Ghostbusters: Afterlife


i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
Just own up to it -- you're bothered by Rodent's hatred just because of the women Ghostbusters thing. It's the "women" part that's making you bothered by him. You hate seeing a man so upset by a female Ghostbusters movie. It looks misogynistic. You want him to be "open minded" to the new concept. He should accept this movie at least until he's seen it, THEN he's allowed to judge. You hate him judging it already because the women thing is "supposed" to not look bad.

Let the man judge.
well, here's the thing: anyone at this forum, or really, anyone on the damn earth, can form any opinion they want without rhyme or reason. it's freedom of thought or whatever i dunno. you can say you hate some movie you've never seen based on a trailer or based on something even more nonsensical if you wanna. or you can dislike someone even if you don't know them because you think they have stupid hair or you think their laugh is annoying. you're allowed to hold that opinion.

that doesn't mean it's rational, though.

if people are allowed to express their opinions, other people are allowed to tell them they think their opinion stinks and give reasons. "let the man judge", remember?

get it?

ok good. yay! now we all get to have our opinions and keep trashing each other!

Actually, they kind of do: see Some Like It Hot or even Ghostbusters where Janine is a receptionist.

People look at the original Ghostbusters with rose-tinted glasses but if it was made today it would be called a 'sexist' or 'racist' film and many wouldn't find the jokes funny (not to say that they're not - they are - but if they were written for a modern audience it wouldn't work).

That's not every joke in the movie.

Originally Posted by DalekbusterScreen5
Anybody who expects the comedy to be the same 30 years later is setting themselves unrealistic expectations. It's like asking for the English language to be the same as it was in the 17th century.

No. No it's not. We're not talking about an evolving form of communication, we're talking about comedy. Mozart liked poop jokes and they're still a thing. Comedy runs in cycles just as cliches run in cycles. The only time new forms are added is when a medium expands to allow more of it, like CGI.

There's obviously still someone getting violently gacked on in this movie, so is it really shouldn't be too difficult to imagine that the comedy COULD be very similar to the original.

Originally Posted by DalekbusterScreen5
The style wasn't the same, yeah, but the jokes were in the same vein.

No they were not. The Naked Gun's jokes wouldn't fit into Back to the Future any more than Bill& Ted's Excellent Adventure would fit into Ghostbusters.

Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure is a perfect example of a comedy almost entirely predicated on the youth of a specific span of years. It would work significantly less 30 years before or after when it released because many of the jokes it uses are dependent on an audience's familiarity with that time's culture.

Were it remade today, many of the jokes would obviously have to change, but the general idea of what to make fun of and how to do it could remain perfectly intact.

Originally Posted by DalekbusterScreen5
Except I can because they have unrealistic expectations.

You're like those guys that say single-player is dead and turn-based rpgs don't have a place anymore.

I don't have anything else to say to you.

Originally Posted by ash_is_the_gal
if people are allowed to express their opinions, other people are allowed to tell them they think their opinion stinks and give reasons. "let the man judge", remember?
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No. No it's not. We're not talking about an evolving form of communication
We basically are. Comedy evolves because society evolves.
Mozart liked poop jokes and they're still a thing.
Were it remade today, many of the jokes would obviously have to change
Thanks for making my point for me, as you keep doing whenever you try to argue about this. If you were expecting 80s comedy in a 2016 film, you were setting yourself unrealistic expectations.

The most disliked trailer in YouTube history. We can't all be sexist biggots can we? However if you want to make the trailer so much better when the video loads, press play and then hit '9' . That made me lol

I finally watched this. The only thing I will say, Slimer must have been hard-up trying to live on residuals.

All those dislikes have to resonate somewhere, right? I guess it's too late to do anything, but I don't see this spawning any celebrations.


The Ghostbusters remake... not only does it have the worst marketing of all time, and everyone, and I mean everyone, on the internet slagging it off... and the trailer being THE most slagged off trailer in the history of cinema... the most hated idea in the history of cinema... and the most unnecessary movie, remake or not, in the history of cinema...

It has now hit a new record.

The trailer has hit THE most DISLIKED trailer in the 15 year history of YouTube.

Paul Feeb must retire after this.

I just imagine an episode of Entourage going on behind-the-scenes. Ari in full-on stroke out.

Geez, why do people devote so much of their time to hating on an all female Ghostbusters, seems pretty pathetic to me. Why don't we see this when the crap that is no better or worse comes about every year.

No doubt it won't be any good but there'll be a lot worse films this year that won't get anywhere near the hate this has gotten before it was even released.

My hate isn't because of a Female Ghostbusters.

It's the fact that the original was a work of art. And that talentless prick is remaking it.

A talentless prick is remaking it with a bunch of no-talent actors.

The sexist card is soooooo easy to play but it has nothing to do with the casting being female.

My hate isn't because of a Female Ghostbusters.

It's the fact that the original was a work of art. And that talentless prick is remaking it.

A talentless prick is remaking it with a bunch of no-talent actors.

The sexist card is soooooo easy to play but it has nothing to do with the casting being female.
Ghostbusters was not a work of art, jesus . I like it a lot but cmon. Stop being ****ing ridiculous.

Never called you or anyone else sexist. But you do seem to spend most of your time in this thread happy that this film is failing (if it even is). I think there are going to be a lot worse films that you won't bat an eyelid at this year, so it does bother me that you are rooting for this to fail so much.

I root for it to fail, because of what it is.

Also, the original has almost every line ad-libbed. So yes, it is a work of art.

I root for it to fail, because of what it is.

Also, the original has almost every line ad-libbed. So yes, it is a work of art.
No it's not a work or art again stop being ridiculous. It's a good, entertaining film, but just no.

You want it to fail because it is a remake of one of your favourite films with females you dislike, don't lie. You've said this from the minute this all started and have constantly made fat jokes. None of which have been funny.

Don't doubt this film will be awful but i doubt it will be as awful as your behaviour in this thread.

Disliking them or not, it doesn't change the fact that the cast is totally talentless. I dislike them because they're talentless.

As for the fat jokes, hey, the fat talentless cast gave me ammo by being fat and talentless. Of course I'm going to use it.

It's not really a record because it was Rodent sitting there all day making 600,000 youtube accounts and clicking dislike. That's just cheating.

I like the players, this just falls into the hitching your wagon to a phenomenon category.

I would hope it's good.

I think this movie looks like it's going to be an unfunny P.O.S. (and won't see it unless FF wants me to go with her), but the original movie was a work of art. All films are art, no matter how commercial or shallow or whatever. Film is art.

I think this movie looks like it's going to be an unfunny P.O.S. (and won't see it unless FF wants me to go with her), but the original movie was a work of art. All films are art, no matter how commercial or shallow or whatever. Film is art.
Yeah, but by that definition the new one will be too, Rodent wouldn't give you rep if you said that i bet. My point was that Ghostbusters is not this important piece of cinema that Rodent make it out to be.

Yeah, but by that definition the new one will be too, Rodent wouldn't give you rep if you said that i bet. My point was that Ghostbusters is not this important piece of cinema that Rodent make it out to be.
I guess that depends on one's definition of important. And yes, Ghostbusters 3 is also art.

For the record, the rep I received (so far) was not from Rodent.