Knight of Cups (2015)


Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future
From what is shown, thankfully, it seems that the most important aspects of Malick as a filmmaker is back. He continues to show a fascination and inquisitiveness towards people (crucial to Malick since Badlands), and the newly developed fascination with the modern world and modern technology. He seems to be in a constant process of discovery, experimentation and questioning, and that process is what makes Malick so interesting and revelatory.

He continues to show a fascination and inquisitiveness towards people
replace people with nature and you've perfectly described what aspect I like the most about Malick.

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future
replace people with nature and you've perfectly described what aspect I like the most about Malick.
Makes sense since Tree of Life is your favorite. Nature's cool too, bro

Makes sense since Tree of Life is your favorite. Nature's cool too, bro
actually it's Thin Red Line, and yeah, it's definitely cooler than people

The trailer kind of makes me think of what if Terrence Malick directed The Wolf of Wall Street?
That's an odd yet very accurate description actually lol.

Am I the only one who watched the trailer and thought....."What the hell is this about?"
I came here to do two things, drink some beer and kick some ass, looks like we are almost outta beer - Dazed and Confused

101 Favorite Movies (2019)

Registered User
Am I the only one who watched the trailer and thought....."What the hell is this about?"
Definitely seemed unique though - makes me want to watch it just because I know it'll be something different - that's kind of how I feel about Quentin Tarantino's films too.

And when I'm all alone I feel I don't wanna hide
It certainly seems more narrative-driven than Malick's previous work, To the Wonder. However, I can't help but think Malick's sensibilities and aesthetic approach to filmmaking has changed considerably over the years, and not really for the better. Badlands, Days of Heaven, and, to a much lesser extent, The Thin Red Line, were photographed and edited in much more of a restrained and unobtrusive manner. Malick seemed to have much more of a 'distant' sensibility with telling his stories then. However, from The New World onwards, his films seem to be more sporadic from an editorial standpoint; his use of narration is much more excessive; and the camera seems to seamlessly flow a bit more. His post-98 work is still good, but they seem a bit too stylistically ostentatious for my liking. This appears to be the same, albeit with more of an interesting protagonist and story to tell at its core. It seems like an interesting examination of the venal, empty, shallow, and barbaric nature of the 'luxurious' and commercial world. We shall see.

Thanks for share on your information.

....watched it like seven times already.

Am I the only one who watched the trailer and thought....."What the hell is this about?"
Nope. I was as confused as probably many others.

Looks interesting.
Sums it up. Looks like a Netflix type of film. Might be a good watch, but I only go to the cinema once every now and then and it's to see films that deserve to be viewed on a HUGE screen. This would be better for home viewing.

Gooble gobble, one of us!
Sums it up. Looks like a Netflix type of film. Might be a good watch, but I only go to the cinema once every now and then and it's to see films that deserve to be viewed on a HUGE screen. This would be better for home viewing.
Did you smoke some newly discovered drug? Netflix type film??? pfff... Any Malick film DESERVES to be watched on the big screen, netflix type film... That made me lol. Nice joke mate!

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
So IMDB says March 26 for this. Does anyone know if it is going to be VOD right away for us small town folk.


Stunning. The profundity of the film lies in the hints and minor details, as is usually the case for Malick. Here he implies more than he shows, despite the film being very visual. There is meaning and emotion behind each line. Will watch again in even better quality.

There is a press screening for this on Tuesday, but I can't go because of work. Dammit. Been waiting all year but it got pushed back and it's finally here and I can't go.

But there will be more press screenings and hopefully one of them will fall right. If not there is always March when it premieres, but that's SO far away.