The 13TH Hall of Fame


It's been a very long time since I watched City of Angels, but I do remember it some. It has a very similar premise to Wings of Desire, but is definitely not a true remake. I wouldn't call it a Rom Com though. It's more of a tragic romance.

Anyway, I plan to watch The Broken Circle Breakdown today. It doesn't look like anybody else has watched and written it up yet and I have no idea what it's about. Should be interesting.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
It's been a very long time since I watched City of Angels, but I do remember it some. It has a very similar premise to Wings of Desire, but is definitely not a true remake. I wouldn't call it a Rom Com though. It's more of a tragic romance..
that IS a MUCH better description
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Dances with Wolves

Spoilers throughout my review below!!!

Not much to say or analyze about this film. I pretty much believe all depicted might happened. I believe Lieutenant Dunbar, after surviving his own death, experienced a conversion and might seem naive to take a post "in the end of the world" from insane general. And yes he would be the type to keep a thorough journal (except, of course, it was for him mandatory to keep a journal as the only officer in charge) that reminded me of Jesuit Missionary Journals, all nice with pictures and detailed ethnological description of Sioux tribe. Well, maybe except he didn't pray but that could be off the camera
Also, being all alone, sooner later, he would be trying to make a contact with the people around. And he used a good method there approaching them, slowly learning the language, eating and drinking with them, dressing like them, participating events etc. That is what you call Inculturation.
I am not a zoologist but I believe that wolf might come close to Dunbar and eventually take meat from his hand under the circumstances.
I am also pretty sure there were all kinds of idiots and cruel people among soldiers in Civil War and however the contrast between saint Dunbar and those orangutans in blue uniforms may seem biased, it is possible.

Anyway this was magnificent picture and I enjoyed every minute of 20th Anniversary Extended Edition. There are only two minor things I didn't like: firstly, I would cast someone else to Stands With A Fist character, somehow she didn't fit there, secondly I didn't like Dunbar's total lost of identity assuming completely Sioux culture and believes and not preserving anything from his.

Other than that, this was an excellent nom Miss Vicky!
You can call it the art of fighting without fighting.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
The Marriage of Maria Braun

I found the movie to be pretty decent the first time I watched it, and I think my opinion basically stays the same while watching it again for this HOF.

I think the film centers around a great performance by Hanna Shygulla as Maria Braun. It's one of those performances where you see her character grow as a person as the film moves along. It feels as if her emotion gets stronger as the film moves along. I don't think I necessarily appreciated her performance as much the first go around, but I can certainly see how strong it is now. Her character makes you feel sympathetic to her at times, while at times also feeling a bit uneasy.

The story is well done too. It's simple enough yet throws enough at you to get you thinking about how you feel towards the main character. Fassbinder certainly has a talent and he is someone who I will have to see more from.

The film has a strong beginning and a strong ending. That's something that is rare in more classic style films and it's something I appreciated.

Overall, I'm glad to see others have gotten a lot out of this. It isn't necessarily a deep film but it is still a solid albeit not great film.


Legend in my own mind

Wings of desire (1987)

The last of the nominations that I knew nothing about before watching.
First 5 minutes I had no idea what was going on.
About 10 minutes in, I thought 'This is very similar to City of Angels'. I notice that plenty of others got that too.

I am afraid to say that I didn't like City of Angels and I didn't like this much more either.

I like the idea, but as with City of Angels, I was left really underwhelmed, but for different reasons.

What I liked
I did like some things about this film. The concept is a great one. The untouchable and unreachable, becoming touchable and reachable. The mystery of the spiritual realm and the exploration of an unseen world.
I love Berlin It is one of my favourite cities, and it is always good to see it in film.

What I didn't like
So slow - I know that it is probably intentional and reflective of the existence of Damiel and Cassiel but everything was so drawn out. I just found it easy to get bored and wanted to reach for my phone on more than one occasion.

The language - I was reading subtitles and some things may have been lost in translation but I found the language a bit pretentious. It was like everyone's thoughts were like a chanel advert. It was all like: "I am a fish or am I a duck? I don't know because I cannot see the colour. I am drowning in cream, or is it butter? I don't know, I feel him, she surrounds me, I exist because I see love". I just didn't find it reflective of the thought life of most people,.

It just wasn't for me. Maybe I am just not cultured or intelligent enough but at no point did the film grip me, never mind capture my imagination.
Sorry @CosmicRunaway it's not personal, it's simply a preference thing.

"I don't want to be a product of my environment, I want my environment to be a product of me" (Frank Costello)

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Intriguing review @Nestorio_Milklos, going with a scientific analysis of the film regarding Inculturation. Rather liked that.
You mentioned that: "secondly I didn't like Dunbar's total lost of identity assuming completely Sioux culture and believes and not preserving anything from his."
I actually find it quite easy. When I was a child we'd visit family in Canada for a month during the summer. When I'd get back, I'd have a french canadian accent. And I've seen it done with people in different areas of the U.S with the changing of accents. While I do know, including my mother who has been a U.S. citizen since around 1958 still has her french canadian accent.

