Down With Feminism


@alexkevin Fair enough. Most women expect to be treated this way, and whether this is hypocritical or not to expect this while not doing the same for men is a fair question. It can be easily dismissed with the deeply-rooted tradition argument, but this is just lazy and doesn't cut it. I'd like to hear some opinions from MoFo girls.
I can honestly say I have never had a car door opened for me by a man. Or a woman in fact.

And if crying about women not opening car doors for men is the extent of the radical persecution of men being crushed underfoot by slavering feminazis, I think you need some perspective.
It's not only about opening the car door for man or woman, its just an example, I am talking about the equality.

I think every human life is of equal value. When people say they want equality and only bring up advantages one group has that they don't, and don't say anything about the advantages they have that the other group doesn't, then I have to ask what evil motives are they using "equality" to hide. Women have actually given up a lot of valuable things in pursuit of the pants.

I won't dance. Don't ask me...
My wife saw the thread title and asked me to send her unwavering approval along.

But seriously, as supporters of freedom, we support equal treatment for all. But man, more than a few times, she has gotten into it with a hard core feminists at various BBQs or events - my wife is not a fan of the whole "destroy the patriarchy" types. Needless to say, my wife is a pretty traditional lass! We live in an extremely liberal area of the US (Greater Boston area) that is home to a larger than normal college-age demographic. We run into a fair amount of outspoken activist types that tend to get pretty aggressive when they figure out my wife is a trad. In other words, they usually start it, and she usually finishes it!
I like your wife

I won't dance. Don't ask me...
@Zotis, @Mr Minio it was pleasure to read your dissussuion I don't agree in 100 % with any of you, but as Zotis wrote there are points, which make me thinking about them. Have a good conversation

I won't dance. Don't ask me...
It's not only about opening the car door for man or woman, its just an example, I am talking about the equality.
You are right. It's not only about opening the door (what I realy like and appreciate gentlemen). It's also about equal salary at the same role, about the same way of getting promotion and so on.
I've red somewhere that even girls get different message from family and enviroment: don't wear short skirt, don't get back late at night, avoid to passing through the shops with alcohol in the evening, go to the other side of the street (limit your freedom, if you want to be safe).
I've heard a lot of such comments in my life. I admit there are this kind of thoughts in my mind, concerns, when I go back home alone at night and I would really prefer to feel safe.

I also red few days ago about police guide, about safety of women - don't wear short skirt, don't put make up... It's withdraw already.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
I also red few days ago about police guide, about safety of women - don't wear short skirt, don't put make up... It's withdraw already.
Typowe myślenie typu "pokazywała dupę, więc sama się prosiła" - bardzo popularne niestety.

EN: Typical "she dressed like a slut, so she asked for it" kind of thinking -- sadly, a pretty popular one
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Women don't realise what provocative dress does to men. I try to look away and it really irritates me when women lean forward with massive cleavage or walk up stairs ahead of me with short skirts. It brings up some very primal urges that are hard to resist.

One of my friends was dating a beautiful girl. She was one of the hottest women in our work place. And for a work Christmas party she wore this dress with a plunge neckline that was open all the way down to her waist, and she was well endowed. It was so insanely impossible to even talk to her. I actually avoided her completely because I couldn't concentrate and felt guilty if I looked, but it was so insanely hard not to look that it was actually maddening. It does bother me a lot and a lot of women seem really naive about it. It's not worth the attention women, please reconsider cleavage and short skirts. As for make-up I am much more attracted to women who aren't obsessed with being superficially beautiful. The less make-up the better, and I like it when women wear no make-up and don't plaster skin colored paint all over their pimples and pock marks. It can't be good for the skin. Modest women are so much easier to talk to and be friends with.

why don't your women produce more children who will fill up future job positions and so there is no reason for bringing in these immigrants anyway .
Look, buddy, get over the idea that we women are birthing machines!

I do agree that women are generally smarter than men.
Gonna barf if I read that one more time. So condescending.

Originally Posted by zotis
Women are trying to be men, overthrow men, and force men into the female role.
No woman on earth wants to be a man.

Originally Posted by zotis
I'm disgusted with the mass murder of infants by abortion
Men should stay out of the abortion debate.

Originally Posted by zotis
I love you even if you're homosexuals.
That’s big of you.

okay if women and men are equal then why only men have to open the car door for women, why women don't pay respect to men and open car door for them?
Jeez, don’t open a car door for a woman if you’re so bothered by it. We can open our own doors!

