Boogie Nights-A PTA Club Discussion

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It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope

Really hoping quite a few watch this one. Going to start with a review that I wrote three years ago. Not a good review by any means but at least one I can still stomach reading and stand by.

Boogie Nights was my second PTA film. I am ashamed to say I watched this and There Will Be Blood before even knowing who PTA even was. I liked it a whole lot, but I wouldn't call it love. What I did love the first time and was only enhanced on this viewing was the scope of the film. I love an ensemble film done well and PTA is probably the best in the business right now. The way he just drops you into the world he creates is mesmerizing. The way he moves his camera and the music choices he makes give you an immediate sense of time and place. I felt drawn into this movie from the first scene. I wanted to get to know these characters and this world. Maybe why I didn't fall head over heels in love with this movie the first time I saw it, and probably why it took me so long to see it in the first place, is because of my feelings about pornography. Of the many things I would change about our culture, the general feeling about pornography is one of them. Without making this a moralizing rant I will just say that I think it is an industry that dehumanizes those that participate in the making or viewing of these films. It preys on the broken giving them a misplaced sense of self-worth. The reason I bring my personal feelings into this is because I think PTA does a great job of showing this in his characters without ever condemning or judging them. What makes this even more interesting is hearing PTA's personal views on pornography and knowing that our opinions on the industry are polar opposites. Is this me bringing my personal baggage to the art? Or does PTA see what I see but thinks to condemn is to judge? I know what the characters in Boogie Nights are telling me but what are they telling you? I think it is an interesting question to bring into the viewing of the film.

At first we are only given a small glimpse into the brokenness of three characters. We see our main character, Dirk Diggler (Wahlberg), in his home life. There is nothing particularly abnormal about it. He has an over bearing mother and a father who seems to be distant. Of course there may be more to it than that but this is what we are given. It is obvious that Dirk feels very repressed by this environment and wants to break free. He is not well educated and is trying to get by on minimum wage jobs. Jack Horner (Reynolds) offers him an opportunity to be in show business, to become a star. Amber Waves (Moore) is already immersed in this world but we get some insight into her brokenness as well. She has a son who she is not allowed to see. Her escape seems to be drugs. We see her snorting Cocaine immediately after getting off the phone with her ex-husband. Characters like this is where PTA's deft hand works so well. What came first the chicken or the egg? Is Amber broken because of the loss of her son? Or did she lose her son because of her vices? We get another small glimpse into this later, in what is one of the best scenes in the movie in my opinion. It appears to be the latter, but the question remains as to why she turned to this lifestyle in the first place. The third character we see in a broken state at the start is Rollergirl (Graham). This may be the saddest character of all because we see her in a High School setting, implying that she is not even of age yet to make this sort of decision for her life. She is seen taking a test but appearing to have no clue how to even begin to answer these questions. A boy towards the front of the class begins to tease her in a sexual manner. Again deft character development from PTA. This lets us know that this character already is known for the lifestyle she has chosen. This world is not new to her. She takes the abuse for a moment but quickly leaves the classroom. Again we will get a call back to this much later in the movie that makes us realize this character wanted something different for her life. Finishing school and having other possibilities open to her was a real desire, but something she couldn't get a grasp on at this point in her life. There are other small things that give us glimpses into the type of people who choose this vocation. When Dirk first meets Jack he asks him if he wants to see him masturbate for $10, letting us know this character is already involved it what many would consider sexually deviant behavior. When Dirk meets Reed Rothchild (Reilly), who is already immersed in this world, the first question Reed asks is, “did Jack find you on the street?”. Again this heavily implies that Reed was probably found on the streets, but that is never a certainty. So we are given our archetypes by PTA, it is up to the viewer to make the decision for themselves about what this says about the characters and this world.

After this brief introduction into the brokenness of some of these characters, PTA immerses us into this lifestyle for a long period of time without ever coming up for air in the “real world”. The reason this is significant is just like the characters we forget that this lifestyle is abnormal for most. Things are going well with Jack and Dirk's movies, so our cast is living it up as one big happy family. The homes and cars are extravagant. The drugs and alcohol abuse have no significant consequences. Dirk is winning awards and he is loved by everyone. I can't stress enough how great PTA's writing and pacing are. I truly got so lost in this environment that when the conflict comes I forgot how these people are viewed by the rest of society. They even come to the point where they begin to think they are making “legitimate” movies. Jack, Dirk, and Reed come up with a reoccurring character in the vein of James Bond. The conflict comes, and it homes hard. A new character is introduced and he is viewed by Dirk as a threat to his stardom, probably rightfully so. Dirk storms out of Jack's life not realizing what the repercussions of that decision will be. Money almost immediately becomes an issue. This leads to Dirk and Reed to become involved in situations that they are ill equipped to handle. It also leads to two of the funnier scenes in the movie, and two of the sadder scenes. Dirk and Reed trying their hand at being musicians is absolutely priceless. They are horrible but have no idea. It is emblematic of their relationship throughout. From the moment they meet they are kindred spirits. They have a child like quality that makes them different than those around them. Their first interaction is trying to one up each other about how much weight they can lift. After that while the “adults” are partying all around them, they decide to have a contest, seeing who can do the coolest dives off the diving board. There is a wide eyed innocence to them that doesn't fit in the seedy world they are in. It endears us to them, and makes there characters very fun to watch on screen. It also makes a scene where Dirk has decided to masturbate for money, once again, very heart breaking. We have grown to care about this character, even those of us who do not condone his lifestyle can not help but want Dirk to have some form of success and happiness. When he gets beat it is a cruel reminder to him and the viewer of how these characters are perceived by the world.

