Spiderman 2 and 3


If anyone knew anything about strategy and Spider-man, you could figure this one out easily. The second installment will introduce the characters Doc Ock and the Lizard, however if you remember from the first installment Jameson briefly explained Eddie Brock and his failure to produce pictures. So in the second movie Eddie will become more familiar to the average eye and his charecter will develop into the ingnorant jock he is. Then his hate for Peter will increase dramatically. The third movie will more than likely place Venom in it but I bet the beginning of the movie will include the Scorpion because you will see Jameson's attitude towards Spider-man increase greatly bringing the scorpion. Also remember VEnom came from space, which would be the only reason they would stay away from him. It would have to introducea whole new story in about 30 min. This trilogy will kick a**.

yeah i cant wait im a huge spiderman fan... i hope they come out with the cartoon series on dvd... ive always liked it along with the xmen that use to be on the fox channel...
DVD Movie Reviews

Kaiser "The Devil" Soze
not a big spider-man comic book reader but I remember back in the days I owned in the game "maximum carnage".... so I guess my question is, where did carnage come from?
And like that .... he's gone

A system of cells interlinked
Originally Posted by spiderchan
Also remember VEnom came from space, which would be the only reason they would stay away from him.

Just did a little sifting through some comics and the Venom origin I have has Venom being created as a bio-suit to fight cancer etc. I think this is a retelling of the origin, but it makes a ton more sense than some half-assed space origin from the issues in the 1980s. Anyway, Marvel will go by the current incarnations of the characters and origins so I think they would follow the whole Peter/Eddie's fathers had an experiment to help mankind that went awry. Sayyyyyyyyy.... this all fits into my LotR/Star Wars model I wrote about. Yup, same thing, the inheritance of horrible problems from ancestors. Seems to be the typical sci-fi model these days. I for one will be glad if the films follow the evolution of comics and use the newer (and definitely better) concepts of today. The comic book has finally escaped adolesence it seems.

That said, Venom is a bad ass, and Spidey has to get better/stronger before they can get into that. Also, before I get flamed, I like the old comics as well, but I can clearly see that the medium has evolved so much to reach it's current incarnation, that comics really are at a higher and more serious level now and much of the old stuff falls short, with exceptions such as Watchmen, Frank Miller etc...
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

I dont think they have any plans for a 3rd spiderman movie

I believe Dunst and Maguire signed on for a minimum of three movies.

The idea that they are going to make a Number Two of Spiderman brothers me!The first one sucked so what makes them think this one will not?It is base on a Comic charctor for pete's stake!
I think if they keep contuning by making a three they are going to keep on going again and again!
Then it will really be bad!So why are they making a number three?See you around!JM
Jackie Malfoy
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Yup- its ture- they're making at least 2 and 3. It is my opinion that they should make 4 as well, simply because the whole spiderman saga is inasnely large, and even if your gonna summarize it in a movie, you cant do that in just three.
Venom should be held off for 4. We all know about Doc ock in 2, and 3 should be held for Kingpin. (Daredevil crossover, perhaps??)

What the world needs is less comic book films.

It would, sure, "World Peace" might help in the long run, but, a lot of people won't be around to appreciate that, but, in the short term, less comic book films and less Brendan Fraser is what the world truly needs.

The Strongest Girl Alive
Originally Posted by Sedai

Just did a little sifting through some comics and the Venom origin I have has Venom being created as a bio-suit to fight cancer etc. I think this is a retelling of the origin, but it makes a ton more sense than some half-assed space origin from the issues in the 1980s. Anyway, Marvel will go by the current incarnations of the characters and origins so I think they would follow the whole Peter/Eddie's fathers had an experiment to help mankind that went awry. Sayyyyyyyyy.... this all fits into my LotR/Star Wars model I wrote about. Yup, same thing, the inheritance of horrible problems from ancestors. Seems to be the typical sci-fi model these days. I for one will be glad if the films follow the evolution of comics and use the newer (and definitely better) concepts of today. The comic book has finally escaped adolesence it seems.

That said, Venom is a bad ass, and Spidey has to get better/stronger before they can get into that. Also, before I get flamed, I like the old comics as well, but I can clearly see that the medium has evolved so much to reach it's current incarnation, that comics really are at a higher and more serious level now and much of the old stuff falls short, with exceptions such as Watchmen, Frank Miller etc...
YES! I agree! they should follow the Ultimate Spider-man storyline more so then the original and thats pretty much what they did in the first one (except for the age thing). it worked alright (I'm not a big fan of the movie I think the casting sux)

i heard somewhere venom and carnage will be in spiderman 3. are you sure the lizard's in spiderman 2? i haven't seen any promo pictures or anything for him.

