My Belated Introduction


The Emperor of Ice Cream
Well, I've been here for a few months now and I think it's about time I properly introduced myself!

My name is Alain, it's a french name (I prefer to be called Al in order to avoid it being butchered ). I am of Acadian descent and I live in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. French is my first language, so if you speak french do not hesitate in saying hello . I currently attend the University of Windsor on academic scholarships and am majoring in psychology and criminology.

I love travelling, reading novels (the last three I read were "Brave New World", "'Salem's Lot" and "Oryx and Crake") and am also an avid snowboarder. Last winter I travelled to the French/Swiss alps on a snowboarding trip with a friend.

I have two brothers, a niece and a loving mother and father. My eldest brother is a professor at the University of New England in Armidale, Australia. My other brother is an air traffic controller in London, Ontario.

I am currently unemployed (or as I like to say: "not a slave to society" ), but I did work part time selling automotive parts at Canadian Tire for two years during highschool.

Well, I think I've typed enough!
People demand freedom of speech to compensate for the freedom of thought which they avoid.

A system of cells interlinked
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Bonjour and welcome to MoFo….
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

The Emperor of Ice Cream
If you were at the X-Games qualifiers I'm certain you're a better boarder than me .
Sorry to hear about your luck though.

salut monsieur

So what is your brother a Prof in at Armidale? I have had a few friends who did their degrees by correspondence through New England Uni.
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

The Emperor of Ice Cream
He teaches psychology, although it is more of the biological perspective.

Urban Cowboy's Avatar
Bad Morther****er
Hey Shaolin. I've enjoyed your presents on the boards and look forward to more. Acadian, is that the same decent as cajuns in Louisiana? Oh and BTW Eraserhead is a great flick.
Justice will be served/ And the battle will rage/ This big dog will fight/ When you rattle his cage/ And you’ll be sorry that you messed with the U.S. of A./ Cause we`ll put a boot in your ass/ It`s the American way.
Courtesy Of The Red, White & Blue - Toby Keith

The Emperor of Ice Cream
Thanks everyone. Yes, Cajuns are the result of the deportation of the Acadians in 1755. It's an evolved mispronunciation of Acadian.

The Emperor of Ice Cream
That's great

What kind of education is required for that in Australia?

Originally Posted by Shaolin
That's great

What kind of education is required for that in Australia?
I did it a funny way around, I did general and psychiatric nursing degrees, also a graduate diploma in Science Mental Health, did many courses, I have worked in psychiatry for 30 yrs, most of that time in the community working with people in their homes, I now work for myself, getting most of my referrals from local GP's.

My hsb is a psychiatrist, he loves forensic work.