Your Choice For A Young Han Solo?


Well, they've been casting for a young Han Solo for the upcoming movie based on the character.

So far, the casting directors have been over 2500 actors, ranging in age from 16 to 30.

From Epicstream:

Actors who have read in person or auditioned via videotape range from the well-known (Dave Franco, 30, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, 25, and Miles Teller, 28) to the sort-of-known (Jurassic World's Nick Robinson, 20) to relative unknowns (Kickin' It's Leo Howard, 18, and The Purge's Tony Oller, 24) and also vary significantly in age. Though sources say the "sweet spot" seems to be the mid-20s, the ages of the contenders span from Chandler Riggs, the 16-year-old star of The Walking Dead, to Hunter Parrish, 28, and Mr. Robot star Rami Malek, 34.

Casting directors are not just focusing on American actors, either, considering Canadian Hemlock Grove star Landon Liboiron, 23, and English actors Ed Westwick, 28, Tom Felton, 28, and Joshua Sasse, 27, among many, many others.

Others who have thrown their hats in the ring include Fury's Logan Lerman, 23, The Fault in Our Stars' Ansel Elgort, 21, and Transformers: Age of Extinction's Jack Reynor, 23, plus TV faces like Teen Wolf's Colton Haynes, 27, and Bates Motel's Max Thieriot, 27.

There's a lot of big name actors in this list. According to the report, they're looking for someone who looks "at least a bit like a young Ford and can be funny and charming as well as handle the expected action scenes."

Other ideas are based around Liam Hemsworth (ugh), Nicholas Hoult (ugh), Callan McAuliffe (ugh), Nick Robinson (please, no) and Timothy Chalamet (no, I don’t know either).

So the big question… who would you pick?

Personally, I’d go for Jack Reynor.
He's not been in many movies, so is still relatively unknown... sure he'd have to lose a little weight, but he has the looks and the acting chops.
He was the best thing about Transformers: Age Of Extinction and is a decent age at 23.

Chandler Riggs??? I like The Walking Dead and Riggs is alright on it.....but just no....

Honestly I don't know who they should get, as I am personally against the whole anthology thing to begin with. Remember what happened last time prequels were made Disney? I think Disney needs to settle down and see how Star Wars Episode 7 does critically (It is already gonna make bank but is it actually gonna be good, that is the real question) they are always thinking too far ahead and never in the present and one of these days it is gonna bite them in the ass.

I'm personally a big fan of Max Thieriot but I don't know if I'd consider him a good Solo. And please god keep Liam Hemsworth and Nicholas Hoult as far away from this **** as possible, don't like either of them. Liam is already probably gonna ruin Independence Day 2. Out of all the people mentioned I think Reynor is probably the best choice looks wise, but his acting has yet to impress me, Transformers 4 was the wrong movie to do try and impress people just saying.

I saw Miles Teller in Whiplash and though I think the guy has potential, I don't think he has the chops for an iconic role like Han Solo. Loved Nicholas Hault in A Single Man but don't see him as Han Solo.

I saw Miles Teller in Whiplash and though I think the guy has potential, I don't think he has the chops for an iconic role like Han Solo. Love. Nicholas Hoult in A Single Man, but can't picture him as Han Solo either.
Agreed. Neither of them have the ruggedness that I think a role like Han Solo demands. They're too baby-faced, lol. But again, both very good actors.

The guy who played Spiderman. The guy with Franco Jones I forgot his name and I'm too lazy to Google it but that guy!

I think they should use a complete unknown, otherwise personally I find it less 'believable'.

Registered User
Channing Tatum lol

Cast Some Younger Kid then just let Adam Driver Play Han Solo for he does when not spazed out like Kylo Ren when he is normal Driver he looks alot more like Harrison Ford.

Now If there is no how Han Met Chewy or How he got The Falcon then there is no point too make the movie.

Registered User
I'd rather have them cast a relative unknown who actually resembles Harrison Ford however slightly. Film wouldn't make much sense if he didn't.

They've shortlisted the selection.

Miles Teller, Ansel Elgort or Dave Franco.

3 totally gash actors who also look totally wrong.

They've shortlisted the selection.

Miles Teller, Ansel Elgort or Dave Franco.

3 totally gash actors who also look totally wrong.
Out of those three, I'd pick Ansel.

Miles Teller !!
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Out of the 3 left Ansel looks the most like a young Solo imo and from what I've seen isn't actually a terrible actor.

Dave Franco has to be a joke right? The dude isn't funny to me and from the movies I've seen he isn't even a great actor.