Survivor Part X: Into the Woods


About why I voted the way I did-

7thson played a better game than I thought he did and that earned him much more thought than I thought I'd give him. I liked the fact that he was working with Yam and working both sides. There's just one thing that really put me off. He said multiple times about how trust was important and he at least needed to be in the loop. When we were down to the final 7 after Raul was voted out, me, Cat, and Jeff had to consider three possibilities; that 7th and Yam would again both vote with us, or they'd vote against us, or that one would and one wouldn't. You see, I was telling Yam and 7thson the same things, hoping at least one would vote with us to get to a duel. The reason I wasn't completely forthcoming with 7thson and Yam that we were splitting the votes is because the odds were that at least one of them wouldn't be with us. With the idol out there we couldn't afford to let one wrong person know the plans, because we had no idea who that one wrong person may be. So, 7thson, if you were forthcoming about working and voting with yam then this wouldn't have been the same concern. It's not a problem to try to get info from others while also holding out for yourself. The problem comes when you're in the final three and you preach one way but you did the same thing yourself. It is hypercritical. Not only that, but you had no idea we were splitting the votes, and then afterward you acted like you voted against us because we did that. You had no clue we were doing that when you voted. If you know it or not, you are misdirecting as to your reasons for that decision. Again, the problem for me was that you were still doing it once it didn't matter anymore. I am not necessarily of the belief that this was all your intention.

I was leaning towards Cosmic going into the question and answer period and it was painful for me to not vote for her. I believe she played the best social game and she really put herself out there. She also excels at strategy and challenges. I saw no weaknesses in her game. When it came to the answers to my questions, she answered everything the way I expected her to; no points lost and none gained. TUS answered the questions and really gave me what I needed to hear, confirming some suspicions and enlightening me to other things. I won't get into everything but for one thing he said he wanted Cosmic to be viewed as the bigger threat. When I asked around who everyone thought the first blindsided should be, his was the name that was coming up. I believed it was Cosmic, and the truth is I still don't know if I was right or wrong, but I do know that I thought the way he wanted me to think. The biggest factor and ultimately deciding difference came to one round, the round that TUS beat Velvet in a duel. When we all voted for Cosmic, I had said that I screwed up and that strategy wasn't supposed to work for them. While that is true, it at least caused us to have some confusion, and the fact is their strategy ended up getting their side a needed win. So what I didn't know was that idea was Suspect's. This was the biggest round of the game that would shift the entire balance of power. Not only did TUS plan the round's strategy, he won the duel with velvet. The final 3 likely looks completely different otherwise. Btw, it wasn't supposed to be TUS in the duel but someone jumped the gun with their vote, more testament to our confusion. So yea, I thought that round was the biggest moment of the game and TUS owned it. I had other subtle reasons for voting him but I can't really remember right now. I think he had everything stacked against him due to his reputation and that also factored into my thoughts.

Afraid I've not really been a prolific contributor in this thread, so I think it's only appropriate I say couple of quick words now that the game is over.

First and foremost, my compliments to the curator (Celebrity) for being helpful and always approachable. I entered the game completely clueless and I was grateful you took time to explain me some basic regulations at the beggining.

Obligatory congratulations to the winner and everyone who ended up on the podium ! And of course special thanks to people who were willing to talk and cooperate with me on a regular basis. I'm sure they know who they are. It was a pleasure playing alongside you.

Also Cricket and Celebrity, I really appreciate your encouraging words about me as a player. It definitely feels nice to receive some post-mortem recognition.

It bothers me that you say this is your last game. If you had won this game... would it have still been your last?
I've been saying this to various people all game, yet no one seems to believe me. Probably because I said I didn't think I wanted to play again after 8, yet signed up for this game anyway. Maybe in another year's time I'll have a change of heart, but as it stands I don't intend to play again. And no, it wouldn't have mattered who won, as my decision would've been the same regardless.

