Getting to Know You EVEN MORE Song Tournament


I think instead of choosing songs that lyrically relate to me (because those could easily be songs that I have no personal emotional connection) I'll do songs that are representative of the most important times in my life - songs that when I hear them, I have major flashbacks to key moments.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Back from the grocery store. While I was shopping I though of 4 neat songs that really fit me! And I promptly forgot 2 of them...errrgh! I'll send in my list by tonight.

Apparently Marlon Brando's playing.

I received 8 songs from him, though he failed to link them, but that's alright.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I sent my 8 songs in That was easier this time. I came up with a 11 good ones, but had to nix 3 of them.

Here's my one clue: they are all about me...and no Laverne & Shirley songs this time

This time I've decided I'm not gonna reveal all of my songs in the first round. I'm gonna wait till they lose (or WIN!)

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
Alright. I just sent mine in.

Like I said, these are going to be songs that I really like. I will probably regret a couple of them and wish that I would've nominated some different ones as time goes on. But what's done is done. I am happy with my nominations (for now ).

I tried to not make my nominations too obvious, but I may have failed. So, time will tell with that.
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity - Edgar Allan Poe

We may not start tomorrow. If we do, it'll be tomorrow night.
I don't know when your tomorrow night is, but I've got so much work on today I won't be able to sort out some nominations till the UK night, but don't wait for me as I don't know what time that will be. Sorry if I can't make it .

I'll join, I'm just having a hard time with my songs because I don't have a specific genre when it comes to music so.. I don't know where to start from, I'll try to finish my list after work
.Royal purple is noblest shroud.
Theodora Empress of the Byzantine Empire


Raul, you don't have to bother with linking to Youtube. Just tell me the songs. I'll do the rest for you.

PEOPLE PLAYING (BOLD have their songs ready to go):

Citizen Rules
Sexy Celebrity
The Gunslinger45
Marlon Brando

Derek Vinyard

Yes, my songs aren't even ready yet.

People Who May Play (no songs yet, either):


I send my noms !
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk