MOFO Survivor XI Money Game - Trapped in Space


Commander 7th to SZeroX, come in.
I recieved your last video feed but there was no audio or text. What is that on your forehead and your "Hal" eye. SZeroX whats wrong with it?!!

Come in
Come in...

Click image for larger version

Name:	szeroxtranseye.fw.jpg
Views:	501
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ID:	45372  
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

The Fred Rodgers Complex
by HashtagBrownies

Nero was born on September 11 2345, a much celebrated holiday. He was named after the well respected Roman Emperor who murdered his wife. He wasn't quite extraordinary in his early years, quite normal actually: Killing insects, hurting stray dogs, the usual. It wasn't until he attended pre-school that this all changed.

His teacher, Mrs. Wuornos, was attempting to introduce the concept of 'bad people' in an inoffensive manner to the children. She showed them clips of the ancient propaganda show 'Mr. Rodger's Neighborhood'. The quiet-spoken man in the clip talked to his audience about how he is angry when people get hurt or how he was sad when his dog died. Mrs. Wuornos told the children that these ideas are now 'outdated' and considered 'bigoted' and 'over-sentimental'. Nero was confused however, he thought the show was awe-inspiring: He was engrossed with the messages and adored the character of Mr. Rodgers. He was afraid of saying this however due to the possibility of being put in the time-out spot.

These controversial opinions he had continued until he was 107. He had rarely spoke about them, only mentioning them to his work collegues, who turned it into a running gag for years to come. He was in a constant struggle of what was right and what was wrong, a victim to childhood imprinting. It was on a boring, uneventful morning that he experienced the best day of his life.

Outside his bedroom window he saw a crowd of people, most of them silent but a couple of ‘boos’ could be heard. In front of them was a large podium with a young man on it, possibly in his late teens. His speech consisted of pacifist ideals and ‘loving thy neighbour’. After seeing this Nero quickly pulled on his pants and ran outside.

He pushed through the crowd of people to get to the top, resisting the urge to use the impolite phrase ‘excuse me’. He used the side step to get onto the stage. Everyone went silent. In a state of confusion and need to calm the feeling of awkwardness, he began to sing the theme song to Mr. Rodgers. The young man, tearing up, joined in with him. About 5 people then climbed onto the stage to join in, knowing none of the lyrics. Nero no longer felt like an outcast for possessing non-violent thoughts. He no longer felt like a ‘zero’, instead a ‘hero'.

The Fred Rodgers Complex
by HashtagBrownies

Nero was born on September 11 2345, a much celebrated holiday. He was named after the well respected Roman Emperor who murdered his wife. He wasn't quite extraordinary in his early years, quite normal actually: Killing insects, hurting stray dogs, the usual. It wasn't until he attended pre-school that this all changed.

His teacher, Mrs. Wuornos, was attempting to introduce the concept of 'bad people' in an inoffensive manner to the children. She showed them clips of the ancient propaganda show 'Mr. Rodger's Neighborhood'. The quiet-spoken man in the clip talked to his audience about how he is angry when people get hurt or how he was sad when his dog died. Mrs. Wuornos told the children that these ideas are now 'outdated' and considered 'bigoted' and 'over-sentimental'. Nero was confused however, he thought the show was awe-inspiring: He was engrossed with the messages and adored the character of Mr. Rodgers. He was afraid of saying this however due to the possibility of being put in the time-out spot.

These controversial opinions he had continued until he was 107. He had rarely spoke about them, only mentioning them to his work collegues, who turned it into a running gag for years to come. He was in a constant struggle of what was right and what was wrong, a victim to childhood imprinting. It was on a boring, uneventful morning that he experienced the best day of his life.

Outside his bedroom window he saw a crowd of people, most of them silent but a couple of ‘boos’ could be heard. In front of them was a large podium with a young man on it, possibly in his late teens. His speech consisted of pacifist ideals and ‘loving thy neighbour’. After seeing this Nero quickly pulled on his pants and ran outside.

He pushed through the crowd of people to get to the top, resisting the urge to use the impolite phrase ‘excuse me’. He used the side step to get onto the stage. Everyone went silent. In a state of confusion and need to calm the feeling of awkwardness, he began to sing the theme song to Mr. Rodgers. The young man, tearing up, joined in with him. About 5 people then climbed onto the stage to join in, knowing none of the lyrics. Nero no longer felt like an outcast for possessing non-violent thoughts. He no longer felt like a ‘zero’, instead a ‘hero'.

