Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Trouble with a capital "T"

3 Women (1977)

I haven't really liked any of the Robert Altman films I've seen, however I did love the first half of this film. It was simplistic beauty, a seemingly benign story of two women who meet at a therapeutic Hot Springs medical facility for the elderly and share an apartment. Altman takes this simple idea and makes it seem fascinating. I was riveted to the everyday happenings of these two women. Altman knows how to capture the little moments of life that so many other directors neglect. The first half of the film felt like observational cinema, and was truly a thing of beauty.

Shelley Duvall is in her prime her, both in years and more importantly in her acting ability. She abides her character with all these little nuances and idiosyncrasies that makes for one of the most intriguing characters I've seen portrayed on the screen.

Sissy Spacek is real good too, very naturalistic and grounded. She paired well with Shelley Duvall's more colorful persona. I'd give the first half of the movie a

But then as we get towards the end of the film it goes all surrealistic. Robert Altman is quoted as saying he started shooting without an ending, and improvised as they went. He did that a lot in his films, and IMO that lack of focus hurts the film. We didn't need a twisty Twilight Zone ending, and not all films need to end big. In fact less is often more and a quieter ending would have allowed the moments of the film to outshine Altman's improvisations.

Overall rating

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Funny Games (1997)

Michael Haneke is an interesting and talented filmmaker, but he often wants to give his message.

What is his message?
I liked this, but after a while, it became redundant... I think I gave it a 7/10
Was this the original or remake?

Trouble with a capital "T"
Downsizing (2017)

Have you guys seen this one? I know some of you would dig the concept. I mean have you ever thought about what it would be like if you were only a few inches tall? And if you think you know what this movie is going to be about, think again...

Just when the film seems like an interesting little comic sci-fi piece, it goes and gets deeper. It did that several times, each time changing gears, and by the end I was totally unprepared for what would happen. Uhmm...that's probably too big of a build up It's a cool film, it kind of made me think and a whole lot of films don't do that these days.

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Views:	614
Size:	302.8 KB
ID:	46153  

Trouble with a capital "T"
Winchester House. Is this on the short list for the worst horror film of 2018. What was Helen Mirren thinking when she signed up to this. In addition this will not further the careers of a couple of fine Aussie actors one jot. Certainly not the careers of the Speirig brothers. Put simply Winchester House does not cut the mustard with we horror officionados.

I agree Spookie, it wasn't very good at all. BTW did you mean to give it a zero rating?

Winchester. Is this on the short list for the worst horror film of 2018. What was Helen Mirren thinking when she signed up to this. In addition this will not further the careers of a couple of fine Aussie actors one jot. Certainly not the careers of the Spierig brothers. Put simply Winchester does not cut the mustard with we horror aficionados.

This folks is the completed draft.

The Shape of Water

I have to be honest, I have been avoiding this movie. It just looks so depressing. My wife has asked me to watch it with her at least 4 or 5 times now and there was always something else I wanted to see instead. We typically take turns picking out what we watch as a couple, but I have been able to persuade her to see something else whenever she suggested it. It seems like I had to be in the mood to watch this and I never even knew what that "mood" needed to be. Well last night she caught me in an I don't care type of mood, which I guess was the perfect feeling to have to experience The Shape of Water.

My guard was down and I had nothing to invest other than time, which at this moment in my life (as I recover from surgery for 6 weeks) I have a plethora of.

The movie to me felt very claustrophobic, but not in a bad way, I think it meant to feel like this - maybe, I don't know.? Anyway from the government facility to the cramped, dark apartments to the chained creature I felt just as much trapped watching it as I did being talked into watching it. We usually get to watch one movie a week (sans kid) and once we start something I always finish it because it is "our" time.

Saying all that I must say I did somewhat enjoy the movie, it was fairly predictable as far as the bigger plotline, but the smaller, more trivial things (Yes I remember a scene in the movie where this exact thing comes up) caught me by surprise many times - which made it interesting and fun to watch. The sadistic Michael Shannon character was quite creepy and disturbing even without his particulars for hygiene.

I give this a claustrophobic rating of
and kind of need to watch it again with a more open mind.

Cat lovers beware!!!! .
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton