Mad Max: Fury Road - Most overrated movie of 2015?


Overrated is such an empty word.

It's basically just a way of saying your opinion doesn't match the mass and you want to be acknowledged for that.

I don't mind different opinions, but they should come with explanations. Calling something overrated is such a frustrating and simplified way of pulling hard for your own opinion to be recognized as more significant.

Say you didn't like it or that it wasn't your type of film. Fine. But overrated? The largest group of people were all wrong or what does it mean? You can't be wrong about an opinion - that's a personal subjective thing. Calling something overrated would mean that you are saying people were wrong for having a different taste than you. It's so weird to me.

I would think that is the definition of overrated: something that you didnt like as much as other fans.
I would disagree with that, and I think that's what a lot of the arguments stem from.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I wouldn't call it overrated because if a lot of people enjoy it they can't be wrong. I just didn't like it.
I would think that is the definition of overrated: something that you didnt like as much as other fans.
But cricket didn't use the word. I wouldn't call it overrated either and I was disappointed but millions loved it and that's great.

Overrated is subjective, but in this case I'll explain what I mean by it:

In 10 years, when film technology evolves, films with this level of production value will be a dime a dozen, this one will get lost in the herd.

Welcome to the human race...
That is one very curious definition of overrated, especially since it's based more on how it'll be perceived ten years later in the context of other movies instead of in the here and now and on its own terms.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

I would disagree with that, and I think that's what a lot of the arguments stem from.
What is your definition of overrated? I was always under the impression when people say something like a movie or music is overrated it is because they regard that movie or music as not as good as many of it's fans regard it.

What is your definition of overrated? I was always under the impression when people say something like a movie or music is overrated it is because they regard that movie or music as not as good as many of it's fans regard it.
I would agree with what you're saying about how many people interpret it, but to me it's not even a real thing. The Shawshank Redemption has like 2 million votes on IMDb? If people, on average, like it that much, then that's what it is. I think there are exceptions, like when a movie first comes out and mostly only fanboys have seen it. It may be overrated until it gets a stronger sampling of viewers. If you're talking about movies often mentioned in these threads like Shawshank, Gump, Pulp Fiction, The Godfather, etc., everyone has seen them so they are what they are. The issue is in the wording. It's fine to say you don't like something that's popular, but to say others are wrong is nothing but ignorance.

I'm mostly annoyed that people think it's better than The Road Warrior.
Probably because it is.
I like how you criticize the thread but then take part in it.

I would agree with what you're saying about how many people interpret it, but to me it's not even a real thing. The Shawshank Redemption has like 2 million votes on IMDb? If people, on average, like it that much, then that's what it is. I think there are exceptions, like when a movie first comes out and mostly only fanboys have seen it. It may be overrated until it gets a stronger sampling of viewers. If you're talking about movies often mentioned in these threads like Shawshank, Gump, Pulp Fiction, The Godfather, etc., everyone has seen them so they are what they are. The issue is in the wording. It's fine to say you don't like something that's popular, but to say others are wrong is nothing but ignorance.
I see. But saying something is overrated means that other people are wrong then?

Hellloooo Cindy - Scary Movie (2000)
Fury Road is a very special me. It did received a lot of critical praise here in Aus and I actually went to the cinema to see it which is rare these days. Can't say I liked it the first time. Was very weird, offputtingly so, loud and almost an assault on my senses. Then for whatever reason months later I watched it again, knowing full well the circular nature of the story. The journey, the striking visuals, grit, energy, momentum and strangeness all made sense and worked and it moved me emotionally. It got me pumped like a great action film, a really enjoyable experience. One of the best films I have seen in years really, but it was an acquired taste. I've seen it maybe 5 times now and still enjoy it. An orchestrated symphony of chaos is how I would sum it up. I do however appreciate someone calling it overrated as basically thats how I felt as a first time viewer.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
It did received a lot of critical praise here in Aus
Australians are taking over this forum like they're taking over Hollyweed. Overrated Steve Irwin wannabees.

Good review. Makes me want to see it again because I was a bit disappointed on first viewing and was very hyped after 20 years getting it off the ground as well as the trailers.

Hellloooo Cindy - Scary Movie (2000)
Australians are taking over this forum like they're taking over Hollyweed. Overrated Steve Irwin wannabees.

Good review. Makes me want to see it again because I was a bit disappointed on first viewing and was very hyped after 20 years getting it off the ground as well as the trailers.
Australians are the best and best looking people in the world.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Australians are the best and best looking people in the world.
I cannot deny. I am Aussie, matey.

I;m just amazed that took 2 decades to make. I mean I understand the location shift to Namibia but wow, the lovely George Miller not getting financial backing for so long? Ridiculous. And he is actually a really lovely man.