Very odd. Interesting though. I like the ending a lot.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Russell goes up the hole

By Rauldc

Remember when I saved the entire Planet Earth by flying my plane and blowing up the aliens? Well people thought I blew up to smithereens but I actually didn't. I was transported to a strange Galaxy far far away, led by none other than SZeroX.

He had taken a bunch of others to this Galaxy, namely Sexy Celebrity, Whoopie Goldberg, Donald Trump, Sci Fi Slob and a bunch of the Gremlins to name a few. They all were given the immaculate power of going back and forth between that dungeon of a place and Earth if they so chose. That's why we can't make sense of these people, and hence, why you can't make sense of me.

It's been about 21 years since this all started, and we have a US President, a banned mofo member, a crazy View host, and a monsterous bunch of deleted posts to show for it.

But what's my legacy? That my friends, is my ability to communicate with this alien being in order to make this new universe great again. And I'm sure we will add more interesting people to our cast of characters.

Up yours!!!!!

I'm sad to see SC go, but hey, Dorothy Michaels is here, so it's all good. Dorothy's story was hilarious. It gets my vote even though my vote only carries the monetary value of practically worthless Canadian Tire money, you can get yourself a fancy screw driver if you ever visit Canada. Screw drivers are good for screwing... screws and stuff... And they're good for driving... Up to Canada and stuff... So, the point is don't underestimate Canadian Tire money, you're missing out on driving to Canada and screwing.

: D

Pages From a Woman's Diary:
Sex and the Single Alien

by Prymaat Conehead

Beldar, my geneto-lifemate, was sitting in his reclinable autochair, doing nothing.

I was reading the new issue of Cosmopolitan magazine, but my mind was drifting towards the idea of making what they call "love" with what they call "my husband."

I reached over and grabbed one of our - what we call - "Senso Rings" - which is a tingling device we place over our cones - and I threw it on Beldar's head. He came to life instantly. I dropped the Cosmopolitan to the floor and he came after me.

As we stood there in our bed, making "ravenous love", a strange being appeared in the window from outside. It was the alien robot, SZeroX, as you call him. He appeared to be quite "possessed" and was intruding upon our sex game.

I was then compelled by an urge to do something I had never done before - I grabbed an extra Senso Ring and threw it on SZeroX's head. SZeroX became aroused and joined us in our "hot session."

Our geneto-offspring (daughter), Connie, and Ronnie, both wearing Senso-Rings.

Seven days later, when we finally finished, SZeroX walked away from the bed and left us, apparently feeling much "better" and no longer possessed. Beldar and I stood there thinking for a moment, when Beldar announced that he had a new idea.

"Why don't we invite CosmicRunaway to our next love rendezvous?" Beldar said.

I just laughed as I sensed disappointment "washing" over his what you call "face."

The End.
Definitely amusing, thanks Dorothy.

Russell goes up the hole

By Rauldc

Remember when I saved the entire Planet Earth by flying my plane and blowing up the aliens? Well people thought I blew up to smithereens but I actually didn't. I was transported to a strange Galaxy far far away, led by none other than SZeroX.

He had taken a bunch of others to this Galaxy, namely Sexy Celebrity, Whoopie Goldberg, Donald Trump, Sci Fi Slob and a bunch of the Gremlins to name a few. They all were given the immaculate power of going back and forth between that dungeon of a place and Earth if they so chose. That's why we can't make sense of these people, and hence, why you can't make sense of me.

It's been about 21 years since this all started, and we have a US President, a banned mofo member, a crazy View host, and a monsterous bunch of deleted posts to show for it.

But what's my legacy? That my friends, is my ability to communicate with this alien being in order to make this new universe great again. And I'm sure we will add more interesting people to our cast of characters.

Up yours!!!!!
I made absolutely no sense of was glorious.

What can I say?

I was bored

So I looked around for someone to be for a little while, see what I could get up to.

Ever so grateful, scantily clad, nymphoid space traveler, BARBARELLA? Perfect!

I decided it might be more fun to just go with a version of what would happen to her, she's quite fun. I should have thought it through a little further, as upon donning face and materialising, I didn't even have the time to announce myself I was knocked out by...well, I couldn't tell you. It was lights out. I came to on a space ship. So far, this wasn't as much fun as I'd thought it would be.
. Also, what the **** knocked me out. I didn't even see it. Never mind. Once I'd gotten over the indignity of it all, I am a god, after all, I noticed bizarre looking being in the room with me. No emotions that I could detect, but he seemed helpful enough despite that...lack of empathy thing. I could tell it was going to be hard to thank him, for what I supposed was rescuing me, in my customary way.

He lead me to a group of others. A mixed bag of entities, seemed interesting. A couple were quite sexy. I couldn't help myself from wanting to get to know them better. One thing may have led to another with one of them, I won't mention any names.

