Rate The Last Movie You Saw


I won't dance. Don't ask me...

I just can't get into this director's work, seen about four of her films now. A lead character I didn't care for and to top it off nearly three hours long watching an annoying square aspect ratio I can't stand.
I thought I'm the only one, who doesn't see brilliance of this movie. What a relief...

I won't dance. Don't ask me...
Café Society

I liked the cinematography, that was about it. Not a bad film it just felt like a whole lot of namedropping and beating us over the head with the fact it was in the 30's and not much else. Wasn't into any of the characters or performances either. It's a shame as i know some think of this as one of Woody's best films in the last decade or so, maybe it is i've not seen most of them i hope not though.

Yeah, I was wondering since couple of Allen's movies, where is his sense of humour, unconventional characters and interesting dialogues? Eisenbergs performance was so woody (nomen omen), that was hard to watch him on the screen.
Midnight in Paris and Blue Jasmine are a wonderful excptions. You should watch it, to save a little bit of a good opinion about last fertileness of Allen.
I'm going to watch Wonder Wheel. It will be played in the end of December in Polish cinemas. I hope It would be good.

Babes In Arms (Busby Berkeley, 1939)

That bloody Dorothy's cursed in terms of weather I tells ya, cursed

Tumbling Doll of Flesh (1998)

Infamous for being one of the most disturbing films ever made, and it is definitely effective at being sickening. A girl gets uncomfortable while making the S and M portion of a porno, so the director knocks her out. Things go from bad to worse real quick. This is the true definition of torture porn, a phrase thrown around too easily, and it is very comparable to The Flowers of Flesh and Blood. I liked it but recommend it to nobody!

Parents. A quiet, withdrawn little boy seems paranoid and obsessed with the idea that his 1950s picture book perfect suburban parents are hiding dark secrets - secrets somehow connected to the endless supply of "leftovers" that end up on his plate at every mealtime. Randy Quaid stars in this seriously bizarre but rather wonderful late 80s darkly comic horror flick that is a true surreal cult gem. Incredibly strange but hypnotically compelling and even genuinely frightening at times.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Tumbling Doll of Flesh (1998)

Infamous for being one of the most disturbing films ever made, and it is definitely effective at being sickening. A girl gets uncomfortable while making the S and M portion of a porno, so the director knocks her out. Things go from bad to worse real quick. This is the true definition of torture porn, a phrase thrown around too easily, and it is very comparable to The Flowers of Flesh and Blood. I liked it but recommend it to nobody!
Oh. Might take apeek at imdb but ONLY BECAUSE you mentioned torture porn. I am another who gets annoyed at how easily that's thrown around.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
No way, cricket. You're braver than I am. Glad I read the wiki but wont be watching this lil darlin'. Too much for me.

Mighty Aphrodite

Pretty much agree with Cob, while it's not one of his best it is a solid enjoyable film. His writing was still on point one of my favourite things about Woody's films is the small forgettable jokes that just hit you from time to time like "Clint Eastwood doesn't play a meek little hairdresser.", just silly kinda witty things like that his new work seems to be almost completely devoid of that which is a shame as his scripts make even his more middling films like this good fun watches. Mira Sorvino is really good, her voice annoyed me at first but she ended up pretty hilarious, likeable too. It was the perfect situation for Woody he always plays an awkward, neurotic so setting him up with a blatant prostitute/pornstar was perfect, his reaction to some things was the best like when she said "my screen name is Judy Cum" Judy Cum? For some reason that's the funniest pornstar name ever to me. Their relationship was good too, this could have easily descended into him mocking her intelligence but for the most part he stayed away from that. Also Paulie Walnuts and Larry Barese So yeah glad i watched it again, don't think it's one of his best but i enjoyed it.


Boobs In Arms (Jules White, 1940)
Truth be told I don't really think Larry, Curly & Moe were cut out for the army

No way, cricket. You're braver than I am. Glad I read the wiki but wont be watching this lil darlin'. Too much for me.
It's not as disturbing as Men Behind the Sun which I watched yesterday. They're both hardcore though.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
It's not as disturbing as Men Behind the Sun which I watched yesterday. They're both hardcore though.
I'll keep both up my sleeve for when I'm in the need for some extreme viewing. thanks champ.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Café Society

I liked the cinematography, that was about it. Not a bad film it just felt like a whole lot of namedropping and beating us over the head with the fact it was in the 30's and not much else. Wasn't into any of the characters or performances either...
That's what I rated it at too.

