The Resident Bitch's Movie Log

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Anomalisa (Charlie Kaufman and Duke Johnson, 2015)

Date Watched: 04/27/16
Cinema or Home: Home
Reason For Watching: Charlie Kaufman
Rewatch: No

As in all Charlie Kaufman penned films, Anomalisa has its quirks, but this is far more quietly contemplative than Eternal Sunshine or Being John Malkovich. It's much more akin to Synecdoche, New York. As such, it's not for the impatient or the ADD afflicted. There's little humor and a lot of heartache. It's not sexy. It's not glitzy. Very little actually happens. There's no hero. There's no villain.

There's just a man who stumbles through his mundane existence, unable to feel joy or to truly love anyone. The colors of his world are muted. Everyone's voice is the same. Everyone's face is the same. Except one. One anomaly named Lisa.

Much of the film is left open to a lot of interpretation. What really happened? What didn't? What are we to take away from this? The answers to those questions are up to each viewer and I'll probably have to revisit this film a time or two before I can answer them for myself. But I genuinely look forward to that revisit.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Glad you enjoyed it MV. I gave it the same score. I thought watching it was pretty clear what sequences were dreams and which weren't. Maybe not though, I'll buy it and give it another watch later in the year I'm sure.

Welcome to the human race...
It is pretty good - as of writing, I give it the edge over Her (but who knows how it'll hold up on a repeat viewing). I especially liked how at one point

WARNING: "Anomalisa" spoilers below
it seemed to be making fun of how Kaufman-scripted movies tend to have chase scenes jammed in and how it even sets up a hell of a red herring by having Michael start to realise that he and everyone around him are actually claymation figures - which seems pretty plausible and might provide an easy explanation for why everyone he meets looks the same - but then it turns out to be a bad dream and he starts to think of Lisa as a generic automaton all on his own.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Glad you enjoyed it MV. I gave it the same score. I thought watching it was pretty clear what sequences were dreams and which weren't. Maybe not though, I'll buy it and give it another watch later in the year I'm sure.
Well there are some theories out there that suggest that it's less clear cut than that.

WARNING: spoilers below
That Lisa is just a figment of Mike's imagination resulting from him having a mental breakdown.

I don't know that I buy those theories but they are an interesting interpretation.

Of course there's other BS going on in discussions I've seen elsewhere on the net, like accusations of rape and misogyny.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Well there are some theories out there that suggest that it's less clear cut than that.

WARNING: spoilers below
That Lisa is just a figment of Mike's imagination resulting from him having a mental breakdown.

I don't know that I buy those theories but they are an interesting interpretation.

Of course there's other BS going on in discussions I've seen elsewhere on the net, like accusations of rape and misogyny.
Yeah, I have a hard time with most it was all just a dream theories. Especially with Anomalisa where there are already dream sequences, so now your talking about dreams within a dream. It doesn't seem to be in the context of the film at all.

Rape gets a big no from me. I maybe could get on board with misogyny a bit, but I would be more inclined to say Mike is a narcissist. I don't think he is a very sympathetic character though, so I don't see why they would consider that a problem.

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (Steven Spielberg, 1984)

Date Watched: 04/28/16
Cinema or Home: Home
Reason For Watching: Tongo and his hate made me want to watch it again
Rewatch: Yes

This movie is cheesy, over the top, unrealistic, and absolutely ridiculous - and I love every ****ing minute of it. The opening song and dance number, Short Round, Willie, the three of them jumping from a plane in a life raft, giant vampire bats (actually fruit bats ), snake surprise, eyeball soup, chilled monkey brains, scientific research into "nocturnal activity," booby trapped catacombs, swarms of bugs, human sacrifice, creepy awesome Mola Ram, magic rocks, voodoo Indy doll, the mine cart chase, and the rickety ass rope bridge over hungry crocodiles (which I'm pretty sure are actually American alligators): I love it all and I've loved it all for 30 years. It is now, always has been, and always will be my favorite Indiana Jones movie and one of my favorite movies of all time.

This is just the ultimate for me in fun and adventure. I watched the entire thing with a big damn grin on my face just like I did when I was little. Bonus for adult me: Shirtless 80's era Harrison Ford.


Welcome to the human race...
I may be boring and consider it the third-best Indy film, but that still hasn't stopped it from cracking my Top 100 twice.

I should probably note that I also rewatched The Good Dinosaur yesterday. Still entertaining enough but not great. Also still better than Brave.

Temple of Doom is indeed the best Indie .

Been planning on watching The Good Dinosaur myself, think i'm going to do that in the next few days actually. I haven't seen that or Cars 2 yet but i agree Brave is the worst Pixar.

Also still better than Brave.
Didn't care for Brave, I take?
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"Well, at least your intentions behind the UTTERLY DEVASTATING FAULTS IN YOUR LOGIC are good." - Captain Steel

She'll have a write up of Brave about Omni probably in the rate the last movie thread around the time it came out.

Originally Posted by Miss Vicky
Brave felt like the crappy illegitimate lovechild of Brother Bear and How to Train Your Dragon.
That works for me.

I didn't much care for Brave either. GREAT animation, but disappointing besides.

I didn't much care for Brave either. GREAT animation, but disappointing besides.
Yeah, Brave is beautiful to look at, but the humor was far too base and with that story they might as well have titled it Mother Bear. It felt more like one of Dreamwork's lesser offerings (along the lines of Shark Tale) than a Pixar film.

The conflict was really weak, Brother Bear like or not they didn't build the mother daughter relationship up enough to make me give a crap if she stayed a bear for the rest of her days or not. The best thing about Brave was the main characters hair!