Originally Posted by s-mart ash
i heard somewhere venom and carnage will be in spiderman 3. are you sure the lizard's in spiderman 2? i haven't seen any promo pictures or anything for him.
yeah he is If you watch a certain trailer it shows a little clip show Dr. Connors turning into the Lizard.

Originally Posted by spiderchan
yeah he is If you watch a certain trailer it shows a little clip show Dr. Connors turning into the Lizard.
id like to see that trailer

Never conform, never compromise....
Originally Posted by Hell_Bent
id like to see that trailer
So would I, as I believe they have not even decided what movie the "Second" trailer will be attached too, and the liazard is not in the teaser.
In the end...
Everything we do,
Is just everything we've done!
- Corey Taylor (2002)

Spider-Freak's Avatar
Well hello Mr. Fancypants
I heard from somewhere that the second trailer will be out in april... as long as its not released on yahoo streaming video again i will be happy!

As for the Lizard, you must have had damn fine eyesight to see him because i sure didn't in the teaser. In a way i hope he is though... they could make it an open kinda thing where you see his transformation towards the end of the movie setting the way for the third. \i bet they will want to keep everyone guessing who the bad guy will be for the third one though like they did with doc ock... why must they tease us like this???
"you gonna bark all day little doggy... or are you gonna bite?"

"if i had the words i would say... HOLY CRAP!!"

You ain't leadin nothin but two things right now... jack and sh*t... and jack left town"

It will be in theaters on April 9th.

WARNING: "Upcoming Trailer In April" spoilers below
Aunt May starts to talk about responsibility and shows some awesome Spidey effects (Spidey flying so low to the ground on a street he's going by cars, anyone??). Then we see scenes with Dylan Baker as Curt Connors teaching class. The Spidey stuff kicks up quick though. We first learn that Peter Parker doesn't think he needs to be Spidey anymore to do good, so he trashes the costume. But when the need arises - a building is on fire - he realizes he's not wearing the costume underneath his clothes, so he can't change to help out. The trailer also shows how the tentacles are first inserted into Doc's back, and how they become permanent. We see some awesome webslinging throughout the clip, rendered beautifully and giving the trailer a big impact. Spidey swinging at full speed and squeezing through a vehicle (a tram perhaps?) It's a pulsating music that really drives the message home - that Spidey is back this summer in a huge way. We see much more of the cafe scene where Doc Ock gives Peter Parker a pounding. We also see more of the scene where Harry Osborn captures Spidey and is about to go for the reveal...

WARNING: "Scene from Spiderman 3" spoilers below
Spidey swings through the buildings and you see him in Doc Ock's glasses. Doc Ock climbs up the building and Spidey swings down to the pole atop the building just above Doc Ock. He yells at him, "where is she?!" and they start battling. And I mean battling! Punches are flying left and right (think of Ock's tentacles on this one) and Spidey gets thrown down the building. He shoots two things which hit Doc Ock and then they fall down to the train going underneath. They are shown tumbling because of the speed of the train. Then the train fight begins, which features them throwing each other around, punching through the windows to get to each other, etc. Doc tosses Spidey from the train down to the street below, but Spidey is able to catch the train by shooting his web. While he's trying to make it back to the train, Doc starts tossing people from the train towards him, who Spidey has to save by creating webs that they fall in - which will be a sight to see! When he gets back to the train, Doc Ock rips out the train's controls and says "you've got a train to save", to Spidey. Doc takes off and it's up to Spidey to stop the train before it derails and plunges down into the water. He first tries by using his feet on the tracks in front of the train, which doesn't work. Then he shoots webs to the buildings on both sides, which hold for a bit but then they break. Then he decides to shoot multiple webs to the buildings on each side which he has to struggle big time to hold onto, in order to stop the train. He's able to stop it bearily, but he's so exhausted he nearly drops down into the water below - but the people on the train help him back in. All this time, he's not been wearing his mask and all the people see who he is. But they respect him so much, that they give back his mask and say that they won't tell anyone. He puts it back on and Doc Ock returns! He's at the front of the train car . The people on the train tell Doc that he'll have to go through them first in order to get to Spidey. Doc says, "okay" and rips them to each side with his tentacles, as if they are toothpicks. Spidey gets punched and the clip zooms in on the Spider symbol and stops.

~ Spider-Man 3 will hit theaters on May 4, 2007 ~

Spider-Freak's Avatar
Well hello Mr. Fancypants
WOW... sorry i meant that to be... WOOO-HOOOOOOOOOO! That sounds so amazing i hope it lives up to the vision i now have in my head!

It sounds a lot more like how a spidey movie should be... much better than the first one... it is soo gonna rock!