Camo's 2018 Movie Log

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I still have to see Ex Machina. I feel like it has a lot to live up to, be that good or not.
If you asked me before you watched Annihilation i would've guessed you'd like Ex Machina more, who knows now though. Think Vikander's performance is the best of either film and Oscar Isaac in Ex Machina is second, acting wasn't really a strong point of Annihilation IMO. Both have their strengths and weaknesses though.

It's definitely interesting and ambitious, i just didn't really care. Would have been better in the cinema, i know you could say that about any film but this film in particular.

I'm a bit surprised at your rating for Kiss me Deadly. I enjoyed it a fair bit more than you.

I'm with you on annhihilation though, Dialogue and that particular scene just messed with the message even though it looks and sounds lovely.


This was really good for what it is. For those who don't know it's a pretty infamous BBC show that aired once on Halloween Night 1992, it's fictional of course but it plays out as an authentic Documentary and only hints to it not being real. It's presented by real BBC presenters including Michael Parkinson. One big thing that played into this was there was a number you could call during it if you got through you were told it was Fictional but so many people called that the phonelines jammed and some only got an engaged tone. Apparently there was a real life suicide of a mentally impaired man connected to it which led to court cases and there was tonnes of complaints. To be fair to them it aired under a well known drama programme's title and during the credits at the end it clearly says written by, as well as lists the actors who played certain characters. Still i could see how someone with mental problems could take this too seriously.

If i had saw this live when i was a kid it would have terrified me as i really did believe in ghosts then and this does feel realistic. I mean going in knowing it's a mockumentary you pick up on some shaky acting and some dumb things but if i was young i definitely wouldn't have picked up on the flaws and would have probably spent the night arguing with my dad who would be telling me it's fake haha. Outside of realism i just thought it was well put together and had pretty creepy lore, although "pipes" is the silliest ghost name and i couldn't believe his ghost room was called "the glory hole" I loved that they took a hoax turn and that there was skeptics present. Michael Parkinson especially was awesome, he came across like he felt it was all nonsense while trying to remain professional. Plus the image of him totally chilll in the middle of the apocalypse happening in the studio is the greatest thing .

Read the wiki after this because i noticed a few "ghost sightings" and i was wondering how many i missed, quite a few actually and one was only discovered in 2016 Good stuff.

I saw that as a youngstern, live on bbc. I didn't sleep for days. It was both terrifying, and on reflection awesome. There was no hint from the bbc or the presenters that it was a hoax, and it was just me and my sister watching so there were no adults there to say "Guys come on it's clearly a fake, there's no such thing as ghosts". Although by thee end I think I'd had enough and couldn't watch.

I haven't seen it since. The scariest bit from memory was when the camera panned across some curtains I think - and there was a face / head poking out, and then the camera quickly switched back to that area and there was nothing there. Have I recalled that correctly?

I would check but I'm too much of a wimp to watch it again.

I saw Ghostwatch when it was broadcast and, while I didn't know it was a scripted drama because I missed the beginning, it became obvious quite quickly that it was, despite the 'cast' (you have to remember these were regular TV presenters. Parky, in particular, carried great gravitas, while Sarah Greene and Mike Smith were a squeaky clean married couple with high BBC profiles) I was stunned the next day to hear the commotion it'd caused. I think it was one of the first times I realised there's far too many idiots out there to safely think most people aren't.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

I haven't seen it since. The scariest bit from memory was when the camera panned across some curtains I think - and there was a face / head poking out, and then the camera quickly switched back to that area and there was nothing there. Have I recalled that correctly?
Yeah that's it, it's more an outline of a whole body but yeah. That's probably the most blatant of the sightings, except the one where people call in and Parkinson replays and pauses the video and the Parapsychologist draws an outline of it. That would have killed me as a kid too. Like i said one of the sightings was only discovered two years ago and according to wiki there could be as many as 13 undiscovered ones Here's the list of known ones from wiki in spoilers in case anyone is planning on seeing it:

WARNING: "Ghostwatch" spoilers below
Behind the Early Family (0:06:00) – In this most recently confirmed sighting, a faint outline of the Ghost can be found in the patio windows, whilst Craig speaks to Pam, Kim and Suzanne, concerning their initial supernatural experiences. The confirmation of the sighting in late 2016 marked the first since June 2001.[7]
During playback of haunted bedroom footage (0:21:00) – In the studio, the presenters examine video footage of a bedroom scene in which a shadowy figure can be seen behind the curtains in the bedroom of Suzanne and Kim Early. Three versions of the apparition are shown intermittently to confuse the viewer – one with the figure, one where it is slightly faded out, and one where it is not seen at all.
In the studio (0:30:30) – Behind Dr Pascoe as she plays the "possessed voice" tape for Michael Parkinson. This appearance is more easily visible if the brightness of the screen is increased.
Amongst the crowds (0:47:25) – Outside the house in Foxhill Drive, as Craig Charles calls for Arthur Lacey to join him, the ghost can be seen standing among the crowd of onlookers, apparently unnoticed. He is standing behind a woman in a blue parka.
In the kitchen (0:54:59) – Reflected in the glass of the kitchen door, moments after Sarah discovers the children's drawings on the floor and is startled by a cat outside.
Haunted bedroom (1:11:56) – In front of the curtains in the girls' bedroom as the house is evacuated. The ghost is briefly visible as the cameraman turns, but is gone again when he whips the camera back round for a second look.
Under the stairs (1:17:12) – Inside the cupboard under the stairs, a fraction of a second before the mirror leaps off the wall and knocks soundman Mike Aiton unconscious.
Close-up in static (1:27:41) – In a burst of static just as the cupboard door slams shut – sealing both Suzanne and Sarah inside the Gloryhole. This appearance only lasts for three frames, but provides a partial close-up look at the ghost's mauled face.
On the gantry (1:27:42) – On a gantry in the TV studio as the lights start to explode.

