'80s-'90s movie about a woman being haunted by her dead husband


Hi! I'm looking for a movie about a woman haunted by her dead husband. I think it was released between '80s and '90s. This woman had a violent husband and he died, I don' t know how. After his dead, he continued beating her and rape her (I think). I think she was living alone in a big house and at some point a man tries to help her. I remember a scene where she is held naked on the bed and you can see how someone touches her. There's another scene, close to the end where she and the guy that helps her trap the ghost in ice somehow, in a corner of a room. It is not The Entity 1982 and neither 100 feet 2008. Please help if you can, I really want to find it.

The movie is called The Entity (1982) starring Barbara Hershey. It's a very good horror movie.

The first post says it's not The Entity 1982.
Oh wow, I actually didn't even finish reading the first post because the description of the two scenes fits The Entity 100%. I know the ghost wasn't her dead husband but it was suspected in the beginning, and I guess that trapping the entity by ice is something I have only seen in The Entity Good luck to the OP finding the movie he's looking for.

If it fits that well, it might be worth asking @DeaFria if they're positive it isn't it. It is, I have to say, very common for people trying to remember films to mash one memory with another, or misremember a key detail, so that you get a false negative.

Oh wow, I actually didn't even finish reading the first post because the description of the two scenes fits The Entity 100%. I know the ghost wasn't her dead husband but it was suspected in the beginning, and I guess that trapping the entity by ice is something I have only seen in The Entity Good luck to the OP finding the movie he's looking for.
I agree that the description is so much like The Entity that I can't believe it isn't the same film . The mention of this moment in particular:

I remember a scene where she is held naked on the bed and you can see how someone touches her.
is one of that film's most successful visual effects and really sticks in my mind.

If this isn't The Entity I don't know what is .

I know I've seen this because I remember watching a movie and thinking this is exactly what happened in The Entity.
Ah, well that's promising. The big difference seems to be that in this other film the woman knows the abuser, which is frightening enough.

I know you have probably seen the movie years before this mtssage!! But sounds like one of my favourite films '100 Feet', where the woman is on house arrest.

Was it Asian? Because I was going to suggest Rigor Mortis.

Even if it isn't you should go ahead and watch it. It's pretty good.