I've been saying this to various people all game, yet no one seems to believe me. Probably because I said I didn't think I wanted to play again after 8, yet signed up for this game anyway. Maybe in another year's time I'll have a change of heart, but as it stands I don't intend to play again. And no, it wouldn't have mattered who won, as my decision would've been the same regardless.
I hope you help me in a challenge for the next one, would love to have you help me out.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

About why I voted the way I did-

7thson played a better game than I thought he did and that earned him much more thought than I thought I'd give him. I liked the fact that he was working with Yam and working both sides. There's just one thing that really put me off. He said multiple times about how trust was important and he at least needed to be in the loop. When we were down to the final 7 after Raul was voted out, me, Cat, and Jeff had to consider three possibilities; that 7th and Yam would again both vote with us, or they'd vote against us, or that one would and one wouldn't. You see, I was telling Yam and 7thson the same things, hoping at least one would vote with us to get to a duel. The reason I wasn't completely forthcoming with 7thson and Yam that we were splitting the votes is because the odds were that at least one of them wouldn't be with us. With the idol out there we couldn't afford to let one wrong person know the plans, because we had no idea who that one wrong person may be. So, 7thson, if you were forthcoming about working and voting with yam then this wouldn't have been the same concern. It's not a problem to try to get info from others while also holding out for yourself. The problem comes when you're in the final three and you preach one way but you did the same thing yourself. It is hypercritical. Not only that, but you had no idea we were splitting the votes, and then afterward you acted like you voted against us because we did that. You had no clue we were doing that when you voted. If you know it or not, you are misdirecting as to your reasons for that decision. Again, the problem for me was that you were still doing it once it didn't matter anymore. I am not necessarily of the belief that this was all your intention.

I was leaning towards Cosmic going into the question and answer period and it was painful for me to not vote for her. I believe she played the best social game and she really put herself out there. She also excels at strategy and challenges. I saw no weaknesses in her game. When it came to the answers to my questions, she answered everything the way I expected her to; no points lost and none gained. TUS answered the questions and really gave me what I needed to hear, confirming some suspicions and enlightening me to other things. I won't get into everything but for one thing he said he wanted Cosmic to be viewed as the bigger threat. When I asked around who everyone thought the first blindsided should be, his was the name that was coming up. I believed it was Cosmic, and the truth is I still don't know if I was right or wrong, but I do know that I thought the way he wanted me to think. The biggest factor and ultimately deciding difference came to one round, the round that TUS beat Velvet in a duel. When we all voted for Cosmic, I had said that I screwed up and that strategy wasn't supposed to work for them. While that is true, it at least caused us to have some confusion, and the fact is their strategy ended up getting their side a needed win. So what I didn't know was that idea was Suspect's. This was the biggest round of the game that would shift the entire balance of power. Not only did TUS plan the round's strategy, he won the duel with velvet. The final 3 likely looks completely different otherwise. Btw, it wasn't supposed to be TUS in the duel but someone jumped the gun with their vote, more testament to our confusion. So yea, I thought that round was the biggest moment of the game and TUS owned it. I had other subtle reasons for voting him but I can't really remember right now. I think he had everything stacked against him due to his reputation and that also factored into my thoughts.
I still think it is a matter of timing and chance and communication - Until the Cat vote I was totally malleable to something that got me further, I didn't see it so I made my own, obviously it didn't work, but hey I got close.

I hope you help me in a challenge for the next one, would love to have you help me out.
I'm definitely game for helping.

As I told you in PM, I'd love to guest host a challenge, or temporarily compete against the actual players as a potential roadblock to someone winning a reward/immunity. Whatever would fit your theme the best.

I still think it is a matter of timing and chance and communication - Until the Cat vote I was totally malleable to something that got me further, I didn't see it so I made my own, obviously it didn't work, but hey I got close.
You did get very close and did a fantastic job overall.

I'm definitely game for helping.

As I told you in PM, I'd love to guest host a challenge, or temporarily compete against the actual players as a potential roadblock to someone winning a reward/immunity. Whatever would fit your theme the best.
Thank you.

I think I might police all future Survivor games as Judge Dredd, giving out irrelevant sentences for imagined crimes within the game. I think that would at least be more menacing than my pencil-snapping in this thread.

I think I might police all future Survivor games as Judge Dredd, giving out irrelevant sentences for imagined crimes within the game. I think that would at least be more menacing than my pencil-snapping in this thread.

You're hired.

