
Master of My Domain
Omg it's Godoggo
Omg it's Godoggo
Omg it's Godoggo

Ladies and Gentlemen we have found the missing dog. Case cleared.
Letterboxd Profile:

I've been living inside a bomb. It's ok now. It's all exploded and stuff. If only my eyebrows would grow back.
What? Did you have cancer?

Of course I remember you l, Derek. Thanks for the welcome Tongo. Only name I've seen that I don't recognize is Nope, to which I say, Yep.

Swan!!! I missed you most of all scarecrow.

Master of My Domain
Raul will be very pleased to see you. Welcome back Gdog!

I'm absolutely jealous of her willpower. I wanna disappear from this site for exactly a year and come back feeling all loved.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Wow. I am truly shocked and super excited to have Godoggo back!
She might have just stopped by to tease us, you know how she can be.

Master of My Domain
I'm absolutely jealous of her willpower. I wanna disappear from this site for exactly a year and come back feeling all loved.
That's what makes you Sexy. Don't try to be like other people.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I only want an honest answer on one question, were you spying on us? Because I don't think I would be able to help myself.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
No, I honestly did not. One time I checked the shout box when I was debating wether or not to return then, but I never checked the threads. I didn't want to see all of your names and not be able to talk to you and I didn't want to come back until I cleaned my house. (Metaphor)

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
No, I honestly did not. One time I checked the shout box when I was debating wether or not to return then, but I never checked the threads. I didn't want to see all of your names and not be able to talk to you and I didn't want to come back until I cleaned my house. (Metaphor)
Willpower girl. I don't even know what to say. It is when you get around family members you haven't seen in a year or better. Just feels comfortable to have you back posting.

You weren't away because you were sick, were you? Before you disappeared, you made posts about having tests done at the hospital. You said you had -- what was it? Hyperthyroidism? Something like that.