Once before I had recieved rude condescending sexist remarks from a woman for holding the door open for her.
Probably because she sensed that for you it was a huge deal to hold a door open. It isn’t.

Women don't realise what provocative dress does to men. I try to look away and it really irritates me when women lean forward with massive cleavage or walk up stairs ahead of me with short skirts. It brings up some very primal urges that are hard to resist.
LOL. This gets better & better. Sexually repressed much?
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Look, buddy, get over the idea that we women are birthing machines!
If your women do not produce children then immigrants who not only think of women as birth machines but as sex machines will take over your land .

Go to Rochdale and Telford in your country to find out what immigrants are doing to young white girls .

Trouble with a capital "T"
If your women do not produce children then immigrants who not only think of women as birth machines but as sex machines will take over your land .

Go to Rochdale and Telford in your country to find out what immigrants are doing to young white girls .
What immigrants are you talking about?

Go to Rochdale and Telford in your country to find out what immigrants are doing to young white girls .
I live in America.

What immigrants are you talking about?
He’s talking about a situation in England.

Being concerned about fertility levels in aggregate in no way implies that women are obligated to have children, let alone that they be reduced to birthing machines. Just as people concerned about access to healthcare aren't suggesting we force people to become doctors, or that doctors must do nothing other than treat patients.

Fertility rates are crucially important; societies that birth below replacement level face potential economic ruin a generation or two down the line. Both the economics and the cultural effects of disproportionately young or old societies are potentially catastrophic, and in real, tangible ways.

Not that that's the reason ashdoc is worried about it, necessarily.

Gonna barf if I read that one more time. So condescending.
That one actually has some evolutionary merit. Males (on the whole) have greater physical power. Women must then possess a way to combat that.

Men should stay out of the abortion debate.
I am immediately suspicious of men who don't.

Carry on.

Every single citizen in a free society has a right--perhaps even an obligation--to weigh in on the laws of that society, full stop. We all have a stake in how and when the law protects other people, whether we're directly involved in a given situation or not.

This is particularly true with a potential life-and-death issue, and all the more in a situation where a potential victim cannot speak for themselves.

What immigrants are you talking about?
yeah , you don't even know . The BBC have done a neat job of putting a lid on it by suppressing the news and the british police have bullied and threatened the victims into silence so you won't even come to know . affects the image of british multiculturalism you know....

Was that for me?

I said I'm suspicious but not because I don't think men have a place in those discussions - but what their motivations are for attempting to carry the mantle. Of late, there's something very disingenuous about it.

It's for anyone who thinks men shouldn't talk about abortion (thought I have a feeling that rule, for those that hold it, usually doesn't apply if the men are pro-choice and being supportive).

I said I'm suspicious but not because I don't think men have a place in those discussions - but what their motivations are for attempting to carry the mantle. Of late, there's something very disingenuous about it.
Totally reasonable. I know you to be a thoughtful person, so I took your comment purely at face value.

Trouble with a capital "T"
yeah , you don't even know . The BBC have done a neat job of putting a lid on it by suppressing the news and the british police have bullied and threatened the victims into silence so you won't even come to know . affects the image of british multiculturalism you know....
Ash, I like ya but either go make some babies yourself, or get off the idea of telling everyone else to do it. I'm pretty sure having children to make someone on the internet happy is the crappiest idea I've ever heard

Trouble with a capital "T"
It's for anyone who thinks men shouldn't talk about abortion (thought I have a feeling that rule, for those that hold it, usually doesn't apply if the men are pro-choice and being supportive).
I totally think & believe men get to discuss abortion and all issues, even menopause!

Ash, I like ya but either go make some babies yourself, or get off the idea of telling everyone else to do it. I'm pretty sure having children to make someone on the internet happy is the crappiest idea I've ever heard
Yeah, I think any discussion about this needs to recognize that these are very personal, sensitive choices on an individual level, and treat the issue with the appropriate amount of distance and abstraction.

Birth rates totally matter, a lot, and it's reasonable to care about them, but it should be enough to just talk about why they matter in general without making direct appeals. I'm not even sure that makes sense, because last I checked most men were pretty happy to avoid having children, too. It's a society-wide, culture-wide shift (and it might be an inevitable byproduct of affluence), and it should be discussed in correspondingly broad terms.