I will not go into detail about what happens to many of the other characters in the final third of this film. We see the same '”real world” lessons for Amber, Rollergirl, and Buck (Cheadale). Each are looking for something else in their life but have a hard time grabbing a hold of anything permanent because of the lifestyle decisions they have made. We also get a glimpse into the hypocrisy of those who condemn the lifestyle. This is a point that should not be missed. These characters are treated as less than by those from the outside looking in. These people are not without their vices and choices however. PTA has such a firm grasp on the psyche of the pornography industry. Both those in it and those outside of it. It really is astounding how much care and insight went into this story and each character. I have not even mentioned characters played by Macy, Hoffman, and Guzman. Each has smaller but significant arcs. Two industry titans played by Phillip Baker Hall and Robert Ridgely also have roles that give us a glimpse into an even more reprehensible side of the porn business, child pornography. Even this is a line that PTA chooses to blurr, however. We meet Rollergirl and Dirk both when they are only on the cusp of becoming adults. So how does that make Jack any different? Pages could be written about no less than a dozen of the characters in Boogie Nights. The themes are so complex, the characters so rich.

I am not afraid to admit that even at a
initial rating, I severely under rated Boogie Nights. This is not a topic I am still completely comfortable with so I don't think it will be a movie I return to on a yearly basis. I do however love the care that PTA gave to this film. I think the character building and camera work are astounding. The set pieces and music choices are perfect throughout. It is obvious that this is a film that PTA gave amazing care to. I hate the word masterpiece and am trying to never use it again. If it ever fits though, it fits here.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Watched this for the third time a couple nights ago and although I had a different experience with it I came away feeling the same. The tragic elements really struck me this time. I think it is easy to overlook them because the film ends on a hopeful note, but there is a ton of tragedy. Despite my distaste for pornography I really love the care PTA takes with the story. It is very heart wrenching at points. Looking forward to Mofo's thoughts.

Probably won't see it for about a week but really glad this is happening. As i said i have only seen Boogie Nights once when i was 16 so this is basically fresh to me, haven't read your review yet because of that.

Boogie Nights was my second PTA and I'm really looking forward to rewatching.

Originally Posted by Iroquois
To be fair, you have to have a fairly high IQ to understand

I don't know if I will watch it, I feel like I have just watched it recently.

I gave this top marks the first time I saw it but I wasn't all that crazy about it the second time. I still liked a lot, But many things I felt differently about. We'll see when I get to another watch of it - don't know when that will be...

"""" Hulk Smashhhh."""
I love Boogie Nights. I haven't seen it in a couple of years, but it is a great movie.
Optimus Reviews
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"Banshee is the greatest thing ever. "

Of course this is one of my favorite movies. I think it's greatness sometimes gets overlooked because of how entertaining it is. There's so much going on with so many important characters, yet it flows so smoothly. There's not another movie that captures the industry or the era better. It's also got one of the all time best soundtracks.

This is the only film that rivals Goodfellas in terms of portraying a certain (unique) lifestyle in both an (extremely) entertaining and profound way. PTA is the only filmmaker (so far) who truly understood what made Goodfellas such an amazing film and who was also able to (somewhat) recreate its special vibe.

I probably won't give it a rewatch, but I'm more than happy to join any discussion about this wonderful film. I know it by heart anyway.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

This is the only film that rivals Goodfellas in terms of portraying a certain (unique) lifestyle in both an (extremely) entertaining and profound way. PTA is the only filmmaker (so far) who truly understood what made Goodfellas such an amazing film and who was also able to (somewhat) recreate its special vibe.
No question about it, and now every time I watch a movie like The Iceman or Black Mass, I say it should have been directed by Scorsese or PTA.

When's the Punch Drunk Love thread?
Oh my god. They're trying to claim another young victim with the foreign films.

Watching this in the next two or three days hopefully. Think i'm going to skip the There Will Be Blood and The Master ones but if i'm able to i'll take part in all the others.

