Movie You're Adding to Your "To Watch" List Next


I thought this would be a fun idea, like the "Movie You're Watching Next" thread and the "Rate the Last Movie You Saw" thread, you simply post whatever movie you have just decided to plan to watch but aren't neccessarily going to watch right away. Tack it onto you're mental list (or physical one if you have one like I do ).

Okay, I'll start. I'm adding this movie to my To Watch List.

I have a lot of catching up to do when I get home.
Sicario is first on my list.

Amores Perros, 21 Grams and Babel.

Only watched Birdman from Innaritu so i thought i'd watch his Trilogy.
Amores Perros is brilliant.
The best movie ever to come out of Mexico.

Having sent in my list for the Documentaries Countdown and assuming we are doing 50's next i've just added the whole of that decade to my watchlist . Just in case my life somehow gets in the way of me watching every film made from 1950-1959, here are a random three i'd like to get to.

The 400 Blows: Haven't watched anything from Truffaut yet, i only know him from Close Encounters.

Bridge on the River Kwai: Lawrence of Arabia is one of my all time favourite films and i liked Dr Zhivago so lets hope Lean goes 3 for 3.

Singing in the Rain: Saying i hate Musicals isn't very fair since i rarely give them a chance so lets see what i feel about one of the most acclaimed ones.

I've never been more interested in watching people walk down the street, or seeing which buildings will be on the next block, as I have been while watching The 400 Blows. The cinematography is pretty breathtaking.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Tangerine (2015)

The film shot on a couple of iphones. I've seen some really glowing reviews of this, despite the current low imdb rating.
I'm going to be interested to know how a MoFo feels about this. You know how you hear a good review for a movie but it still sounds terrible to you? That's how I have been feeling about Tangerine.

The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1939), because Captain Steel says 1939 was the best year for film, and I really have wanted to watch "the real Hunchback of Notre Dame."

Turning Paige (2001), because it's been a while since I've seen a Kathrine Isabelle film.

Hunchback because of Laughton's performance. If you not seen the silent version, I'd recommend that, too.
5-time MoFo Award winner.