The Resident Bitch's Movie Log

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Originally Posted by Camo
The best thing about Brave was the main characters hair!
It's such a weird thing to say about a movie, especially a Pixar movie, but it's true.

Mr. Holmes (Bill Condon, 2015)

Date Watched: 05/04/16
Cinema or Home: Home
Reason For Watching: It looked interesting and I've enjoyed some of Condon's other films.
Rewatch: No

An aging Sherlock Holmes battles dementia as he struggles to recall the details of his final case - the one that made him give up detective work and essentially go into hiding.

I really love Bill Condon's Gods and Monsters and Kinsey - enough so that I might even forgive him his two Twilight films. So I've been interested in this film since I first heard about it a few years ago (from honeykid in my top 100 thread).

There are some definite parallels between this film and Gods and Monsters, which also starred Ian McKellen. Both films center on once famous men - real life director James Whale in Gods and Monsters and the fictional Sherlock Holmes here - who live alone aside from the company of a housekeeper. Both men reconnect with their pasts through a friendship with a younger person - though to very different conclusions.

McKellen makes a convincing Holmes - both as the 93 year old Sherlock struggling to remember and as the 60 year old in his memories and brings a wit, sophistication, and dignity that is fitting for the character. The other performances were solid if perhaps not really remarkable. The cinematography is beautiful. But where the film struggles is in its pacing. This is definitely not for the attention deficient and some of the content seemed a bit unnecessary (such as his recollections of his time in Japan), though the film does run under two hours.

Still as a meditation on relationships, loneliness, and human emotion, it is a moving film and one that I can recommend and will probably revisit.


Master of My Domain
I love Ian McKellen - so I might check this one out. Surprised to see that you liked it.
Letterboxd Profile:

Trouble with a capital "T"
Why does that surprise you?
I'm surprised too....and that's a good thing. When I read your review of Mr Holmes I expected to find a low or medium rating on it. Nice to see appreciation for the film.

I really liked that movie but then again I like quiet films with lots of ambiance and charm.

I suggest The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes (1970, Billy Wilder).

Master of My Domain
Actually, nevermind, I'm not surprised, MV adores low-budget drama doesn't she?

Actually, nevermind, I'm not surprised, MV adores low-budget drama doesn't she?
I may not necessarily adore low budget drama, but as I said, I do adore the two other Bill Condon films I've seen, both of which placed in my last top 100. I also have a fondness for films that explore human emotion. So me liking a Bill Condon film that explores human emotion shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (William Cottrell, David Hand, et al., 1937)

Date Watched: 05/06/16
Cinema or Home: Home
Reason For Watching: I received the blu-ray as a gift
Rewatch: Yes

I don't think I've seen Snow White since I was a very young child and I've never been overly fond of princess movies so I'm not sure what possessed me to put this on my Amazon wish list. But put it on there I did and I received it today.

Besides never being overly fond of princess movies, I hate most musicals of any sort so this movie has two strikes against it there (and damn is there A LOT of singing and dancing). The romance between Snow White and Prince Charming is also not at all believable nor is the instant dedication the dwarfs show to Snow White. And to top it off, I found the evil queen far more interesting than the pasty princess. Still, the film is quite beautiful and has a certain charm to it that even I can't deny.

I quite like Snow White. From your review i'm surprised you gave it more than
though .
I reserve ratings that low for truly torturous crap, like South Park, K-On!, or PMMM.

I reserve ratings that low for truly torturous crap, like South Park, K-On!, or PMMM.
No need to kick me in the face . South Park is better than most of your top 50 though

I just meant it really didn't sound like you enjoyed it and it still got
. I think i'd give the lower part of my top 100 that rating personally.

No need to kick me in the face . South Park is better than most of your top 50 though
Please. How much of my top 50 have you even seen? Also, your taste sucks.

I just meant it really didn't sound like you enjoyed it and it still got
. I think i'd give the lower part of my top 100 that rating personally.
Well it does have the benefit of being animated and having lots of cute animals in it. I also liked Grumpy quite a bit, at least until he gave into her "wiles."

Please. How much of my top 50 have you even seen?
Dunno. Put it up on a list site and i'll see.

Also, your taste sucks.
Ugh, i taste delicious.. oh right.

Well it does have the benefit of being animated and having lots of cute animals in it. I also liked Grumpy quite a bit, at least until he gave into her "wiles."
I watched it with my nephew and he became pretty obsessed with Grumpy and Sleepy or whatever his name is after it. The singing is pretty annoying, but i forgot how short it is, in my head i had it at over two hours so i was pretty taken aback when i noticed the runtime.

My last list is outdated and I really ought to redo it.

The old top 50 starts here.
I wanted it on a site like listal where i could just mindlessly check them off. I've been through your 50 before, will do it again and ill see how many i've seen now.

I wanted it on a site like listal where i could just mindlessly check them off. I've been through your 50 before, will do it again and ill see how many i've seen now.
Yeah, but I'm too lazy to do that, especially since I've been meaning to redo it.