Boogie Nights

Watched this once when i was sixteen, dang guys why didn't you refuse to talk to me until i saw this again, much better than i remembered. While i don't hate Wahlberg like most people; i think he's very fun in The Other Guys for example, i do agree that he's not a great actor but he fits this role perfectly. He's the lead but it never feels like the film relies on him to work because there's such a large ensemble, he also plays it really naive and hopeful; extremely excited about this opportunity and not considering that potential bad side of the business initially. I mean he's a really nice guy at first and you can just tell right away that this industry is going to destroy him. This is similar to Goodfellas of course in that he's an outsider looking in to a life he really wants then when he gets it it's all of the incredible highs before the ugly side reveals itself. Pretty standard rise and fall story but both Scorsese and PTA do it really well. One thing that makes this unique is that it's more the destruction of Diggler as a person, from what we see Eddie was a good guy; just ambitious and he most likely is pretty dumb like his mum says; or at least easily influenced. Henry is never a good person in Goodfellas, from the start he's an evil little sht haha. Think that's a positive Boogie Nights has over Goodfellas Dirk is really naturally likeable he's friends with everyone, there's an attempt to make Henry likeable initially by pairing him with two out and out psychopaths and giving him empathy; making him look good in comparison. Obviously i know ones about a criminal and one isn't plus they aren't completely comparable, it's just one thing i'd personally give to Boogie Nights because they go on a similar journey and i think Dirks may be a little more i dunno...powerful in comparison because of this. I genuinely feel really bad and awkward when Dirk starts losing it, couldn't care less what happens to Henry. I still prefer Goodfellas overall but i think Boogie Nights gets a point for me there.

The party/montage scenes may be my favourite in the film, just really well shot and great music. The pool scene is incredible, there's so many different things going on there; i had subs on and there's loads of different conversations that you can't properly here happening to the side of the character we're focusing on. It really reminds me of the walking through the side entrance of the club scene in Goodfellas in that it does an amazing job of creating the feeling that you are actually there and walking around the party; the only real difference is that the pool scene lingers and listens to conversations for a bit before moving on, the Goodfellas one is pretty much straight through without stopping for any notable amount of time. Guessing this was his inspiration of course; not that Scorsese was the first to do that just because his influence on PTA and Goodfellas influence on this film are really obvious. The 70's porn films they make you see brief parts of are amazing especially Brock Landers, those must of been so fun to make. Brock Landers looks exactly like a 70's Exploitation film or something, so good.

Burt is fantastic in this, he's just really cool and i'm pretty sure from his look he was born to work in the porn industry and something went wrong haha. Not sure what else i can say about him he just works as a character; he's probably the most stable character in the film and it's needed. A random small thing that i really adore is Wahlberg and Reilly's friendship and competitiveness, both in good and bad times their great together. John C is really funny in this wouldn't mind seeing more of him; "Okay now you're talking right above my head. I don't know this industry gargon" Couldn't remember PSH's role in this at all and i realize now its because i don't think he has a good part personally, his scenes aren't that good and he's kind of forgettable, obviously since i forgot about him haha.

Really enjoy the structure of this the first hour and a half before his downfall doesn't really have a proper linear path, it's basically a collection of small subplots and fun scenes; the actual straightforward plot is like 10 minutes worth of scenes then the last hour is the main plot. It's incredible how different they are, the first part is so fun then the second is so unpleasant; the roller girl limo/dirk masturbating scene is so nasty, my god. Feels weird that those are the same film haha. One subplot i'm not a fan of is Bill and his wife, think it's maybe too meanspirited to me even when it's played funny before its conclusion; partly because i don't find it funny. Think that was part of the reason why i remember not loving this, i remembered that subplot clearly especially the driveway scene which i find overly campy and ridiculous; although i admit him having the conversation while you can see it in the background is pretty funny.

As well as all this it's just really entertaining and funny, glad i gave it another shot. Great film.

Decided that i'm going to do all of these rewatches except There Will Be Blood and The Master saw them recently and enough times to know where i stand with them. So this is where i'm at right now:

01. There Will Be Blood
02. The Master
03. Boogie Nights

04. Hard Eight

Also if anyone is interested here's the article that partially inspired Boogie Nights. It's pretty long.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Good write up Camo. I love how you compare Boogie to Godfellas all be it with the distinction of how much more destructive the world of Goodfellas is. I like that because what kept coming to my mind this watch was the word community. People want to belong and have a sense of intimacy with a group of people. Dirk is accepted with open arms and no conditions by these people, same with Henry. Then of course that structure inevitably falls apart because we place too high expectations on those we love.

Boogie Nights has grown on me. The first time I viewed it when I was a lot younger, I wrote it off as just some dumb, dark comedy about a porn star (based loosely on John Holmes). But as my movie knowledge grew, I came to appreciate how well made it was... now it's one of my favorite films of the 90s. Terrific movie, probably the second best PTA movie... the best definitely being There Will Be Blood, which I consider one of the top 15-20 best films ever made.