Is Movie Forums DYING?


Welcome to the human race...
Like you said, it's about projection, namely that of people reckoning with whether or not they think the appeal they see in the forum is dying as opposed to the forum itself. Of course, a lot can happen in seventeen pages, the first half of which happened in the space of a few hours.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

What else do you expect on a movie forum?
If you had said, "What else do you expect." Or 'from you,' or 'from anyone,' the answer would be, "nothing." I expect projection. But what really makes me curious is that you tacked onto the end, "from a movie forum." This is hilarious to me even though I don't know what you're talking about because I suspect you don't know either. I've never posted on any other movie forum, so I have no context there. But I'm really curious why would you direct such a comment towards me as if you assumed I have some familiarity with other movie forums in general and this is typical of them, but not typical of other forums.

My comment was actually personal about you since you often project in that way. I expect that kind of projection from you. It was very cliche and I was stating the obvious.

Like you said, it's about projection, namely that of people reckoning with whether or not they think the appeal they see in the forum is dying as opposed to the forum itself. Of course, a lot can happen in seventeen pages, the first half of which happened in the space of a few hours.
No, not that stuff. That's obvious. What about the rest of my question? The part that followed, "in light of..." In other words the fact that the forum isn't dying.

Welcome to the human race...
If you had said, "What else do you expect." Or 'from you,' or 'from anyone,' the answer would be, "nothing." I expect projection. But what really makes me curious is that you tacked onto the end, "from a movie forum." This is hilarious to me even though I don't know what you're talking about because I suspect you don't know either. I've never posted on any other movie forum, so I have no context there. But I'm really curious why would you direct such a comment towards me as if you assumed I have some familiarity with other movie forums in general and this is typical of them, but not typical of other forums.

My comment was actually personal about you since you often project in that way. I expect that kind of projection from you. It was very cliche and I was stating the obvious.
Movies get projected. That's the joke.

You also seemed to miss the point about projection. My post said nothing about any feeling of being above it all. I certainly don't think I'm above it all. I think of myself as quite beneath it all in fact. I'm stupid, lazy, and ignorant. I'm sure you won't object. But why did you project that you think you're above me?

I guess to think this place is dying is to feel less pleasure from being here than "back when". Being able to talk about tv/film unreservedly with no risk of boring others or being judged as a socially stunted geek is hard to find in life, so MoFo is a great find. To use this or any forum as your go-to for happiness would be a miserable solution. The escape place becomes an albatross theyre chained to because they remember how it was, and weighs them down. Its a great place to talk movies, and friendships can develop. It isnt a treatment center, or therapy. Too much of a good thing makes it bland, and unexciting, and causes bitterness. At the forum, and the people there as if its their fault.

Solution? Im making this up out of my ass, but try this, leave for 6 days then return on the 7th. Keep doing this for 7 weeks. The point is it forces the person to face life, themself, and whatever it is they are afraid of to where they use the forum as a "complete" life escape or solution to being depressed. After near 2 months Im pretty sure they will remember why they liked MoFo, and their real life will be improved because theyve put true attention towards it at length. Maybe some may never return because of that, that doesnt mean its a bad ending, but a happy one. MoFo's great but it cant match the highs and lows of real life, nor should it be expected to.

TONGO has spoken !!!!!!!

Trouble with a capital "T"
I love how haters hate...'nough said
Well said MG...I've been on previous boards that were once lively and dynamic. But all it took was one hater to troll others and drive them off. And it killed the board. I've went back and checked on it and it's dead.

It's a sad thing when some internet bully (who's most likely a little weakling in real life) has to spend their time trying to hurt other people so that they can feel better about themselves. I just don't get why some would want to do that. I'd rather make friends and make people happy if I can.

Welcome to the human race...
I don't think about the "why", though if pressed I'd say you like it or else you'd still have me on ignore like you said you did not too long ago.

(who's most likely a little weakling in real life)
Excuse me, I lift weights every day.

A system of cells interlinked
Well said MG...I've been on previous boards that were once lively and dynamic. But all it took was one hater to troll others and drive them off. And it killed the board. I've went back and checked on it and it's dead.
I think it says a lot about MoFo that the site and community as a whole has weathered an entire legion of people like this over the years. When I first joined, there was a particular member that was a relentless troll. Interacting with him was like navigating verbal barbed wire while being pummeled on the noggin with a ball peen hammer. He was a prolific poster, and pissed off many, many regulars, but eventually, he was gone. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

I think it says a lot about MoFo that the site and community as a whole has weathered an entire legion of people like this over the years. When I first joined, there was a particular member that was a relentless troll. Interacting with him was like navigating verbal barbed wire while being pummeled on the noggin with a ball peen hammer. He was a prolific poster, and pissed off many, many regulars, but eventually, he was gone. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...
But ultimately, it was the blurst of times.