I saw Ghostwatch when it was broadcast and, while I didn't know it was a scripted drama because I missed the beginning, it became obvious quite quickly that it was, despite the 'cast' (you have to remember these were regular TV presenters. Parky, in particular, carried great gravitas, while Sarah Greene and Mike Smith were a squeaky clean married couple with high BBC profiles) I was stunned the next day to hear the commotion it'd caused. I think it was one of the first times I realised there's far too many idiots out there to safely think most people aren't.
Yeah if i was a certain age i would have tippled of course. Some of the acting is quite shaky particularly the kids and there's a bunch of really perfect moments, the best part of it is definitely Parkinson i really think he played it as convincingly as he could've except him being possessed at the very end but that's before the credits that gives it away anyway. 10 or younger and i most likely would have fell for it though at least partly because i wanted to as i was really into ghosts then, also the real Presenters being involved especially Parkinson who doesn't suit that sort of thing would have made me trust it.

Urban Legend

Liked this way more than i expected to as i've heard quite a lot of bad things about it. I don't even really disagree with most of the criticisms i just grew up watching films like Scream and I Know What You Did Last Summer constantly so this type of late 90's corny slasher was very nostalgic for me. I also grew up hearing a number of these Urban Legend's which made it all the more fun. Plenty of dumb things of course especially the conclusion but it had a great cast and it was definitely self-aware/meta although not quite as much as Scream, still it poked fun at itself a number of times which i think is needed in these types of films. My only thing is Joshua Jackson died too early, he should have been the lead male not Leto.

I've not seen that in a very long time, but when it came out I really liked it and saw it a few times. True, Alicia Witt was the big draw for me, but still, a much better slasher than it's given credit for.

Ms .45

Man, crime ridden era New York is the single best movie location, right? There can't be anything better i've never been to NY crime ridden era or no so i don't have a clue what it's like but the image i've gotten from music and other films is perfected here. Then the woman taking the power back story and that dang tune that goes with her rampages make this pretty great. That's my first Ferarra watching Bad Lieutenant next week.

Let's Go With Pancho Villa:

Man i was so into this at times but then the volume on my copy would go right down so i could barely hear it and it was the most jarring thing, no idea if that's a regular thing. I find it very interesting portraying a national hero as a sh!thead though, wish we can go ahead and realize as a nation Winston Churchill was garbage but here we are with Darkest Hour...yay!


Spoke about this enough in the shoutbox i think. It's just incredible, most haunting film i've seen since Fire Walk With Me it is one of those films that has burrowed into my brain so much that i will never forget it and definitely not soon.

Life and Nothing More...

Like i've explained before i watched the trilogy out of order, it abolutely didn't affect anything for me this is by far my favourite part of it and Kiarostami so far and also i wasn't expecting this. I thought there'd be a decent amount of focus on the dude from Through The Olive Trees that is trying hard to get married (and plays a married man here) but he's only got one brief appearance and i dunno that alone was like a tonne of bricks falling on me, i imagine it's largely what happens revisiting the trilogy. The thing that did it for me more than anything was the dialogue i really don't like talking about dialogue i like because i know how easy it is to mock, but i mean the convo with the dude who played the old man with the hump has to be the most beautiful in cinema, it destroyed me and it only lasts like 3 minutes. Just in the middle of all the "life goes on" people who have lost family members and friends this dude gets in his car and suddenly matches his largely empty words with some pretty heavy things about life and death, then boom he's gone and we're back to listening to him? Nope, it's largely visual now since we've transcended him as a narrator. Sorry i'm talking so much BS, this just meant a lot to me, it's the first film to make me cry in a few years although my current state of mind obv plays a part there.

Requiem For A Dream:

Burnstyn is unbelievable in this, after all the hype i was expecting to be disappointed by her but nah she is unreal. Otherwise i found this pretty boring, think i would have loved this when i was like 17, just left it too late i guess.

life and nothing more... is one of the greatest movies ever made
Yeah, i thought i'd have a relieved i've seen the Koker Trilogy finally feeling (since i watched the other two out of order by accident last year) but now i just want to watch the whole thing in order again.

Also i've got Shirin ready to watch in the next couple of days which will be my 8th Kiarostami. Not sure when i'll watch Close Up finally but it's pretty nuts that it will be at least my ninth of his, i swear i keep forgetting it exists probably coz i know i should have watched it by now. The Wind Will Carry Us is always in my head as the next important one.

Also watched Ms. 45 and Exotica pretty close together for the first time. Both are fantastic films with insanely effective music.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

Also watched Ms. 45 and Exotica pretty close together for the first time. Both are fantastic films with insanely effective music.
Yep. This song won't leave my brain:

And the song it pushed out was the Ms. 45 one haha.

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
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Glad you liked Ms. 45, I loved it. Really hope you enjoy Bad Lieutenant, I think you will. Exotica sounds great, been on my watch list for a while but will try and get to it sooner.
Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

Keep your station clean - OR I WILL KILL YOU
Noticed that you watched Insidious, I remember I recommended it a little bit ago. Can't seem to find your thoughts on it, what did you think?

Noticed that you watched Insidious, I remember I recommended it a little bit ago. Can't seem to find your thoughts on it, what did you think?
Yeah sorry, i really didn't like it. I understand why people are into horrors like that but it's not for me.