Neiba's All-Time Top 100 (2015 Edition)

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The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible

Der Untergang
a.k.a. Downfall
Olivier Hirschbiegel

Our generals are the scum of the German people! Not a shred of honour! They call themselves generals. Years at military academy just to learn how to hold a knife and fork! For years, the military has hindered my plans! They've put every kind of obstacle in my way! What I should have done... was liquidate all the high-ranking officers, as Stalin did!

An incredibly realistic biographical movie about Hitler's final days, hidden in a bunker in Berlin.
The direction and the camera work make it a very claustrophobic experience and the solid acting by everyone involved (Bruno Ganz as Adolf Hitler was particularly impressive) does the rest. All of a sudden it is like we were in the middle of the final days of the Word War II sharing that bunker with one of the worst monsters who ever lived.
A masterpiece from the German cinema!

Care for some gopher?
Great pick, Neiba! I really need to see this movie again anytime soon.
"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the war room."

Downfall's a great film. I had it on my Millennium List and, had I seen it more, it's possible it'd make my 100. An excellent choice, Neiba.

BTW, two in a row. You go, Neiba!
5-time MoFo Award winner.

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible

Tropa de Elite 2
a.k.a. Elite Squad 2
José Padilha

If BOPE dealt with corrupt politicans as it does with drug dealers, Brazil would be a much better country

It's hard to find a sequel that complements so well the original movie. The first Elite Squad was a adrenaline-fueled action masterpiece showing how is the life of Special Forces on a brazilian slum. The entire movie is about extreme violence and dialogue.
On the other hand, this one is about the backstage of poverty, about how far can corruption really go. We see Capt. Nascimento, no longer a cop, trying to beat the System from within. It's amazing how Wagner Moura portraits that development, without losing the badass guy from the first movie but with a lot more drama on his mind.
Being a more ambicious film, the script is not as perfect as the first one, but it's still better than 99,9% of this century Hollywood films. I didn't particulary liked the performance of Irandhir Santos as Fraga, but the rest of the acting is pretty good!

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible

Hable con ella
a.k.a. Talk to Her
Pedro Almodóvar

Love is the saddest thing when it goes away, as a song by Jobim goes.

Almodóvar's masterpiece.
The script is extremely well thought, the direction is great, the acting is amazing and the dubiety of both man sexual orientation adds the Almodovian touch that I can't stop loving! The way Almodovar portraits such a surrealistic reality in such a normal universe is outstanding, with an impressive attention to details. There's few directors in the world with the ability to make visual and aural masterpieces and have a superb script at the same time.
Also, a standing ovation to Alberto Iglesias for a genius sountrack!

I'm not seasoned in foreign films much at all, so a lot of your picks I haven't seen. Will still be following though, as I know it'll be an interesting list!

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
I'm not seasoned in foreign films much at all, so a lot of your picks I haven't seen. Will still be following though, as I know it'll be an interesting list!
Thanks FW!
Don't worry, there won't be much more non-english movies!

I'm not seasoned in foreign films much at all, so a lot of your picks I haven't seen. Will still be following though, as I know it'll be an interesting list!
You should change that... I know many great films that are foreign about wars....

Red Cliff is amazing...for one

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible


Alfred Hitchcock

I've always wished for more artistic talent. Well, murder can be an art, too. The power to kill can be just as satisfying as the power to create.

Hitchcock's first color movie is an impressive work!
The camera work is astonishing (I don't think I ever watched the "single take" effect on a movie so early), the whole plot is fascinating and the suspense elements are brilliant - though it's a Hitch, so it's not surprising.
The acting is decent by most of the cast, except two persons, one for bad and the other for good: the guy who played Philipp (I don't think he could be worse even if he tried), and of course the one and only James Stewart. Far from being his best movie he doesn't need to be in top form to own the screen, and this is a clear example!
I didn't quite like the dialogue, except for a few moments, but I liked the way everything played so theatrically, the last scene is like watching the final of a play, I almost started clapping.
Also, the color use is superb - Hitch's cameo is the most interesting one I've seen so far - and I absolutely love that red/green relation he uses so much.

Mr. Minio vs MovieGal for King/Queen/Emperor/Empress (Master?) of Kink!

I vote Mr. Minio.

Sorry MovieGal, you may freequently talk about a lot of disturbing horror movies, but Mr. Minio knows more about Asian cinema, and everyone knows those orientals are the Kinkiest people on the planet. He's got all those female ninja movies and female prisoner movies up his sleeve. That's my vote anyway.

Edit: P. S. Talk to Her looks interesting. And keep up the good work on your thread Neiba!

Rope is one of my favorites form Hitch, and Elite Squad and Downfall have been on my watchlist.

I've heard good things about Talk to Her, but I've never been that interested. I would certainly try it.

Care for some gopher?
Tropa de Elite 2
I'm a huge fan of the first movie so i was sure to like this one. Unfortunately, i couldn't get into the politics stuff and ended up not liking the movie. I will try again, though.

I've only seen this movie once a few years back and remember liking it. Definately needs a rewatch, too.

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible

Die Welle
a.k.a. The Wave
Dennis Gansel

"-So you don't think there could be another dictatorship in Germany?
-No, we are too enlightened now."

A german teacher asks his students if what happened in Nazi Germany could ever happen again. They laugh at that question so he proves them wrong.
It's a great vision about socitey and mass manipulation. Every student idiosyncrasy reflects in some way a social group or a personality type and the way the psychology of group-thinking is shown is disturbing, at least!
Solid perfomances from everyone and a very good script make of this an horrifying and enlightning watch.
A very clever lesson in how do bad things begin!

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Mr. Minio vs MovieGal for King/Queen/Emperor/Empress (Master?) of Kink!
Why, but it's obvious when it comes to kink I win. However, MovieGal has an extensive knowledge on gore and other sickening things.
I vote Mr. Minio.
You're right. Why choose lesser evil?
He's got all those female ninja movies and female prisoner movies up his sleeve.
Not just my sleeve.

Mr. Minio, you're so funny!

Neiba, The Wave is such a good choice! Love that movie. I just wish it was longer. The female lead is in a couple interesting horror movies worth checking out too.

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Seven and The Lion King are two great choices. Stalker on the other hand....

And Rope isn't all that great for me. It's OK, but there is 10 or more better Hitchcock's.

Die Welle is a suprising yet very good pick, neiba. I watched it in school and most movies you are forced to watch there tend to suck. This one sure didn't. Very interesting premise and overall a really good movie. I need to rewatch it again sometime...

"Moonrise Kingdom" & "Le Concert" are going on my watch list.

"8 Mile" will appear on my 2002 list, unfortunately I'm not going to be able to rewatch it. All I know is I used to like it.

"Der Untergang" is a good one and due for rewatch in coming months.

I've been interested in "Die Welle", but haven't been able to obtain it.