Question 1:
Who was your favorite person in this game? Why?
Cricket because hes nice
Question 2:
Who is somebody else that you want to acknowledge? Why?
Jeff costello because very sneaky silent game
Question 3:
What do you feel like was your favorite moment in the game? Why?
winning a challenge because it made me feel like I truly was part of the game
Question 4:
What was your saddest moment in the game? Why? This question is optional if it upsets you.
getting eliminated/hearing about crickets struggles
Question 5:
What do you think you have learned from this game?
Survivor is complex
Question 6:
Which event in this game would you say STANDS OUT? It doesn't have to be your favorite moment. It could have been a bad moment. It could have been a move a player did in the game. Also - why?
Cici blindside because it was truly the first really drmatic thing to happen and signified how crazy the game was gonna be.
Question 7:
Who do you think was the smartest person in the game? The least smartest person? Why?
cricket because he was able to get a power alliance together pretty quickly
Question 8:
Did anybody upset you in this game? Why? This question is optional, and you do not have to name names.
yam12 saying im annoying, rauldc not liking me cause I thought he was cool, all the people calling me an alt, theusualsuspect saying I dont have my own opinion, Cosmic not really being my friend in the game
Question 9:
Do you have a favorite challenge from this game? Why that challenge? And do you have a least favorite challenge? Why that challenge?
Trivia challenge because I did good and it was fun and hard
Question 10:
Do you have anything else you'd like to comment about the game? Anything at all that you feel needs to be expressed? Get it out here, and be as thorough as you please. Be happy with your answer.
No I think I vented alot already

Question 11:
You are out of the woods. Where do you go now? Why are you going there?
A spa to relax
Question 12:
Pretend that you are going to visit somebody. Who are you going to visit? Why are you visiting them?
Cat's house for dinner, because cat is is nice
Question 13:
You wake up early in the morning feeling totally refreshed, alive, happy and vibrant. You just had the best dream you've had in awhile. What did you just dream about?
Question 14:
You receive a phone call or a text message or an e-mail or a Movie Forums private message from somebody who tells you extremely good news - something you needed to hear. What are you told and (optional) by whom?
Sexy Celebrity telling me im a cool guy
Question 15:
You have a disturbing nightmare about being back in the woods, lost again. Horrible things are going on around you. What are these horrible things and how are you going to deal with them?
being emotionally attacked, try to get away for a bit

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
Question 1:
Who was your favorite person in this game? Why?

Cosmic because she's probably the person I knew the best and spoke to the most. She's also funny and charming with a big presence on the site.

Question 2:
Who is somebody else that you want to acknowledge? Why?

7thson actually since I liked his approach to the game a lot.

Question 3:
What do you feel like was your favorite moment in the game? Why?

Quite cheap but the ending since I really didn't know who was going to win, and with it being a three way tie, it was fun.

Question 4:
What was your saddest moment in the game? Why? This question is optional if it upsets you.

I think learning about the players, their experiences and what they've endured was difficult to read. Cricket and Velvet exploding was unpleasant to watch as well in a sad way.

Question 5:
What do you think you have learned from this game?

Sexy is mad when it comes to thinking of challenges

Question 6:
Which event in this game would you say STANDS OUT? It doesn't have to be your favorite moment. It could have been a bad moment. It could have been a move a player did in the game. Also - why?

The way the alliances worked in the beginning was baffling and unlike anything I've experienced in any other survivor game. So how people managed stay on top of it is beyond me

Question 7:
Who do you think was the smartest person in the game? The least smartest person? Why?

Suspect for winning twice despite always being a main target. Again, 7thson managing to pull off that game style was impressive.

Question 8:
Did anybody upset you in this game? Why? This question is optional, and you do not have to name names.*

I was quite upset when I was eliminated to be honest, and my heart did sink when I found out. I can't explain it, but I never think of myself as a threat, just a loudmouth who enjoys pretending to be sassy women. I'm not intelligent as the other bigger names, but then again that's probably why they lasted longer.

Question 9:
Do you have a favorite challenge from this game? Why that challenge? And do you have a least favorite challenge? Why that challenge?*

I adored the write your own horror story challenge. I hated the posting pictures ones though. But that's just personal preference.

Question 10:
Do you have anything else you'd like to comment about the game? Anything at all that you feel needs to be expressed? Get it out here, and be as thorough as you please. Be happy with your answer

Just thanks to SC for revamping this, and bringing new players into the mix to intermingle with long standing members