Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Deepwater Horizon (2016, Peter Berg)

A decent 'based on true events' disaster movie with some great visual effects. The mud explosion scene and then the actual big explosion - when all hell breaks loose - are exceptionally well done. That's the best part of the movie, hands down. Otherwise not much about it really stands out but... it's still fairly enjoyable.

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)

Very good. Kept me glued to the screen. Many surprises. I refused to watch Cloverfield, so, I'm actually glad I gave this movie a chance. This movie is very watchable and reminds me of Signs (2002).
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"I may be rancid butter, but I'm on your side of the bread."
E. K. Hornbeck

John Goodman is so good in that.

Pretty obvious spoiler ahead.

WARNING: "10 Cloverfield Lane" spoilers below
I really wish it wasn't called 10 Cloverfield Lane so the reveal with the obvious connection to the original would've been truly shocking at the end, being a big fan of Cloverfield, and all. It really killed any surprise going in. It's a pretty solid movie, though.

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
I don't read about movies, until after I've seen them. I turned Cloverfield off quite early, so, I still don't know what the obvious connection might be. I can't believe this movie is better than Signs, and only on a $5 000 000 budget. Must be Joaquin that is bringing down that Signs rating.

Retribution (which I would probably count as the series' high point and would genuinely recommend despite your existing reservations about the series).
Well sh*t, I guess I'ma give it a go then.

Some, er, controversial ratings there!
Moonlight - 6/10
La La Land - 6.5/10
Silence - 6.5/10
Miss Sloane - 6.5/10
A Man Called Ove - 7.5/10
Fences - 6.7/10
Hacksaw Ridge - 7/10
Hidden Figures - 7.5/10
Manchester by the Sea - 6.5/10
Hell or High Water - 5/10

Mostly most Oscar movie... meh!

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
Well sh*t, I guess I'ma give it a go then.
I watched it and I won't waste my time rating it. It is what it is. Many gamers and prepubescent boys love it, and for good reason. No need to crap on their parade.

I just added this to my Netfix queue. After reading your review, I'm thinking about skipping it.

Has anybody else seen this one?
Bro just watch the first 10 minutes and then you will skip it.. unless you like torture.

Have never seen Casablanca...have always had the feeling that it would be one of those classics that doesn't live up to its rep but I'm going to give it a go someday.
I was hugely underwhelmed, if not bored, by it, to be honest. Overrated was the first word on my mind after it ended.
Not saying it's bad - I just didn't get what the whole fuss was about.

Sure, Bogart's charismatic screen presence was riveting to watch as was Ingrid Bergman's ethereal beauty, but I just didn't connect with the story all that much.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
two comics/cartoon related documentaries, kung fu and an action sequel. . . such was my previous week

I Know That Voice (Documentary)
++ This was rather interesting. Going through a variety of voice talents it delved , rather deeply into both the "technical" aspects of their trade, but the "emotional" as well. Fun, informative - rather liked the concept of how they set the particulars of "voicing" a script as if it was a sheet of music - that was pretty cool.

Dear Mr. Watterson (Documentary)
This was more of a love letter TO the creator/artist/writer of the Calvin and Hobbes comic strip since Bill Watterson has been, and remains a reclusive who never merchandised his work and kept it in strip form only. Found this rather endearing in format, as both old and new fans paid homage, along with other comic strip artists, including Breathed who did Bloom County/Opus/Outland sharing some of their correspondence that always included artwork to one another.
I found this while searching for the first doc and was rather happy to have stumbled across it. Now I need to pull out one of my Calvin and Hobbes books and reread this fanciful, and at times, philosophical strip who's soul motive was to: Go Exploring.

God Bless You, Mr Watterson - where ever you are

Rise of the Legend (China)
+ While I did enjoy seeing old time great, Sammo playing the villain, this was the usual vengeance faire as the antagonist moles his way into the leading dock gang. Some very decent fights and not so decent wire work but still entertaining all the same.

Jack Reacher; Never Go Back
I really would have enjoyed this a WHOLE lot more if they didn't go the fail-safe way of humanizing the character by bringing in a teenage girl for him to protect and care about. This budding franchise REALLY didn't need a liberal dose of saccharine, so early in the game.
Otherwise, I could have fully enjoyed this as I did the original.
The Bastards.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

American Honey (2016)

I'm not sure how I would describe this, maybe a free-spirited road trip look at white trash America. I felt like I shared an experience more than watching a movie. It's two hours and forty minutes long but I was never bored. I think all of the actors did a fantastic job bringing the characters to life. It was a weird mix of depressing and uplifting.

I started that the other day, got about fifteen minutes in, really liking it. My favorite thing so far is it's use of modern music. It is seriously refreshing to see an artistic film embrace that kind of music.

Little Devil's Avatar
MC for the Great Underground Circus
The last movie I watched was Arrival.

I can't say I expected much and I didn't get much either. I didn't read th book so I can't say if it's faithful to it or not [not that it even matters, I'm quite ok with certain liberties as long as they make sense].

It's not a bad movie at all, just not that wonderful either. Has a good premise though.

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
The Witch (2015)

No, not everything. The subtitles were very helpful.

This thing is like a broken Shakespearean tragedy. A movie about trying to get a glimpse of boobies, crying, praying and lamenting. After that, they blame the goat. Way too much talking, but not regular talking, it's mostly religious drivel. There are a few very brief appearances by a crow, two ghosts and some witches. Waste of my viewing time and patience.

Iro's rating was right on this one.
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Trouble with a capital "T"
The last movie I watched was Arrival.

I can't say I expected much and I didn't get much either. I didn't read th book so I can't say if it's faithful to it or not [not that it even matters, I'm quite ok with certain liberties as long as they make sense].

It's not a bad movie at all, just not that wonderful either. Has a good premise though.
I never compare the book to any movie, the book is always better. I haven't seen Arrival yet, but plan on doing so.

Little Devil's Avatar
MC for the Great Underground Circus
The Witch (2015)

No, not everything. The subtitles were very helpful.

This thing is like a broken Shakespearean tragedy. A movie about trying to get a glimpse of boobies, crying, praying and lamenting. After that, they blame the goat. Way too much talking, but not regular talking, it's mostly religious drivel. There are a few very brief appearances by a crow, two ghosts and some witches. Waste of my viewing time and patience.

Iro's rating was right on this one.
My favorite movie of the year.
You're more advanced than a cockroach, have you ever tried explaining yourself to one of them?

Welcome to the human race...
Well sh*t, I guess I'ma give it a go then.

I watched it and I won't waste my time rating it. It is what it is. Many gamers and prepubescent boys love it, and for good reason. No need to crap on their parade.
Yeah, well...

The Witch (2015)

Iro's rating was right on this one.
...shows what you know.


Lethal Weapon 4 -

I'm too old for this sh*t.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0