potter 3 sucked

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harry potter 3 sucked. i just finished watching it an hour ago and i cannot stop pissing on the damn thing. where was all the plot? i belive that everything that was left out should be implanted into the DVD or heads will roll. the 3rd book was my favorite and the bastard director ripped it up, burned the book, and finally threw it in the garbage.

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Originally Posted by phill
harry potter 3 sucked. i just finished watching it an hour ago and i cannot stop pissing on the damn thing. where was all the plot? i belive that everything that was left out should be implanted into the DVD or heads will roll. the 3rd book was my favorite and the bastard director ripped it up, burned the book, and finally threw it in the garbage.
That really surprises me.....all the reviews I've read so far have been excellent.

How did the director ripp it up?

And...no offense phil...but I'm going to wait and take my cue from Blibblobbib. He's our Harry Potter guru.

Registered User
i understand that you'll need a second opinion, but it really sucked. the map was the only good part along with the hippogriff.


WARNING: "Harry Potter" spoilers below
it is supposed to be scary, i was there and there were tons of little kids and they barely even shifted at the startling parts. the parts where they tell you what the point of the animagus is with their names and the names on the map. he gets the broom at the end. they only show the one quiditch match. they never mention chang. neville lost like 50 pounds. all the necessary plot, along with the extra juicy stuff, was gone. the knight that was supposed to be guarding the griffindors common room was only there once (after fat ladie's painting is ripped up). ginny only has one line. there are only 2 ghosts in the whole thing, one stole the others head and they're galloping around the dining hall. no headless nick. oliver wood wasn't in it.

the list goes on and on and on.

My life isn't written very well.
Spoilers tags are needed phill! Damn, just because you didn't like it...
I have been formatted to fit this screen.

r66-The member who always asks WHY?

Originally Posted by r3port3r66
Spoilers tags are needed phill!
Spoiler tags added….

Everyone please remember to use spoilers in the future and not ruin the movie for others…
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~William Blake ~

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Originally Posted by phill
harry potter 3 sucked. i just finished watching it an hour ago and i cannot stop pissing on the damn thing. where was all the plot? i belive that everything that was left out should be implanted into the DVD or heads will roll. the 3rd book was my favorite and the bastard director ripped it up, burned the book, and finally threw it in the garbage.
You went into the movie expecting the book. That's your fault. I did it too but, I liked the movie. Word of advice, DO NOT compare the movie to the book in any way. You WILL be disappointed
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

I never read any of the books, but saw all three movies and thought that this one was great.
"You can't fight in here this is the War Room!"

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Originally Posted by phill
i understand that you'll need a second opinion,
Thanks Phil.
I appreciate you letting us know why you didn't care for it.

I was going to take the kids to see it this weekend...but I had to ground my daughter. I'll have to wait until next week to see it.

Look at it this way, at least he didn't screw them up as bad as Chris Colombus did.

I saw HP 3 last night and it was marvelous. It had the best of all the films so far. As a fan of the films, I can't say much more, except that if you are in the mood for a great time, and want to be entertained please go see Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

My grade:

Do you know my poetry?
Although I don't think this film is better than The Chamber of Secrets, I still think it was a very great film over all. Alfonso Cuaron did a great job in directing this one, his directing style was very different from Columbus, and I think I do like Cuaron's style better.

My Rating:
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - Eight out of Ten

There were a few things left out that were in the book that should have been included. Fun facts that I thought were the most exciting when reading the book. Especially the origins of the Map and the nature of the Patronus... people who've read the book know what I'm talking about. The one thing that bothers me, and probably would have been the only thing if I hadn't read the book, was Harry's fake-@$$ wimpering. I liked how his emotion ended, but the crying was pathetic. Crappy acting at that point. Malfoy needs a little work too. His film character and the book character have moved too far apart. Not really the same. And the director loves to fade out a little too much. Most of the time, it was needed, but there were some times that it was just plain unnecessary. Otherwise, loved the film. Hippogriff was awsome, and so were the dementors. Better than I imagined. I had fun watching it.

well i heard that they cut out lots of things from the book, but you really shouldn't judge a movie by how faithful they are to the book..i've been disappointed too many times that way, especially with the lotr series of movies...

however there are certain films that i found better than the books, two of them being jaws and the new count of monte cristo...

you should always take films on their own merits not how much a book follows the film or what they cut out or included...

i'm going to see the new harry potter today...

You ready? You look ready.
Originally Posted by PenclArtst
There were a few things left out that were in the book that should have been included. Fun facts that I thought were the most exciting when reading the book. Especially the origins of the Map and the nature of the Patronus... people who've read the book know what I'm talking about. The one thing that bothers me, and probably would have been the only thing if I hadn't read the book, was Harry's fake-@$$ wimpering. I liked how his emotion ended, but the crying was pathetic. Crappy acting at that point. Malfoy needs a little work too. His film character and the book character have moved too far apart. Not really the same. And the director loves to fade out a little too much. Most of the time, it was needed, but there were some times that it was just plain unnecessary. Otherwise, loved the film. Hippogriff was awsome, and so were the dementors. Better than I imagined. I had fun watching it.
Well, see my other post. Here let me post it again.
Originally Posted by Me
You went into the movie expecting the book. That's your fault. I did it too but, I liked the movie. Word of advice, DO NOT compare the movie to the book in any way. You WILL be disappointed
I'm just messin with you. One more thing the Dementors aren't supposed to fly.

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In Tyler We Trust
I did see hp 3 last night too it wasn't that great it wasnt i beat it was the second best out of the three. I enjoyed it. i didnt read the books so i wouldnt know what parts were left out. i Hope the 4 one will be good it probably is.
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coke kills drink pepsi
Originally Posted by phill
harry potter 3 sucked. i just finished watching it an hour ago and i cannot stop pissing on the damn thing. where was all the plot? i belive that everything that was left out should be implanted into the DVD or heads will roll. the 3rd book was my favorite and the bastard director ripped it up, burned the book, and finally threw it in the garbage.
That was the stupidess and useless review ever posted on this site, ever. How is that supposed to tell the viewers about the movie besides just butchering the movie and how the plott is all stupid, you have to include some pssitive attributes, as well as the negative.
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