Live Action Musical Movie Hall of Fame


Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
West Side Story
I think Richard Beymer as Tony is a bit wishy-washy for an ex-gang leader.
I will be going on about this very subject in my review. There are things I will definitely say about this.

WARNING: "SPOILER!!!" spoilers below
Another minor issue is when Anita sings "A boy who kills, cannot love", she forgets (or doesn't realize) that the reason that Tony killed Bernardo was because Bernardo killed Riff first.
YES!!! THANK YOU!!! I was actually going to talk about this in my review. Although, I don't really consider it "minor". Again, this will be mentioned by me in the review. So you will see exactly how I feel about it.

You're annoyed about somebody getting away with embezzlement in The Pajama Game, but in West Side Story, Chino gets away with murder.
WARNING: spoilers below
Chino goes with the police in the end. They take him away. They don't handcuff him. But they take him away.

I could've had my review posted a while ago now, but I am still debating over whether or not I want to post something so jumbled and crazy, or if I should just re-write. We'll see how I feel by this weekend.
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity - Edgar Allan Poe


You're annoyed about somebody getting away with embezzlement in The Pajama Game, but in West Side Story, Chino gets away with murder.

it's more about how a movie present itself. Movie from 50s, USA, comedy musical, I simply wouldn't expect it, seeing how the movie was set. It's like, for instance, Mary Poppins would suddenly start cursing F words. Not sure if i explained myself
You can call it the art of fighting without fighting.

Trouble with a capital "T"

....I love seeing the sights in NYC...
I was amazed at the locations they filmed at in NYC. I lost interest in the story, BUT the background scenery kept me very interested.

I don't think there's ever been another movie that features the 'hidden side' of NYC like Godspell did. Where else can you see a dance number on top of the Twin Towers? (that's for the loss of the towers)

West Side Story

I love the opening scene showing the back and forth between the two gangs. It perfectly sets the stage for the rivalry between the gangs.
that's one of the best numbers, but like you said lots of great numbers in the movie.

There are some little things that bother me, like calling each other "Buddy Boy" and "Daddio",
On a side note, Riff reminds me of a young William Shatner. I wonder if that's what Kirk would have been like if he had joined a gang instead of Starfleet.
Fascinating (get it?)

I don't get why they called 'Anybodies'...that?

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
West Side Story

There are some little things that bother me, like calling each other "Buddy Boy" and "Daddio".

Because it didn't feel natural. People just don't talk like that in real life.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
They don't dance fight in real life either.

Yeah, but I expect dancing in a musical, and if the musical is about gangs, then I expect fighting, so it's not a stretch to put the two together. And they made it look natural when they did it, so it works.

The weird names just didn't feel right.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
From wiktionary - daddy-o (informal, dated) Term of address for a man. Used in the 1950s and 1960s as a term of endearment, or to appear "hip". It's used in lots of pop/rock songs of that time.

Buddy boy was also used in that era often to denote a friend or a lower-ranking gang member. In The Apartment, Jack Lemmon was called "buddy boy" by the executives who wanted to use the key to his apartment for their assignations.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

Trouble with a capital "T"
I don't think GBG was disputing that the catch phrases buddy boy and daddy-o were incorrect to the movie's time period. She said:
The weird names just didn't feel right.
So she's just stating her opinion.

I'd guess that what she's thinking is, the words buddy boy and daddy-o stand out to much for the overall vibe of the movie. I have no problem with them, but they did make me think of the comical Maynard G Krebs on The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé

Meet Me In St Louis

ahh, the rosy, rosy glasses of nostalgia. . . Tell us again, grandpa, how simple and happy things were, that people would just break out into song and they would dance and dance. . . all those years ago! PLEASE

Of all the great opening remarks about this fun film, I gotta love Nestorio's the most: "Watching this film is like having a nice slice of Sachertorte with a cup of coffee served in Meissen porcelain Sunday afternoon." I frickin LOVE that!!!
It paints THE ideal picture of this film, which is exactly what the film does; paints an ideal image of a era long past. And it is done with a very precise and brilliantly colorful paint brush that could easily be mistaken for a Bob Ross painting. (That's the quick-time tutorial painter with huge hair that painted "happy trees" in case you were wonderin)

This is my first time seeing this and enjoyed seeing where a lot of songs I knew as a kid, came from; Under the Bamboo Tree, The Trolley Song, and of course, the wonderfully sad, Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas. Which, for me, was THE highlight song of them all. I've always enjoyed sad songs, Blues, torch songs and this was an absolute delight for me. It ALMOST came close to Judy's rendition of Somewhere Over The Rainbow for me. Almost. But d@mn close.

