Hillary Clinton: Woman Enough


Hillary Clinton is another candidate that's tough to judge. She's the most experienced, sensible and practical candidate in the race. She also represents many of the bad things about the establishment (such as her Iraq War vote).

Right now, I'd say there's an 80% chance that she'll win the election. She would have to lose every single battleground state in order to lose the election, and that's doubtful.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope

The thing that bugs me about discussions around fraud when it comes to SNAP (in particular) is that the non-participation rate is around ten times higher than the fraud rate (~15% nationally, above 30% in CA). Because of the negative stigma about government assistance, a lot of people don’t get help they are entitled for, a significantly larger group than the ones defrauding the program (though it’s true, the people that defraud government programs designed to help the poor are pretty awful, because they are contributing towards efforts to defund the program and endangering a lot of people)
This statement sent me down a bit of a google rabbit hole. I read some interesting stuff and while my views haven't changed, there is enough there that will give me pause the next time I am discussing this subject with someone. My ex-wife has worked in various areas of both APS and CPS over the past fifteen years, so admittedly most of my views on the fraud aspect are colored by that. The fact that the non-participation rate is that much higher than the fraud rate is the sort of statistic that reaffirms how disingenuous the rhetoric around these subjects really is. I have never heard this mentioned before and it bugs me quite a bit.

It also reaffirms for me how much I believe in straight up hard line fairness, in both taxes and fund cuts. I know my mind lives in pipe dreams that will never come to fruition, but in my utopia fairness looks like flat tax rates. With fund cuts I would take the same approach. If a straight 15% cut in all government funded programs gets us where we need to be. Do it, no questions asked and no exceptions. I know that type of reality will never come to fruition and I will never be asked to run things but that is how I would handle it.

Out of curiosity how do you feel about the security investigations Clinton is involved in? Like most things I feel one side is making too big of a deal out of it while the other is trying to casually dismiss it. I think she was pretty negligent and is trying to squirrel her way out of it. Probably nothing that should keep her from being president or anything, but shouldn't be swept under the rug either. Thoughts?

what kind of 'woman enough' ?? a woman who still stuck by her husband without batting an eyelid even though it was revealed that he was taking blowjobs from an intern...

Out of curiosity how do you feel about the security investigations Clinton is involved in?
I'd be curious about this, too. I know some thoughtful people who support her, and I'm not really sure how they handle the email server stuff. I suppose the depth of the transgression is arguable, but I'm not sure how someone could explain the way her justification of it has demonstrably shifted as new information has come out to contradict whatever the previous line was. Is the argument just "yeah, that's really dishonest, but so is everyone else who runs for President"?

Out of curiosity how do you feel about the security investigations Clinton is involved in? Like most things I feel one side is making too big of a deal out of it while the other is trying to casually dismiss it. I think she was pretty negligent and is trying to squirrel her way out of it. Probably nothing that should keep her from being president or anything, but shouldn't be swept under the rug either. Thoughts?
I think it won’t surprise you that it’s not something I really care that much about. But I’ve been kinda forced to think about it because it never really goes away. It does highlight some of my concerns about her, but not the ones that most people take away from it.

I think she didn’t know about, or didn’t care about, the rule about the email server. I don’t believe she was hiding anything in particular on it. I do think that she wanted to minimize the fallout, so she doubled down a couple times on the story, and then found herself in a position where she couldn’t just apologize quickly for it and get it over with. I think that the republicans in the legislature don’t really care about this idiosyncratic rule, but that they see it’s a winning tactic to keep the story alive, and they’ll keep using it (and honestly, compared to the other things that bug me about republicans in the legislature, it’s not all that dirty of a tactic either; I’m not all that shocked or even upset that they keep on it).

The concern it highlights for me is that she has trouble admitting when she’s wrong. Something that the 3 candidates left in the race all are bad at (I actually think both Obama and Bush were better at this than those candidates). My main disappointment was that one of Clinton’s strong suits should be tactics, and she flubbed this one and didn’t back down when she could have because of either pride or a tactical miscalculation, and now both tactics AND pride prevent her from apologizing.

Still, in the end, I haven’t been convinced it’s a deal breaker. Just a downside.

Can't see her not becoming president so good luck to her. I don't like her at all and would never vote for if i was american whether she was up against Trump or not, but you have to at least hope she does a good job.

I would elect a Richard Nixon, even if he had the sex drive of Bill Clinton, before Id elect Donald Trump. Hillary would be better.

that is all

I will say that poster is pretty hilarious. She did make history but that poster makes out it is on the same scale as Obama in 08 or the other major woman milestones. In reality she had next to no competition, Sanders who did extremely well but never had much of a chance and a guy nobody has ever heard of

In comparison to Donald Trump, who had a major battle against so many other competitors and still managed to defeat them all.
I don't like Trump but i can't help but be impressed that he somehow won and pretty easily. I remember hearing he was thinking about running in 2012 and i just took it as a joke that he'd either be like Vermin Supreme running on the Dem ticket but not in the debates, etc, or he would last a month at most.

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity
Hillary Clinton will be taking away your guns soon because of this incident.
By the same rationale, I could say "Such-and-Such is going to take away your autographs."

It certainly paints the target in a negative color, but it does little to inform why. Autographing sessions are friggen' deadly.

Don't worry there's more than enough guns for everyone in America. Trump is more likely to ban movies, because he's got bad taste
Citizen Kane is his favorite film, though.

Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

But I don't like the whole "First Lady" thing he'd be doing.
You dont like a husband supporting his wife?
or you have a problem with a man taking a back seat to a woman?

Also yes,i hope she takes your guns away.Lets face it,it should have been done a long time ago.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Even in that clip, Trump can't seem to not equivocate - he seems like he doesn't know what he's talking about.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
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We need training in guns to be a requirement to own a gun. Theres too many idiots holding them now, but to disarm us entire would be a nightmare unforseen.

Trouble with a capital "T"
As far as guns disappearing, the NRA has been perpetuating that lie for almost 40 years now, and Americans keep having access to more and more guns.
Well said!

The NRA & conservatives said that about Bill Clinton (he didn't take our guns) and Pres Obama (didn't take our guns either).

The only president who 'took' our guns was a conservative republican George Bush sr. who banned the import of foreign made assault rifles.

Hillary is not banning guns.