Would you support the idea of a black actor playing James Bond?


mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
Boy, some people in this thread are embarrassing.

Anyway, I have nothing against it. Go for it. There were even talks about a female Bond, with Gillian Anderson as the star. That would honestly be the greatest thing ever.

for me it just can't be , simply it will not feel as a james bond movie at all....

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Boy, some people in this thread are embarrassing.

Anyway, I have nothing against it. Go for it. There were even talks about a female Bond, with Gillian Anderson as the star. That would honestly be the greatest thing ever.
Who is embarrassing, Matti?

There was lots of Gillian stan crap about Gillian playing Bond after Idris said the speculation about him was silly blabbering on the net. Is that what you mean by embarrassing?

You can't win an argument just by being right!
No, I mean those who went really overboard over the idea of a black Bond.
I havent seen it here but elsewhere on the net. People have meltdowns about the most ridiculous things. How about a HUMAN (not yelling) Bond. Maybe they should pipe down before all actors become obsolete.

James Cameron made a joke about it in Entourage.

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
Would be open to a Black Bond, absolutely. But no Woman Bond. There's just no point, it's all politics at that point.
I'm really only for it so much because of the potential casting of Gillian Anderson. Bond is a womanizer (well, at least until the Daniel Craig era), you could make this Bond a... menanizer? Is that a thing?

I'm really only for it so much because of the potential casting of Gillian Anderson. Bond is a womanizer (well, at least until the Daniel Craig era), you could make this Bond a... menanizer? Is that a thing?
yeah i like how u put it, he is definitely a man who focuses on the job to kill whoever is related to the villain organization at hand. definitely a menanizer

Changing Bond's color will add nothing to plot but at the same time will not feel like James Bond. Why they just don't create a new franchise with a black spy? I have no problem in support that.

I'm really only for it so much because of the potential casting of Gillian Anderson. Bond is a womanizer (well, at least until the Daniel Craig era), you could make this Bond a... menanizer? Is that a thing?
I just don't see it. I can't see why you can't just do that same idea but with a separate character.

Just requires some imagination that's all.

Changing Bond's color will add nothing to plot but at the same time will not feel like James Bond. Why they just don't create a new franchise with a black spy?
Separate but equal you mean? And to answer your question, the Bond name is worth billions in marketing as its a 60 year old world famous franchise. Cant really compare to a "new spy movie franchise". And anyway, people have been saying that it doesnt feel like James Bond since David Niven took over the roll from Connery in 1967. Shoot, Ian Fleming himself didnt like Connery as the choice for Bond and he created the character. He considered him too much of a brute and a "glorified stunt man". So not feeling like James Bond is nothing new. Its been happening from the very start. Even before the start! But we always find a way to get used to it.
Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies...

The World's Most Dangerous Man
As my previous posts may have made very clear, I'm a fan of several movies with black main characters. But a black James Bond just doesn't feel natural. James Bond is an icon, he has a certain look to him and I wouldn't want to see that changed too much, especially in such a weak attempt at making the franchise seem more inclusive...