There as been some great lil discussions about different plot points, so I'll simply throw my two cents into the mix, now.

Halloween: I did previously remark about this and still feel the same. With the additive that nowadays, all the real ghost, goblins and sating evil spirits with jack O lanterns, pranks and trouble making as been utterly sapped out of the holiday entirely. Kids don't even trick or treat at night anymore!
I'll pull up my old man pants and scowl now. Kids today!! Harumph! Bah! Don't know dangerous, good fun if it hit ya in the @ss, I say!

Getting upset about going to New York: At first I had a bit of trouble about them being upset about it. but then I remember being a kid and my parents telling me about when they told family back in New Brunswick, Canada that they'd be moving to Detroit, Michigan and how shocked and worried about them moving to a city where "they have the bathroom two steps from the dining room table" and other horror stories. So, I actually get it. Along with how the very basis of the movie was about a more simpler life. So going to New York would be a threat, not an aspiration. Still felt bad for the dad, though.

Now, this one is all you, @SilentVamp
about that suit. . . how just any ole suit'll do.
This was no jamboree or ho down, nor was it a block party or shindig. This was a gala Christmas Dance and that was no mere suit. It was a TUX.
You ain't got a tux for a formal dance where EVERYONE is wearing a tux, a suit ain't gonna do it. Pure and simple
And besides, obviously the boy kept searchin and FOUND one and showed up, so. . .

Now. I wait.
Very happily and very patiently.
Because I love your input in these reviews and since there was more to what you wanted to say. . . Please. At your leisure, my dear, and thank you

Oh, and thanks @Citizen Rules even though this was a mistake and you were thinking of something else. . . maybe it wasn't really a mistake after all.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Meet Me In St Louis

Now, this one is all you, @SilentVamp
about that suit. . . how just any ole suit'll do.
This was no jamboree or ho down, nor was it a block party or shindig. This was a gala Christmas Dance and that was no mere suit. It was a TUX.
You ain't got a tux for a formal dance where EVERYONE is wearing a tux, a suit ain't gonna do it. Pure and simple
And besides, obviously the boy kept searchin and FOUND one and showed up, so. . .

I agree with SilentVamp about the suit. This dance was too important to her. I don't think she would have cared if he went in an ordinary suit, as long as he went with her. She was more upset that he cancelled on her at the last minute.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I agree with SilentVamp about the suit. This dance was too important to her. I don't think she would have cared if he went in an ordinary suit, as long as he went with her. She was more upset that he cancelled on her at the last minute.
her heartbreak is quite understandable of not going with him.
In the end there is a question of "appearance" which Ester followed as well. So IF he showed up in merely a suit and not a tux I do believe she would have been visibly embarrassed to the point of raising a fuss that he find a tux or don't bother taking her.

For all their goodness, how they appeared was just as important. Being and acting proper, as it were.

Trouble with a capital "T"
@gbgoodies @edarsenal @Nestorio_Miklos @Clazor @Thursday Next @Pussy Galore @SilentVamp @Gideon

So we have just under 1 month left before the deadline. It looks like everybody is doing good.

Into the Woods
is no longer a required movie to watch, so you don't have to watch it, if you don't want to, but if you want to fine. Shopkeepertriump hasn't participated and so I can't in good faith say that his movie is required. I've adjusted the numbers below accordingly, let me know if they are wrong.

Citizen Rules 9/9
SilentVamp 7/9
Edarsenal 6/9
Nestorio_Miklos 9/9
Clazor 5/9
Thursday Next 8/9
Pussy Galore 2/9
Gideon 9/9

I know that Vamp and GBG are done watching the movies. Pussy Galore, Clazor, Ed how are you guys doing?

Trouble with a capital "T"
I think I'm done, Citizen...why is Into the Woods no longer in the HoF?
Because the person who nominated it has not participated in this Hof, and hasn't watched/reviewed the movies, and hasn't answered my last PM from about 2 weeks ago.

Trouble with a capital "T"
shopkeeper hasn't been on the site since late march. His last post was like March 25
If he shows up, he's welcomed to watch and review the movies and then send in a voting list.

But he looks like a drop out and I can't ask everyone to spend their free time watching his movie, when in all likelihood he will not be finishing the Hof. I know there are members who want to be done with this and not left in limbo. I also want to finish this up, so I can start the 40s Hof Part 2