Been reading all sorts about Ebola and i think that's the perfect type of horror film for me right now. Also it doesn't have to be horror.

Les Raisins de La Mort

I love horror as well but I can't stand horror comedy and don't find giallo films as horror..so sorry I won't be participating.

You talking Cronenberg's Rabid? If so then it's not zombies, more akin to vampires. It's worth a watch imo, Chambers is actually pretty good in it.
I was saying that's the only film i've seen that fits the description. It spreads first in the hotel then eventually everywhere iirc, and they weren't zombies so it fits the description. I don't think i've seen any other than that.

Les Raisins de La Mort
I've seen Pontypool actually forgot about that, thanks for the others. I've actually heard good things about Les Raisins de La Mort but i didn't know what it was about.

I love horror as well but I can't stand horror comedy and don't find giallo films as horror..so sorry I won't be participating.
Why don't you think of Giallo as Horror? Just curious.

Why don't you think of Giallo as Horror? Just curious.
They are more suspense to me than horror.

I was saying that's the only film i've seen that fits the description. It spreads first in the hotel then eventually everywhere iirc, and they weren't zombies so it fits the description. I don't think i've seen any other than that.
Ah, sorry - missed the bit where you said it was one you'd seen.

*Hello, Specsavers?

Camo - another one that just sprung to mind is Outbreak (I don't remember it being that great though).

Camo - another one that just sprung to mind is Outbreak (I don't remember it being that great though).
I saw that one before i asked actually but it doesn't sound that great. Funny thing is i'm pretty sure that's basically an adaptation of the book i'm reading which made me ask the question. It's made the year after the book was published (and the book was a NYT Best Seller so it was well known), it's about an "Ebola-Like Virus" so a Hot Agent, it's initially set in Zaire then the US and it features both USAMRIID and CDC while some of it is set in Fort Dedrick.

That's exactly the book. I'll probably end up watching it because of that but i've got a feeling it'll be bad, hope i'm wrong.

Instead maybe a thread where we can all just come together and share some horror movies we're watching during the month, kind of like just a discussion thread?? Would that be appealing to anyone. Maybe less of a challenge more of a October horror club, ind of like an HoF but everyone just submits a horror movie and we just watch from the list? No winners or anything just group suggestion?