On this much smaller scale, we can consider Personal Choice, in regards to abandoning one life and immersing one's self in another since this is the situation at hand.

Dunbar easily fits that. It is expressed when he is asked why, and he responds "I want to see the frontier. Before it's gone."
We're given examples of the kinds of people he wishes to leave behind and in the Sioux he sees the frontier and discards his former life for this new one. Which the film shows us.

Retaining their previous life, for me, was the character of Stands With Fist. She was raised by them, but is NOT one of them. There was all kinds of inner conflicts and I found McDowell doing a splendid job of trying to conceal them, while letting us in on what was beneath the surface.

Glad to see you really liked Dances With Wolves overall, Nestorio.

I can understand your issues with Dunbar abandoning the white culture entirely, but at the same time I find it very believable given the circumstances. Except for Stands With A Fist (who I like and thought the actress did a good job with), he was totally isolated from his own people. Plus having seen the kind of thoughtless destruction the white people had shown (like the scene with all the dead buffalo and what happened to the wolf), he was pretty disgusted by them.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
Well there's why I've not joined a Hall of Fame before and and why I'm not sure I ever could. A week ago I started watching The Hunt, getting about 30 minutes into it before I had to stop. My plan was then to finish it off later on that evening. However in the intervening hours I found my mood had completely crashed. Crashed to the point where I didn't really feel like watching anything at all, and certainly not something as serious and grim as The Hunt. It's a week later and I've still not finished it, or felt like watching anything else from the list really.

Also there's another problem that would be a real issue with these Hall of Fames - I can't do old films!!! Ok so that's a little bit of an exaggeration. There are some old films I like. However in the very, very large majority of occasions I just really struggle to watch old films, even if I'm not exactly sure why. The night before starting The Hunt I tried to watch Nightmare Alley but had to give up after about 25 minutes. I just couldn't get into it in any way whatsoever and found trying to watch it to be a real chore. And that's how I often feel with old black & white films. Why that's the case I don't know. Maybe it's because I wasn't raised on old films whatsoever. Aside from Ed Wood and Young Frankenstein I don't think I even saw a black & white film until I was well into my twenties. Or maybe it's just some kind of subconscious mental block I have; my mind has convinced me I won't/can't like it. It's not like I'm saying they're necessarily bad films. It's just that no matter what I do I can't engage with them.

So yeah I don't know it's for me. However I may still try and take part in this Hall of Fame to some extent depending on how my mood goes

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I can't understand why people can't get into old films. I used to completely avoid them, but that's because I was blind to them.

I can't understand why people can't get into old films. I used to completely avoid them, but that's because I was blind to them.
It's equally odd (and as someone who loves my generation, frustrating) how there are actually people who think art has somehow gotten worse over time. Which makes no sense to me. There are always going to be great artists around, it's ignorant to suggest otherwise.

Yeh nothing wrong with JayDee not being able to get into old films IMO.

I often struggle to get into older films too, but not because they're black and white, but rather because often the acting style is quite different than what I'm used to and prefer. I feel like the acting in modern films is much more natural and believable, while often the performances in older films feel very artificial, at least to me.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I often struggle to get into older films too, but not because they're black and white, but rather because often the acting style is quite different than what I'm used to and prefer. I feel like the acting in modern films is much more natural and believable, while often the performances in older films feel very artificial, at least to me.
It's not artificial, it's based on theater, it's more theatrical. But I see your point.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Forbidden Games

Starts off with a real emotional scene that was real well done. I really felt for the young girl and kept thinking back to this scene throughout the film. I thought she was great in the role she had, as well as Michel.

I wish the film would have stayed as strong as it was as the beginning. It started to fall off a bit and get a bit tedious. I think the story could have been stronger, especially given how much of an emotional impact it had on its audience. Even the death of the dog could have been even more emotional as well.

Overall, it was a pretty decent film but it certainly had a chance to be great, as I thought it would be after the first twenty minutes. I probably still prefer it over Plein Soleil though.


It's not artificial, it's based on theater, it's more theatrical. But I see your point.
I know it's based on theater, but that is exactly the issue - theatrical performances don't feel natural and therefore feel artificial to me. Those kind of performances really take me out of a movie. Which is not to say that I don't like any older movies, but I do think the acting style is a big reason why I have liked so few of the older movies I've watched and why most of those I have liked I haven't loved.

I don't think a performance being theatrical makes it any more artificial than anything else. I get why you don't like theaatrical performances but i mean you love Joaquin in U-Turn and wouldn't you say that performance is artificial? To me at least it's completely obvious that he is doing a bit throughout and his character doesn't feel like he could be a real person ever, i love him in it too but i don't see how that's any less artificial than any theatrical performances.
But Phoenix's character in U-Turn is meant to be comic relief. Comedic performances usually involve exaggerated mannerisms and behaviors. It's a role that demands a different kind of acting - and a role where I expect a different kind of acting - so I really don't see the comparison there.

When I refer to artificial performances, I'm talking about characters in serious dramatic roles where I would expect to have some kind of emotional investment in them. If characters in serious roles don't behave like real people, I find it very difficult to care what happens to them and if I don't care then I don't enjoy the film.