The 2016 Mofies - The Categories


Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
It's this time of year again! Exciting times

Anyway, I'll quickly post the rules before we get going with the categories:

You can post your choices in the thread, but please just edit your original post if you want to change it before the deadline

The deadline will probably be around mid December at the latest. At the minute I'm thinking before 16th December, since that's the day I go home. But if that's too soon, I can easily move it around!

PM your votes to me. Just title them 2016 MoFies Nominations - Your Username But once you've messaged your choices to me you can't change them afterwards!

You can select up to 5 choices for each category! (For Best Couple, you can select 10)

There are a lot of categories, so partial lists will be accepted. Just remove the categories you aren't nominating for, or bold the ones you are. Whatever's best for you.

And no voting for yourself

By their request, please do not vote for any of the following:

Any votes cast for any member will be invalid, and will take up a spot that someone else could take!

This won't be fancy like Rodent's page last year, so I apologise for that! We'll try to get it looking nicer and more fancy for ceremony and ballots!

1. We Miss You Most Of All

Any MoFo who hasn't been active for a while, and you wish they were!

2. You're One Of Us Now! Best New MoFo

These MoFos must have joined the site after the 1st January 2016, and are the ones you think have made the biggest impression in their short time here!

3. Worst Thread Of The Year

The sh!ttiest threads that were either unbelievably dull, boring, or just brought out the worst in everyone.

4. Best Thread Of The Year

Any thread created outside of the Games & Tabs section. Simply the thread that either brought out the best of us, brought us together as a community, simply suited your tastes etc.

5. Best Game Thread Of The Year

Same as the Best Thread category, but applied to any game thread created after January 1st!

6. Most Memorable Post Of The Year

Whether it was controversial, hilarious, through provoking, or touching, choose the posts that stuck out in your mind from January 1st onward of this year!

7. Smartest MoFo

Whether it be limited to movies or not, this one is for the MoFos who should belong to Mensa!

8. We Like You! Please Post More

The MoFos who sometimes pop by, but you wish would spend more time here

9. Most Helpful MoFo

Simply the MoFo who you think is the most helpful.

10. Sees A Pot, Has To Stir It. Most Controversial MoFo
Rodent really summed it up best, I think!

The MoFo who, whenever there’s a fight, a disagreement or insults being thrown around, they are always in the thick of it, and more than likely the one who started it.

11. MoFo You'd Most Like To Meet In Real Life

What it says really, the MoFos you get along with so well that you wouldn't mind meeting them off the site!

12. Best MoFo Couple
The MoFos who are destined for each other. Fate brought the two of them to this site. They always work together, and act like a married couple.
Or the opposite. Two MoFos who feud constantly

13. MoFo You'd Most Like To Be Stranded On An Island With

What it says really! Who would you most like to be stranded with.

14. Funniest MoFo

The MoFo who always makes you chuckle, or full on make you lose control of your bladder.

15. Best Username

The MoFo you think has the most creative, and witty username.

16. Best Avatar Of The Year


17. Best Profile Banner

Same as above.

18. Most Creative MoFo

Who comes up with the best ideas for the site, makes the best threads, is a wizz with computers, art in general etc.

19. Most Improved MoFo
Stealing this one again!

Whether a new MoFo or an older MoFo, who you think has improved within the boards during their time here. Whether it’s posting, reviewing, or simply taking part in discussions, who has improved the most?

20. MoFo Overachiever

The MoFo who is absolutely everywhere, in every thread, and if there's something going on, they'll be there in amongst it all!

21. MoFo Reviewer Of The Year

The reviewers here are extremely dedicated, hard working and produce some brilliant stuff.It'll be stacked as usual this year, but this one is for the MoFos who you enjoy reading their perspectives on time and time again!

22. Master Of Movies
Gonna do a Winona and pinch this one as well

This is for the MoFo that you think is the best all round MoFo going. Broad knowledge on movies, good at reviews, knows the answers to every question and is simply a book of knowledge when it comes to the site and movies in general.

And finally


It was a big political year, especially for the Brits and Americans. So this year, we'll elect a president of MoFo.

The final 5 nominees, when they're revealed, will have to choose their VP if they decide to! So for now, vote for one person, then, like in real life, they can choose their VP!

Please do not lump me with someone Ive got on Ignore User. Stop trying to stir it CR

I dont miss Slob

Please do not lump me with someone Ive got on Ignore User. Stop trying to stir it CR
It fits.

12. Best MoFo Couple
The MoFos who are destined for each other. Fate brought the two of them to this site. They always work together, and act like a married couple.
Or the opposite. Two MoFos who feud constantly

Nuh-unh! If Im Ignoring him theres no feud, all drama gone, the end.
The MoFies encompass all of 2016, so if you've been feuding with him this year it still fits.

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
If you look towards the end of the discussions thread, I talked and explained which ones were changed and why, and the ones people were okay with I went ahead with!

Trouble with a capital "T"
Oh sorry, I do apologise!
No worries, I usually post that I've updated my list, not for the host, but for other people as otherwise they won't know I've added more choice-choices (which I'm doing right now).

Trouble with a capital "T"
No I wasnt being touchy just generally curious.
OK, here's the straight stuff. I take being nominated for the category as a compliment. You've been very active this year. The first year I was here, I never even seen you. I guess you didn't post much? Now you are very active, making threads. To me that's what the category is about.

1. We Miss You Most Of All


2. You're One Of Us Now! Best New MoFo

Cosmic Runaway

3. Worst Thread Of The Year

Hollywood Blockbusters Are Masterpieces; Art Is Pretentious -Zotis
Content Doesn't Matter - Zotis

4. Best Thread Of The Year

5. Best Game Thread Of The Year

11th HOF - Camo
Sheep - Camo
Animation HOF - Rauldc14

6. Most Memorable Post Of The Year

7. Smartest MoFo

8. We Like You! Please Post More

Sir Toose
Funny Face

9. Most Helpful MoFo

Mark F

10. Sees A Pot, Has To Stir It. Most Controversial MoFo

Sexy Celebrity

11. MoFo You'd Most Like To Meet In Real Life


12. Best MoFo Couple

CiCi and Camo
Guaporense and Zotis
Yoda and Nostromo87

13. MoFo You'd Most Like To Be Stranded On An Island With

The Gunslinger45

14. Funniest MoFo


15. Best Username

16. Best Avatar Of The Year

17. Best Profile Banner


18. Most Creative MoFo

19. Most Improved MoFo

20. MoFo Overachiever

21. MoFo Reviewer Of The Year

Movie Meditation

22. Master Of Movies

Mark F


Sexy Celebrity (he's basically Trump anyway)