

You mean me? Kei's cousin?
Well, things have been said to and about me that I've found disrespectful. I've been called "nuts" or some such thing for the ratings I give at every other turn. I'm pissed as hell. I don't even feel like myself anymore. I feel like some angry, cynical version of me who can't even talk to his own mother without blowing up due to stuff here combined with real life for the past 4-5 years. For now, I must go. Maybe I won't leave permanently, maybe I'll be back some day, but I can't take this sitting down. I must go. I actually didn't think anyone would care at all, but since someone does, maybe I'll be back. I have to find myself before I'm completely lost. That's all I can say.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
With all due respect, you must be nuts to go nuts just because somebody called you nuts.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Man i hope this isn't because of me. I've mentioned your ratings before, i don't remember calling you "nuts" if you are claiming i did then i'd like to see that post, if you are talking about someone else and i'm being paranoid then cool. If i did then i apologize, i wouldn't have been genuinely calling you nuts but saying i find your rating system nuts which i don't think is a big deal but if you do then i apologize.

I don't have a problem with you, i remember we had a pretty mild argument once over me admittedly mocking your ratings but it lasted like five comments and we've since repped each other and spoke about our shared love of Poltergeist 1 and 2 . The thing the other night wasn't even about you i misinterpreted what Swan was saying; i thought he was saying that we shouldn't be allowed to question your ratings or ask for more of your thoughts on the movies and we sorted that out.

Anyway if this wasn't about me and it's just me thinking MoFo revolves around me again then sorry If it was then i think you should reconsider leaving because i don't have any problems with you, of course if it is really affecting your personal life then a break would probably be wise.


Don't let what people say about you become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Let it go in one ear and out the other. Just remember, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never harm me".

If I can expand on Minio's succinct summary of what I'm about to say - I understand the effects of real life, but (no disrespect to the MoFo site) this is just a website (a good one, but just a website like millions of others).

For me, a website is an activity I engage in to momentarily forget or distract myself from the very real problems of real life - and this may sound harsh, but perhaps if someone is getting overly upset over people talking anonymously on the Internet, then maybe the problems they are faced with in real life aren't all that huge (if they were, people would view this as recreation and part of the "small stuff" that they don't sweat. And for people with really huge problems in real life, if they are in any way trying to deal with them, they probably don't have the time to read what others think of them on the Internet).

I don't say this to be judgemental, but I speak from experience - if I described what I face on a daily basis, you'd understand why coming here is just an escape into fantasy just to get away from reality for a little while.

I think calling a movie opinion "nuts" should (usually) just be taken as a colorful way of expressing disagreement.

That said, it'd obviously be better if pretty much all of us phrased our disagreements in less abrasive terms. It's not as if making them sound more aggressive makes them more persuasive, anyway.

I think calling a movie opinion "nuts" should (usually) just be taken as a colorful way of expressing disagreement.

That said, it'd obviously be better if pretty much all of us phrased our disagreements in less abrasive terms. It's not as if making them sound more aggressive makes them more persuasive, anyway.
Sometimes you sound so smart I get weirdly aroused.

The only weird thing about that is that you think it's weird.
Actually I added the 'weird' part last minute. just in case

Maybe I'm not completely confident in my linguistical sexuality.

If it helps at all I think you're a canny linguistic expert MM

Well damn it Steve Freeling I actually liked you! Dont go!

I feel ya though on your reasonings, enough of a group keep saying something that sounds innocent and ribbish, well it adds up over time and makes a wrong impression. Sometimes it hasnt and you just think it has, but not all the time.

Throw em on Ignore User and stay, thats what I say. The features there for you for reasons like this, so use it. In time you may take them off it, but it would give you a time-out from the b.s.. Worth a shot, eh?

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
... if I described what I face on a daily basis, you'd understand why coming here is just an escape into fantasy just to get away from reality for a little while.
Almost sounds like you're in law enforcement.
"I may be rancid butter, but I'm on your side of the bread."
E. K. Hornbeck

Bummer dude. I hope you reconsider. Though I have felt insulted and ganged up on on here in the past as well, so I understand the feeling. Just remember - a lot of us like you. Whatever negativity comes your way is insignificant. If you do stick around, feel free to chat with me some time just for some sort of reassurance if you need it.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Okay, guys. I'll be back. Tell ya what, I'll post one last rating for you to remember me by until I come back.
Definitely come back!....or...Definitely come back! Either way take a break from posting, but don't forget to stop by in the near future

Well that sucks Steve, but I understand if you need to take a break, I myself took one not too long ago (for different reasons though).

Hope to see you back sooner than later!