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there's a frog in my snake oil
What's keeping me trodding on with the main story is that Henry is such a likeable fella, so much so that I felt that it would be totally against his character to pickpocket or pick even one lock.

That's the problem with such an open-ended game featuring a named, voiced protagonist. In an Elder Scrolls game you could simply roll a Dark Elf thief and get up to mischief without compromising the role playing.

EDIT - Capra demon ... gonnnnnnne! Onwards to The Depths.
Yeah, I wonder if I'd bounce a bit off that. Gerald's super-defined character was always an issue for me in W3. (Whereas the completely anodyne F4 lead actually works for me. I don't feel he exists, so don't have to kowtow to his emotional outline )


Just noticed this new brigading / astro-turfing detector on Steam. I quite like it...

Click on the neg reviews from those days, and realise that Subnautica fired their Sound guy for being all racialist online, garnering a pushback from, I dunno, Libertarians? And racists I assume.

Handy for parsing out more emotional or instigated responses that don't necessarily reflect the game I suspect.
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

The People's Republic of Clogher
Yeah, I wonder if I'd bounce a bit off that. Gerald's super-defined character was always an issue for me in W3. (Whereas the completely anodyne F4 lead actually works for me. I don't feel he exists, so don't have to kowtow to his emotional outline )
Didn't mind it at all in The Witcher because the writing was so good and most actions, like the halcyon days of Mass Effect (RIP), were in character. Kingdom Come is trying to run with the fox and hunt with the hounds .... I've not touched it for 2 or 3 days, which is slightly worrying.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

The People's Republic of Clogher
I've not 180'd on a game this hard in a while. Still not been minded to get back to playing Kingdom Come...

I've been trying to figure out precisely why and can only come up with it being a game completely lacking in any sort of charm. Oh well, I'm not uninstalling it. Yet.

I've not 180'd on a game this hard in a while.
This is a very useful update. Definitely not that unusual to really love a game until X hours and then lose interest all at once, so this is good to know. First impressions are best, but almost as important are "after X hours" impressions, since whether a game has another gear or not makes a big difference.

there's a frog in my snake oil
(OK this is really about Star Citizen... )

Got another fun insider dump on the SA boards. Take with fine seasoning as always, but I like this guy. Their posting history is consistent with their claim that they work in a 200+ dev company, and that they worked with Chris Roberts on Freelancer at Digital Anvil. Here's his latest:

What Shape Was Freelancer in When Microsoft Took Over?

Without too much identifying information on a board that goes public (dropping the paywall) on a regular basis - it was in a very similar state to where Star Citizen is right now. They had a pre-alpha type of engine (that was doing some very cool stuff that was not being widely done at that point in the games industry: mega texture type tech, types of procedural shaders, etc) but overall was more or less an interesting tech demo that lacked any form of design mechanics in it. Microsoft's arrival (and reset of the project) started the game on an actual design path. Prior to the buyout, the team was mostly focused on the endlessly refactoring of Chris's favorite area to drive people crazy: Art

It also had lots of stunning previsualization and pre rendered hires videos (done by the very talented internal VFX team) showing off what it was going to become if given unlimited time and money: Which MS wised upped to after so many years of stalling and sizzle videos. Most of that team knew this was never going to happen, so the exodus of staff from DA was very quick and very large around the time MS came into play.
Some of his previous reminiscences on Freelancer here:
NB this is Erin in Jan 2014:

& this is Erin in Jan 2018:

Some bonus dev stuff for the curious:---

So this guy could be completely fabricating, but given his overall output, he rings true to me. The fact that his take correlates with that of other devs does help.

Detective Hats on. Always on...

But hey, what's really sexy is insider knowledge of what's actually happening inside the current dev. And he's thrown some of that into the pot, but really, it's much harder to stand this stuff up. (It turns out that TheAgent, who gets a lot of this stuff, was mainly doing so by getting older devs drunk [1], [2]. On the plus side he has at least been in correspondence with one of his biggest recent 'leaks' for a year+, which suggests some level of due diligence perhaps.)

