Survivor VIII: Murder Mansion


Like I said it's my opinion, and making comments and Jokes is one thing, giving advice to a host is fine too.
Butting in during challenges is not, talking about game strategy with privleged information is not
Am I forgetting something that happened, or are you talking about other Survivors as well?

I don't think Topsy would've found the idol on her own that night, so I agree that Camo giving it to her would've had an unfair impact on the game. I also found the idol and asked TUS if it was right, but literally minutes later was when Topsy told me that Camo had already found it hours before hand and sent it to her.

I was a little disappointed because that meant I couldn't save you, but I couldn't complain because tat found an idol in Survivor VI (that ended up being irrelevant because it wasn't needed though) that SC let stand. Since Topsy was honest about where it came from like I was with tat's, I figured that counted for something.

When TUS started asking me about the idol and how I found it, I figured he might be trying to decide what to do about the situation, so when I sent in my vote I mentioned that should he allow me to have the idol instead of Topsy, or instead of just nullifying it completely, that I would've used it for 7thson. When the results were revealed, that's what happened.

So the tl;dr version is that Camo's "interference" with the game (if you want to call it that) ultimately didn't have any impact on how events would've unfolded if he didn't find it (except in the story where he got killed and Topsy lost her hand), so in my opinion there's no point in holding that against him now. I wouldn't have even been bitter if Topsy was allowed to keep it, but it wasn't my place in the game that was in question at that point.

I can't think of anything else that happened this Survivor, unless you're also talking about Tongo's Lecter posts. Those were just a bit of fun, and they had no impact on the game.

Oh, so that's what the "I" was for... Iroquois.

Is that how you figured it out?
Yes. It probably helped that he was online at the time.

How did you know Yoda was the victim?
That was the first clue that was given out as a reward.

I mentioned all the clues in the story: the victim Yoda, the library being the scene of the crime, and a VHS copy of Homeward Bound being the murder weapon. Before Iro shows up in the story, I mentioned Camo's last words, which was the clue that lead me to figure out it was Iroquois, and is what I assume TUS alluded to when he said that part of the story held a clue to the killer's identity.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Heh! When I told you no over and over again in PM....its impossible for you to have been surprised I pulled out before the game began.

Yeah when I saw besides a great theme, a host that was expecting everything to fall at his feet. Sorry you didnt get adulation throughout in running a game TUS, but its not about you! You were saying this was the worst game ever before you got to the first vote.

Id love to tell you anyone getting a variety of challenges together will run a successful Survivor game, but it takes more than that. Ive seen great challenges in a flat game before, this isnt the first time its happened. Stop pointing.
What the hell are you talking about??? I was expecting everything to fall at my feet? I must have private messaged 30-40 people asking them to play. That's desperation, not expectations.

I don't care if people "praise" me for the game...I simply wanted people to play. You Tongo, of all people, should know how much work goes into hosting a game like this and to have so few people give a damn, or actually participate is disheartening. To make things worse, people that specifically said NO, still decided to play the game (Camo) as half assed as he wants to say he searched for the idol, he still found it and told someone. Not cool.

I never once said this game was about me. We eliminated a bunch of people BEFORE the first vote. That's the indicator that the game was going to be bad. The same thing happened to you, but you had the enthusiasm and the bodies to play your game, I did not.

I had to ALTER this game drastically. The killer's identity changed (it was someone involved but as it was mentioned, very few people played so I changed it to be someone randomly on the forums). I had an elimination challenge where if people got the answer right, they're safe until it was the last two people and the loser would be eliminated,no vote. A big Brother elimination, where we had an HOH who would nominate two people, they fight for a veto, then vote on those two. Plus a bunch more.

I had a good mix of immediate challenges (hangman) and two day challenges but opted for the 2 day because it would be even worse.

I'm surprised people who did not participate are more vocal about this ending then the people who did. What's that say?

Thanks for playing though.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

The murder weapon was a VHS copy of Homeward Bound?

Peg Sexy was watching VHS tapes in her sleeping quarters. Wonder if she saw it.

Oh - of course Iroquois would use that as a murder weapon. He couldn't handle a real weapon. But I bet dogs and hipsters who collect VHS tapes are all deeply offended now.

hey,i dont have time to read through-im very sorry for having to drop out if im not already out for not doing the last back in hospitale so havent been able to get on to let you know,havent been up to it health wise either tbh. im sorry TUS,youve done such a great job hosting.i prob wont be on for awhile-good luck cosmic and 7thson.
Britney is my favorite

The killer's identity changed?

Who was it? Was I the original killer?

I think after this one Survivor should go on a year hiatus at least.
I've already created a thread for the next one. It'll start whenever enough people sign up to play. The challenges will be shorter too. As this Survivor is still ongoing enrolling isn't open yet.

hey,i dont have time to read through-im very sorry for having to drop out if im not already out for not doing the last back in hospitale so havent been able to get on to let you know,havent been up to it health wise either tbh. im sorry TUS,youve done such a great job hosting.i prob wont be on for awhile-good luck cosmic and 7thson.
Sorry to hear that Topsy. Is this because of the previous accident? I really hope you'll be okay.

TUS ended the game last night, so it's over now anyway.

I honestly think "Survivor" should go into retirement. Especially after this one.

Doesn't mean you need to listen to me... but that's what I basically think is right. I think the glory days are over. Better to move onto new horizons. Maybe totally different horizons. I think it's repetitive to have the same people keep playing. If everybody wins, what's so special about that? I'm proud to be a loser who never won (a regular Survivor, at least). Maybe that's why I quit. I like my status as a non-winner and need to maintain it.

