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Wolfen. Gruesome killings lead an NYPD detective to conclude that the perpetrators may actually have been wolves - but these are no ordinary animals. Albert Finney and Gregory Hines star in this spookily effective early 80s chiller that has a wonderfully creepy atmosphere and is very well directed throughout. The actual use of real wolves makes many scenes hella scary.

The Post (2017)

its a wonder how she hasn't gone on to much bigger things.

Good film, think she has a reputation for being "difficult" (whatever that means in tinseltown terms) which may explain it. Otherwise she just might be like Ed Burns and be utter merde at the box office.

Trouble with a capital "T"

Wonder (2017)

This was even better than I had thought it would be. And you sure can't judge this movie by that poster. I mean that poster looks like you're about to watch some happy-dappy fluffy film...full of cliches and aimed at school age kids. Oh sure it's PG rated, but it deals with the impact of having a special needs kid in the family and I liked that. If you want this R rated, just poke yourself in the thigh with a fork and swear a lot Cause other than the missing F bombs and hairy naked butts, this is a film any adult should be able to enjoy.

Like I said, it's not a happy go lucky film, nor is it sad. It seemed mostly real to me. I liked how after the movie got going it would do a full segment on the 'background people'. Background people are the characters in movies who are just there to be the older sister or best friend, etc. But here the film actually tells us the back story of some of these people and we learn how there lives are impacted by Augie.


You can't win an argument just by being right!
I think I will have to get that for a weekend watch, CR. Thanks for posting

Welcome to the human race...
Mamma Mia! -

remake this movie but every song is done in the style of Portishead's "S.O.S." cover

I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Hellloooo Cindy - Scary Movie (2000)
I, Tonya

Very good performances by Tonya and her mother but Keeps going on and loses steam. Jeff gets a lot of screen time. He is not only unlikeable but uninteresting. Can’t say his performance is great - it’s decent only. Mistake giving such a flat, horrible character so many minutes.


Mamma Mia! -

remake this movie but every song is done in the style of Portishead's "S.O.S." cover

If it's Portishead, it's a NEO-NOIR.

The Killing Fields (1984)

This was an excellent film with absolutely no re-watch appeal...great film and am glad I saw it but have absolutely no desire to sit through it again...one of the most unpleasant experiences I ever had at the movies...it was either # 2 or # 3 on my most disturbing films list.

El Norte (1983, Gregory Nava)

A flawed but utterly beautiful and moving film. Instantly felt a bond with the characters and stayed with them throughout their journey.
The film is gorgeously shot but has some tentative acting and an odd, almost awkward, pacing and editing at times - but that's exactly where part of the film's charm lies. In a way, it reflects the simplicity and artlessness of the two characters, their growing discomfort and isolation in a new environment, away from their roots.

A little ham-fisted approach to the movie, lots of jump scare. The sequel that was never really needed. It has its moments. But not that great. The mystery is just not there. 5/10.
My Favorite Films