Café Society (Woody Allen, 2016)
If you've seen any Woody Allen film made in the last 10 years, then you've already seen this one! Cafe Society is the same old rehash that Woody has been telling in one form or another for a long while.

The film is basically a visual representation of Woody Allen's fantasies. Like most of his later films, Woody writes a main character to represent himself in the movie.

This time it's Jesse Eisenberg who plays a caricature of Woody. He does the same stumbling, muttering dialogue, the hunched over stance, while playing a slightly neurotic, babbling young geekish man who just happens to have beautiful women falling all over him....all while ending up in Woody's dream world of the past, the 1930s. A world filled with glamour and jazz. We've seen this film before!

A younger Woody Allen himself was funny in his own movies, but the elderly Woody constantly casting a character in his own likenesshas gotten pathetically old hat.

The two saving graces of this film is: Woody does know how to dress and shoot a period piece movie to make it look stunning.

The other grace is Blake Lively (The Age of Adeline). Blake out charms and out classes the rest of the cast, especially the inept Jesse Eisenberg and the milquetoast Kristen Stewart.

I heard master and commander 2 rumoured to be in the pipeline so I thought I'd finally get around to watching the original.

Master & Commander - The far side of the world (2003)


Loved it, for some reason Russell Crowe always surprises me with his performances. I mean literally everything's he's been in he absolutely smashes and he was just brilliant here too. I say surprises because for some reason he just doesn't ever look like he'll be very good at acting, extremely common looking and uninterested you could say, especially since getting fat around American gangster time which I have to say is a another great movie. Surprised me again here, I don't honestly know who could have played this role better. Strict, stubborn yet empathetic, a perfect captain and someone you'd definitely want on your side. Paul Bettany was great as the doctor, he's always great too to be honest, I liked how the relationship with the two of them developed. If this movie was made in 2017 the doctor would have become so agitated with the captains refusal for him to go find more lizards he probably would have summoned his old friend the lizard king to take him out and have spider-man come along for the ride. Also no boy, girl dynamic here which was refreshing in a way, something I didn't even pickup on until I wrote this, almost every movie ever made blatantly or even subtly has a boy, girl storyline running through it, not here.
"If you're good at something never do it for free".

Macabre (2009)


I'm so glad Ultraviolence watched this because otherwise I've never heard of it and I don't know why. I highly recommend it to fellow fans of horror, especially movies like The Hills Have Eyes remake, Inside, Frontiers, etc. It's out of Indonesia and has loads of violence. Most importantly, it is very well made with good tension and frights.

Full movie on YouTube with subtitles-

Deconstructing Harry

Damn, three Woody Allen films in one day! This was alright, it felt a little scatterbrained to me it kind of exhausted me guess that's at least partially due to watching three of his films, and it wasn't all that funny. With what has came out in recent years (even if you don't believe the sexual abuse there's still Soon-Yi) all the seducing his young students stuff was pretty creepy, that's just something you've got to try and get over in his films though. It had some laughs and i thought it had a good script and performances , great cast. Random thing i noticed Woody makes a joke about a Channel Changer in both this and Mighty Aphrodite, in both the channel changer is supposed to symbolize the power in a relationship . I bet he does that alot, can't think of any other examples but i'll be keeping my eye out for it in the future. And... more Paulie Walnuts! Alright film overall.


Getting into a bunch I haven't seen Camo. I need to get back on Allen but I desperately want to finish Hitch. Hitch, Bergman, and Allen are the three directors with huge filmographies I want to complete.

Getting into a bunch I haven't seen Camo. I need to get back on Allen but I desperately want to finish Hitch. Hitch, Bergman, and Allen are the three directors with huge filmographies I want to complete.
I had already seen Deconstructing Harry and Mighty Aphrodite, barely remembered them so i rewatched them. Going to do the same for Broadway Danny Rose and Radio Days soon. I'd love to finish Hitch, watched my 22nd a few weeks ago so i'm not even half way there, he has 51 or 52 films i believe, also one lost film.