But that's where everything went wrong. So very, very wrong.

It appears nobody knew quite enough about another passenger on board. Someone captured and put in cryogenic state for research purposes. Why? Some kind of regenerative monster. Ask me, I've birthed a few. As myself, not Barbarella. Well, not myself. I was always something else at those times. But then again...I'm always something else. Not one of them mentioned this particular regenerative monster was homicidal, had a thing for machetes and using their own sleeping bags as weapons of violent, traumatic death, and couldn't really be killed...until the emotionless being (I found out his name was SZeroX) started...well not malfunctioning, that's the wrong word, but, blurting out strange things. This lead to one of the handsome gung-ho crew members (I forget his name, but who cares. He had pecs and arms worthy of Asgard.) doing a lot of frantic finger punching. I can't say I didn't wonder what those fingers could do to this body, but I put that out of my mind immediately as we had other fish to fry.

All I know is, we're in deep trouble, I'm not helping in this body, as it appears that that it's the lascivious that trigger this being that's tormenting the helpful SZeroX. It's not just him in danger, we're all in danger, and my presence is making it worse. I hope this doesn't mean they'll try to kill me to save themselves. I'm rather liking this body.

This thing is half titanium, armed, although to be honest, he doesn't really need to be, unstoppable, and starting with our help. So far SZeroX has managed to escape, but by the way he's talking, it appears this beast may be having assistance. Perhaps from something that controls minds.

I don't know, I haven't figured it out yet.

This is going to be brutal.

Don't forget that 11:00 pm CST tonight is the deadline for the story challenge. Anyone that has signed up for the game can enter.

The 2nd post in this thread lists all current and past challenges so if you need a quick link at anytime check there.

I hope we can get more people to join before the actual game starts we have 11 days or so left. I am thinking of having a referral challenge, those that get the most people to sign up will get something cool. Not sure what yet. Remember no alt or proxy accounts, doing so immediately bans you from the game. Thanks to everyone so far, I hope once we officially start we can all have a great game.

What can I say?

I was bored

So I looked around for someone to be for a little while, see what I could get up to.

Ever so grateful, scantily clad, nymphoid space traveler, BARBARELLA? Perfect!

I decided it might be more fun to just go with a version of what would happen to her, she's quite fun. I should have thought it through a little further, as upon donning face and materialising, I didn't even have the time to announce myself I was knocked out by...well, I couldn't tell you. It was lights out. I came to on a space ship. So far, this wasn't as much fun as I'd thought it would be.
. Also, what the **** knocked me out. I didn't even see it. Never mind. Once I'd gotten over the indignity of it all, I am a god, after all, I noticed bizarre looking being in the room with me. No emotions that I could detect, but he seemed helpful enough despite that...lack of empathy thing. I could tell it was going to be hard to thank him, for what I supposed was rescuing me, in my customary way.

He lead me to a group of others. A mixed bag of entities, seemed interesting. A couple were quite sexy. I couldn't help myself from wanting to get to know them better. One thing may have led to another with one of them, I won't mention any names.

But that's where everything went wrong. So very, very wrong.

It appears nobody knew quite enough about another passenger on board. Someone captured and put in cryogenic state for research purposes. Why? Some kind of regenerative monster. Ask me, I've birthed a few. As myself, not Barbarella. Well, not myself. I was always something else at those times. But then again...I'm always something else. Not one of them mentioned this particular regenerative monster was homicidal, had a thing for machetes and using their own sleeping bags as weapons of violent, traumatic death, and couldn't really be killed...until the emotionless being (I found out his name was SZeroX) started...well not malfunctioning, that's the wrong word, but, blurting out strange things. This lead to one of the handsome gung-ho crew members (I forget his name, but who cares. He had pecs and arms worthy of Asgard.) doing a lot of frantic finger punching. I can't say I didn't wonder what those fingers could do to this body, but I put that out of my mind immediately as we had other fish to fry.

All I know is, we're in deep trouble, I'm not helping in this body, as it appears that that it's the lascivious that trigger this being that's tormenting the helpful SZeroX. It's not just him in danger, we're all in danger, and my presence is making it worse. I hope this doesn't mean they'll try to kill me to save themselves. I'm rather liking this body.

This thing is half titanium, armed, although to be honest, he doesn't really need to be, unstoppable, and starting with our help. So far SZeroX has managed to escape, but by the way he's talking, it appears this beast may be having assistance. Perhaps from something that controls minds.

I don't know, I haven't figured it out yet.

This is going to be brutal.

Brutal indeed. Great entry, ty.