I honestly think "Survivor" should go into retirement. Especially after this one.

Doesn't mean you need to listen to me... but that's what I basically think is right. I think the glory days are over. Better to move onto new horizons. Maybe totally different horizons. I think it's repetitive to have the same people keep playing. If everybody wins, what's so special about that? I'm proud to be a loser who never won (a regular Survivor, at least). Maybe that's why I quit. I like my status as a non-winner and need to maintain it.
I'm going to attempt to shake up Survivor a little with a crossover concept. I really enjoyed the two MoFo games I played and want to have a go at hosting it.

hey,i dont have time to read through-im very sorry for having to drop out if im not already out for not doing the last back in hospitale so havent been able to get on to let you know,havent been up to it health wise either tbh. im sorry TUS,youve done such a great job hosting.i prob wont be on for awhile-good luck cosmic and 7thson.
Sorry to hear that. Hope you are okay and get better soon.

The insane thing is - I've actually had thoughts/urges to host another Survivor game myself. I mean, if this bad ending to Survivor 8 wasn't happening, if Dalek wasn't trying to host another one, if TONGO hadn't mentioned wanting to do one in January, if people weren't saying "wait a year" .... you could have been getting Sexy Celebrity's Survivor 9 any day now. I'm not sure what exactly I'd do with it, but a desire to do it is alive, just a little bit.

I've already created a thread for the next one. It'll start whenever enough people sign up to play. The challenges will be shorter too. As this Survivor is still ongoing enrolling isn't open yet.
No offence but did you not notice people saying during this that there should be a long break for a while after this at least? Good luck with your game but i do think this should've been the last for a good while.

Like I said it's my opinion, and making comments and Jokes is one thing, giving advice to a host is fine too.
Butting in during challenges is not, talking about game strategy with privleged information is not
Am I forgetting something that happened, or are you talking about other Survivors as well?

I don't think Topsy would've found the idol on her own that night, so I agree that Camo giving it to her would've had an unfair impact on the game. I also found the idol and asked TUS if it was right, but literally minutes later was when Topsy told me that Camo had already found it hours before hand and sent it to her.

I was a little disappointed because that meant I couldn't save you, but I couldn't complain because tat found an idol in Survivor VI (that ended up being irrelevant because it wasn't needed though) that SC let stand. Since Topsy was honest about where it came from like I was with tat's, I figured that counted for something.

When TUS started asking me about the idol and how I found it, I figured he might be trying to decide what to do about the situation, so when I sent in my vote I mentioned that should he allow me to have the idol instead of Topsy, or instead of just nullifying it completely, that I would've used it for 7thson. When the results were revealed, that's what happened.

So the tl;dr version is that Camo's "interference" with the game (if you want to call it that) ultimately didn't have any impact on how events would've unfolded if he didn't find it (except in the story where he got killed and Topsy lost her hand), so in my opinion there's no point in holding that against him now. I wouldn't have even been bitter if Topsy was allowed to keep it, but it wasn't my place in the game that was in question at that point.

I can't think of anything else that happened this Survivor, unless you're also talking about Tongo's Lecter posts. Those were just a bit of fun, and they had no impact on the game.
This is the main point I was trying to make:

If you want to play or be a part of the game then PLAY, if not then let those playing and hosting do so.

I see so much complaining, whining, judgement, etc... From people that can't or don't want to play.

It's fine if a person does not want to be in a game or never play again, if that's so then fine its certainly their right.

A comment here and there and followinging the game is not what I'm talking about.

There is a difference between a nudge in a pm reminding someone there is a challenge and spouting out challenge answers in the game thread. I am talking about the latter and it's happened in more than one game.

Why can't we agree to disagree? Its not like I'm angry, I just wanted to make a point.

I would play another game If it happens when I can play.

Thanks again for game TUS and thanks to Tongo for all the work you have done in the past.

If you want to play or be a part of the game then PLAY, if not then let those playing and hosting do so.

I see so much complaining, whining, judgement, etc... From people that can't or don't want to play.

It's fine if a person does not want to be in a game or never play again, if that's so then fine its certainly their right.

A comment here and there and followinging the game is not what I'm talking about.

There is a difference between a nudge in a pm reminding someone there is a challenge and spouting out challenge answers in the game thread. I am talking about the latter and it's happened in more than one game.
Okay, that's a valid point, and I never really disagreed with the spirit of it. I just wasn't sure if you were trying to say that there was a lot of outside influence in this particular game, because I didn't remember there being much (other than what's already been covered).

No offence but did you not notice people saying during this that there should be a long break for a while after this at least? Good luck with your game but i do think this should've been the last for a good while.
I can't say I've noticed it be mentioned that prominently before now. There might have been the odd comment here and there. Even so, I don't think there's any harm in creating a game thread and opening sign-ups once this Survivor game finishes. If nobody wants to play, nobody wants to play - but even if it takes until next January, some will want to play eventually.

Sexy - Contributed then quit.
G.7th - Contributed.
Cosmic Graham - Contributed.
Doctor Dalek - Contributed.
Mr. Nope
Anthony Blanche - Who?
Ned Mulder - Contributed, I think.
The Big Slobinski
Sean Scott - Contributed a little bit.
Topsy Gellar - Contributed.

There was more player involvement in this one than was let on.

If Topsy was in the hospital and 7thson had internet difficulties, then its really really crappy that this game was scrapped in a tantrum.