Starting to live on your own


I hope I am Just recently got the opportunity to watch a classic film on the big screen and just made me realise that I miss discussions about films with people from this forum been busy working and got some other things to do - going to the gym,applying for uni,learning to drive etc. not going home for Christmas though,working but I'm not bothered How are you?Hows the forum?
"Anything less than immortality is a complete waste of time."

Registered User
7-24 but now I am quite happy. I don't want to marry or have kids (not yet anyway).
Sound advice - so many young people jump into committed relationships or pregnancies that they're not prepared for mentally, financially, etc - and end up with a lot of waited opportunity and in a relationship that's more of a prison sentence than a passion - I commend you for being smart enough to avoid that trap, I'm glad I wasn't the only one

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
She's still looking for a rich gentleman.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

I hope I am Just recently got the opportunity to watch a classic film on the big screen and just made me realise that I miss discussions about films with people from this forum been busy working and got some other things to do - going to the gym,applying for uni,learning to drive etc. not going home for Christmas though,working but I'm not bothered How are you?Hows the forum?
I'm pleased to hear that. Enjoying it then?

How's the forum? Well, pretty much the same. It's December so there's snow on the front page. I'm still hysterically funny and always right. SC is still seeking attention. Gunslinger is about to become a cop. MV is still rat obssessed, but cool anyway. ash and eM don't post enough. No one knows where Caitlyn is. Y'know, the usual.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Sound advice - so many young people jump into committed relationships or pregnancies that they're not prepared for mentally, financially, etc - and end up with a lot of waited opportunity and in a relationship that's more of a prison sentence than a passion - I commend you for being smart enough to avoid that trap, I'm glad I wasn't the only one
Yeah Divorce rate of over 50% now in UK, so expensive wedding then a few years later very expensive divorce and kids emotionally traumatised by it all. No thanks, if I want to be with someone I'll be with them without some ancient legally entrapping ridiculously expensive ceremony.

Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.
Try as many different things, get as many types of jobs as you can. That way you figure out early what you like, what you don't like, and what you have a talent for.
Under-the-radar Movie Awesomeness.

So guys, I'm back! )

I started watching movies again seriously 'cause I've been busy lately. ^^ According to my IMDB, I'm soon gonna watch my 1000th film. I'm not sure if it means anything lol 'cause I can't remeber like 5th of them

Anything worth mentioning happened in the forum?

So are you properly back? How's life treating you?
Hopefully, I am ^^

I'm going to university in a week, gonna do Criminology. I was choosing between this and films and I love history as well but decided to go with Criminology. It's probably the least useless degree of the three.

Still working, still trying to lose weight, I dyed my hair brown as well That's about it. How are you?

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
i haven't really read through the thread, but i'd just like to say that i'm 31 years old, with fancy letters after my name and my own home, and i still feel like a kid sometimes. i think even when you figure out where you fit in the world, you can sometimes experience this surreal feeling that you're still clueless and winging it. i'm not sure if i'll ever feel like a full-fledged adult.

i like to think i'm just extremely self-aware, and i'd be curious to know how many other people my age and older feel this way, but, yeah.

I don't think it ever really leaves you, but I also think that we're growing up later because we're allowed to and/or it's facilitated. It seems as if your twenties really are just an extension of your late teen years now.

I've had this whole thing about my generation seeing the baby boomers "hope I die before I get old" attitude and seeing that it's great, so long as you die and that you want to. Otherwise you just get older and become what you didn't want to be. The older generation/your parents.the establishment. Therefore we've devised a way to remain children for a lot longer. Growing older but not growing up. But maybe it's not.

Maybe it's more to do with the economics of the last 30+ years? If large numbers of people can't be guaranteed a level of living because of the job market/the wages paid at the most basic level, then I'd think it's natural to not engage in a lifestyle which requires that. Or maybe it's the reverse? Having more disposable income means that we can spend it on things we'd otherwise have to do without and, therefore, would have neither the time or the inclination to do/play with.

Or maybe it's advertising? If you constantly sell youth as the pinnacle of the human experience and the desire of everyone who wants to make money/be loved/be attractive/have friends/etc you have to expect people to do what they can in order to stay in that area/condition. Pretty much everything is sold to children now even if they're not the end user. Do you think the screens/dvd players in the back of SUV's are there for adults?

Maybe it's to do with women's lib and the importance/equality of womens education? With women less likely to settle down/get married/have children/etc at a younger age because there are more opportunities for them/they have greater aspirations/expectations for their own lives it allows men to do the same. Without being 'forced' to grow up, men have greater freedom to mess about and do as they please.

Or, maybe, it's simply a progression of the "hope I die before I get old" adage of The Who and, as greater social freedom becomes the norm, so those boundaries are, eventually, pushed so what was once extreme or avant garde becomes mainstream and/or the establishment?

Maybe it's because of the fear of failure/blame culture? Everyone is judged on and about everything by everyone. The most popular entertainment programmes across the world are all based on being judged and laughing at the clowns. Reactions are instant and lasting. If a boxer loses a fight people will talk about him being finished as a challenger. If the next big thing doesn't constantly improve until they become the best, they're done. Failed. "Oh, remember when (s)he was going to be the next ...." (S)he could still be among the very best in his/her field. But if (s)he doesn't come along and fulfil expectation? (S)he failed.

It's natural to not want to fail and if you're being told that failure is final, then why risk trying? Better to stay with the familiar.

Maybe our toys simply grew up? Our toys are more adaptable now as it's software rather than hardware. If the toy train set my dad played with as a child could've somehow become a train set for adults, then maybe he'd have continued playing with it?

Anyway, I've gone waaaay above and beyond what I meant to start with, so I'll leave Gab's thread alone.

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
wow, honeykid's being all thoughtful and shiz

anyway, i dunno what it is either, but when i speculate about it, i always come back to the thought that my generation seem to be enjoying their young adulthood more than, say, my parent's generation did. seems like the baby boomers became of age, got a job, moved out of their parents house and usually got married and started a family within 5 years of graduating high school. whereas, most of my friends and myself are only just getting married and thinking about starting a family in our late 20s/early 30s. to wit, i'm getting married in 6 months for the first time - i'm childess too - and i'm 31-years-old.

i guess what i'm saying is, i think because my generation isn't under as much pressure as our parents were to "get married/start a mortgage and family", we're exploring our youth a bit more. so maybe we're taking longer to become adults, but i think being a late bloomer isn't always a bad thing, either, as long as you don't stay in that loop forever. and i have to say, your 20s are actually the perfect time to enjoy your freedom and youth. you're still quite young, idealistic, naive, you have time to decide what you want to do and still be young afterwards, but you're a bit more mature than a teenager who still isn't quite ready for all that freedom yet.