The MoFo Top 100 of the Forties: The Countdown

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Buck Privates Come Home

(Charles Barton, 1947) This one HAS to be GBGs, she's the only person on the site that likes Abbot and Costello.
Errrrr, no she isn't - their films were a staple of my childhood See ... I even know it's two 't's in Abbott
I didn't submit a list tho' so it may well be her one-pointer.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Yay, it's starting!

The only one of those one-pointers I've seen is Jane Eyre, which I liked (although like all of the many adaptations, it's not a patch on the book). The early parts are particularly good, including a young Elizabeth Taylor as Helen Burns. I thought Joan Fontaine better cast than Welles - she played a very similar role in Rebecca. Wasn't on my list though.

I guess my #25 must have been on somebody else's list as well since it's not on the list.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Yay, it's starting!

The only one of those one-pointers I've seen is Jane Eyre, which I liked (although like all of the many adaptations, it's not a patch on the book). The early parts are particularly good, including a young Elizabeth Taylor as Helen Burns. I thought Joan Fontaine better cast than Welles - she played a very similar role in Rebecca. Wasn't on my list though.

I guess my #25 must have been on somebody else's list as well since it's not on the list.
I really liked Joan Fontaine in Rebecca and also Letter From an Unknown Woman, she was amazing in both. Little Peggy Gardner was a stand out for me in Jane Eyre, and she was equally good in A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.

I wouldn't be surprised to see those movies show up at some point.

Uuuh, I should've voted for The Cat Concerto! Love me some Tom & Jerry and that one is excellent!

I have watched and rated most of the original Hanna Barbara Tom and Jerry's, which made me just skip them all altogether instead of finding one to put on the list... shame on me...

Anyways, apart from that, I've seen jack so far...

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
Buck Privates Come Home
(Charles Barton, 1947)
You know what? I thought this was very entertaining. I watched it recently, and it really did have some funny parts to it. Abbott and Costello clips/films are something that I saw enough as a kid, but I can honestly say that I have never watched a film of theirs as an adult until this one. I liked it.

The only one of those one-pointers I've seen is Jane Eyre, which I liked (although like all of the many adaptations, it's not a patch on the book). The early parts are particularly good, including a young Elizabeth Taylor as Helen Burns. I thought Joan Fontaine better cast than Welles - she played a very similar role in Rebecca. Wasn't on my list though.
I love the story (particularly the book) of Jane Eyre just too much. I was actually pulling for it to NOT appear on any other list just so that it could be mentioned at least with the one point films. I just wanted Jane Eyre to be mentioned on here somehow.
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity - Edgar Allan Poe

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Nice beginning, Vamp! I've never had a one-pointer, but I've seen all of these except one.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
Nice beginning, Vamp! I've never had a one-pointer, but I've seen all of these except one.
Thanks! Which one haven't you seen?

Glad you're doing the countdown in this fashion Vamp. I've got stuff to do this week so I won't be able to out my full attention to the list.
Well, I will be linking each film to the second post of the thread if you will want a quick way to catch up whenever you get the chance to look at the countdown again.

I didn't think it was likely but I've actually seen one of the 1 pointers.

I unfortunately didn't watch enough films to submit a list but I'll still follow this countdown for stuff to add to my watchlist.

Originally Posted by Iroquois
To be fair, you have to have a fairly high IQ to understand

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

Buck Privates Come Home

(Charles Barton, 1947) This one has to be GBGs, she's the only person on the site that likes Abbot and Costello. As far as I know and I'm pretty sure I remember her saying she was a fan of their movies.

That's a good guess, but nope, it wasn't mine.

I love Abbott & Costello movies, and I considered several of them for my list, but only one of their movies made my list, and this wasn't it.

But now I'm curious who had Buck Privates Come Home on their list.

My 1-pointer didn't make this list, so at least one other person had it on their list. Hopefully that means that it made the countdown, but it's a movie that I rarely hear anyone talk about nowadays, so it's probably a long shot at best.

I've seen these movies from the 1-pointers list:
This Gun for Hire
Night Train to Munich
Words and Music
Buck Privates Come Home
The Cat Concerto
Jane Eyre

I haven't seen You Gotta Stay Happy, but it sounds like my kind of movie, so I added it to my watchlist.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
They ran Abbott & Costello movies on Sunday mornings when I was a kid so I've seen 'em all and Buck Privates is one of their best. Some great bits like The Dice Game and the About Face. Serious reps to whoever voted that one.

This Gun Is For Hire is a pretty decent noir.

Arch of Time was my one pointer with Boyer and Bergman. Wonderful movie and one I'd figure would be a strong candidate for One Pointer.

Thanks so much @SilentVamp for hosting this. It's off to brilliant start.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

The Cat Concerto is the only one pointer i've seen. It was one of my two nominations in the Animated Shorts HoF; it finished third. Curious if it was a member of that HoF that voted for it, sorry if the person that voted has already mentioned it not got alot of time so i had to skim through the thread.

Thanks alot again Vamp for taking the time to do this

Five Graves to Cairo was my one-pointer. It's not even close to being one of Billy Wilder's best films, but I just like it a lot. But looking at the list, I should have included This Gun for Hire. I so love it, and I think Veronica Lake was the most stunningly beautiful actress of any era. Alan Ladd is pretty cool, too.
I may go back to hating you. It was more fun.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...But looking at the list, I should have included This Gun for Hire. I so love it, and I think Veronica Lake was the most stunningly beautiful actress of any era. Alan Ladd is pretty cool, too.
The opening scenes of This Gun for Hire is some of the best noir I've seen! It's brutal, especially for the 1940s. The only other noir 'rub out' scenes that come close is the opening scene in The Killers when the Swede gets it....and Pickup on South Street the scene with Thelma Ritter. I wonder if either of those will show up on the countdown?

My predictions for 100 and 99

Sergeant York and Miss Miniver
Ahh, two fine choices, I would hope they would be higher. I considered both for my list, especially Mrs Miniver, but just didn't have the room

The opening scenes of This Gun for Hire is some of the best noir I've seen! It's brutal, especially for the 1940s. The only other noir 'rub out' scenes that come close is the opening scene in The Killers when the Swede gets it....and Pickup on South Street the scene with Thelma Ritter. I wonder if either of those will show up on the countdown?

Ahh, two fine choices, I would hope they would be higher. I considered both for my list, especially Mrs Miniver, but just didn't have the room
Unfortunately the rest of The Killers doesn't live up to the opening. After all that's from Hemingway's story. Pickup was a 50s movie.