Piecing this **** together sure is kinda fun though

I don't always love Jason Rohrer's games, but when I do I really love them, and when I don't, I love the ideas behind them. This dude swings big:

The People's Republic of Clogher
I don't always love Jason Rohrer's games, but when I do I really love them, and when I don't, I love the ideas behind them. This dude swings big:

The only game of his that I've played is The Castle Doctrine. While I don't think it's a classic, the premise was so fresh that it appeared as the central online mechanic in MGS 5 a few years later.


I don't always love Jason Rohrer's games, but when I do I really love them, and when I don't, I love the ideas behind them. This dude swings big:

Multiplayers aren't my thing, but this is really creative. I like the idea of players having to work together. Nicely done.


Bioshock 2 Remastered is crashtastic. Nothing like experiencing a crash every 3 minutes (not an exaggeration).

May 25th will show if Cage weathers the storm or turns out like Flint tapwater.

there's a frog in my snake oil
Anyone want a Steam FTL key? I got one with Into The Breach.

It has to be claimed by March 20th.
Someone else nab it, it comes garlanded with talk of good things!


On the space kick, this is what the Elite 3.0 expansion looks like...

Still slowwwww and stately. Text-to-speech encyclopedias, shimmering ship scans, the odd bonus alien, more realistic space grit, and much under the hood tinkering that isn't hugely apparent

So yeah pretty similar. A touch less empty. And I still say don't buy it yet . (But I also find it strangely beguiling when I drop back in for a bit )

there's a frog in my snake oil
Just got this email from the Kingdom Come forum. (I posted there encouraging them to put medieval VR goggles in the game )

Fairly odd. I'm assuming this is just a basic 'most popular' algo. At least half the stuff is 'WHAT IS THIS GLITCHY ****?'

The People's Republic of Clogher
For the people who think Kingdom Come was glitchy and unplayable on release, I experienced day 1 of PUBG on Xbox. That made Kingdom Come look like Valve had developed it.

The People's Republic of Clogher
I remembered yesterday that all the games I'd bought on PS3 by ThatGameCompany (flOw, Flower and Journey) were automatically added to my PS4's game library, so I downloaded them.

flOw, I've not tried yet - I remember it being interesting but slight - but I played through the first area in Flower. It's still the gorgeous, relaxing game that I remember.

Then I booted up Journey.

Over the last few years I'd come to the realisation that Journey was one of my favourite games of the previous generation, certainly one that I have nothing but fond memories of. Would it still hold up?

I played through it, enraptured, from start to finish and it's the same beautiful, profound experience as I remembered. In fact, with the updated visuals on the PS4 version, its world is even more beguiling.

What really makes the game for me is the seamless, anonymous multiplayer co-op. I can remember my initial playthrough on PS3 and spent most of my time with another player, only for them to disappear just before the game's conclusion. This time round I played by myself for the first few areas then sat down by an alter and went to make an irl cuppa.

When I returned, another player was sitting with me, waiting. I got up, they got up. I spoke, they spoke back.

We were a team!

I'll not spoil the game's conclusion but we made it through together, huddling for warmth and giving each other boosts, only to get separated just before the game's final cut scene. I figured this was normal and flew up to the place where I knew would trigger the end of the game.

My friend was sitting down, waiting patiently for me.

I had a huge lump in my throat, don't mind admitting it.

So Journey, then. As a single player experience it's fantastic and damn near perfect in what it sets out to do, but when someone enters your world the game becomes unforgettable and deeply, deeply personal and life affirming.

Thank you, anonymous human being on the internet. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Talking of my favourite ever games, One Finger Death Punch (the game which gave me actual rsi and I still adored it) is getting a sequel!

there's a frog in my snake oil
Talking of my favourite ever games
I'm going for the hat-trick. This is old, but might be of interest if new to you:

Classic Postmortem: Deadly Premonition was, quite literally, a bloody few years.
As a result, I believe the sections depicted as reality have a dreamlike feeling, and likewise, the actual dreams are given a sense of realism...
To build it, I posited three “reals:” “real time,” “real scale,” and “real life.”...
Jokey quotes aside it's actually pretty intriguing