Who will win the US 2016 Presidency?


I'm not old, you're just 12.
You know, I really really want to see Trump debate. It will be a trainwreck.
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson


You know, I really really want to see Trump debate. It will be a trainwreck.
I have a feeling he will disregard the time limits and go over each time he's speaking... just a hunch.

BTW, who is in the debate (I know it's not all the Repub. candidates, there's no way it could be.)

The president of of 2017.

The list for thursday's debate has been announced
Real estate magnate Donald Trump; former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush; Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker; retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson; former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee; Texas Sen. Ted Cruz; Florida Sen. Marco Rubio; Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul; New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie; and Ohio Gov. John Kasich.

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I just moved and haven't got my cable yet. I know I can find a link from China to watch it, hope there's a link from Fox, etc., as my new next door neighbor was kind enough to give me her wi-fi password.

Scott Walker is apparently dropping out this evening.

Quite a swift fall. From what I can tell, the fundamental error was in hiring a large number of staff early on, which works great when you get a head of steam going and the fundraising keeps going, but forces you to keep moving forward. A leaner campaign probably could've survived the candidate pile-up. Instead, he seems to have had the exact same trajectory as Tim Pawlenty's campaign in 2012.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I'm not going to miss him too much. Not saying he couldn't have turned me but he is a part of the handful of canidates that have been a bit too militant for my comfort.

LMAO the entire thread. But I can be serious. I know very little about this, but i do think Hillary will win because the world is getting more and more liberal. Is it a good thing? Idk. Our president is also a woman, for the 1st time ever. Kolinda Grabar Kitarović.

I'm not old, you're just 12.
LMAO the entire thread. But I can be serious. I know very little about this, but i do think Hillary will win because the world is getting more and more liberal. Is it a good thing? Idk. Our president is also a woman, for the 1st time ever. Kolinda Grabar Kitarović.
Hillary may not even get the nomination. I certainly don't want her to. Anyone who thinks that she's a liberal is crazy. I'm all in for Bernie Sanders, personally (because of course I am...). A lot of what he says makes sense, about getting corporate money out of our government, sending our kids to college and not to war, giving workers a living wage, and actually listening to the people, not just the rich people. And unlike Obama, I think he'd have the guts to stand up to his critics and those who would obstruct changes.

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LMAO the entire thread. But I can be serious. I know very little about this, but i do think Hillary will win because the world is getting more and more liberal. Is it a good thing? Idk. Our president is also a woman, for the 1st time ever. Kolinda Grabar Kitarović.
Hillary isn't even a liberal. That's the sad part. We have fascist and fascist-lite. I'm real tired of Democrats apologizing for them, no matter how bad they are, or how far they move to the right, abandoning principles. The group is shaping them...

Hillary supported the war in Iraq and every other war, the (un)Patriot Act, NAFTA, TPP, supported Wall Street, she supported her husband's Defensive Marriage Act (man and woman marriage), supporting Don't Ask, Don't Tell - basically didn't support Gay Rights until the polls indicated it would be beneficial (Obama too), Prisons for Profit, Praised Glass-Seagull (more Wall St. support, not working class), Opposed Carbox Tax, supported Keystone Pipeline (now is silent), has taken over a BILLION from those who've destroyed the economy..

Primaries are trying to appeal to the base. She'll give empty liberal gestures, but she's been an empty pantsuit.

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And by the way, she was a Goldwater Girl in 1964, when only 39 people supported him. I wish she ran as a Republican, but it's not marketable. She sold out when no one even asked her too.

Oh, boy...I knew i should've stayed out of polytics. look...I don't like her, I even heard she's a witch! But the sad truth is that she maybe will win, which is not all that far from the end of the world. Like I said, i know nothing about this, I'm not an American. But in all honesty I think that the true tragedy is that no matter who wins the evil that's behind will still exist. Just look what happened to JFK. He wanted to stop the war, started giving Christian-like speaches, became a threat, so they shot him. Just don't tell me LHO killed him. Please. Or that MDC killed Lennon.

so, hillary proclaims she's liberal, but she's not? Am I right?

I'm not old, you're just 12.
Oh, boy...I knew i should've stayed out of polytics. look...I don't like her, I even heard she's a witch! But the sad truth is that she maybe will win, which is not all that far from the end of the world. Like I said, i know nothing about this, I'm not an American. But in all honesty I think that the true tragedy is that no matter who wins the evil that's behind will still exist. Just look what happened to JFK. He wanted to stop the war, started giving Christian-like speaches, became a threat, so they shot him. Just don't tell me LHO killed him. Please. Or that MDC killed Lennon.

so, hillary proclaims she's liberal, but she's not? Am I right?
Yeah, Hillary is pretty much Republican-lite. She's an opportunist, she isn't trustworthy, and she hopefully won't win anything.

Mark David Chapman did kill John Lennon, there were witnesses! Yoko saw it happen! There's no "conspiracy" or anything like that. This has nothing to do with this thread, so...

But yeah, Hillary bad.

Don't pretend that doing things like being untrustworthy and not believing in issues until it becomes beneficial and then becoming their biggest supporter are limited to the party you don't like. Every politician in America has abided by that for the last 50 years. Very few people actually believe in things, they just want to be populists (Obama was anti gay marriage in 2008 and recently pressured it to be supported for no reason other than it makes him more popular).

Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, Marco Rubio, Carly Fiorina, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders or Joe Biden (if he runs).

I think it's fair to say that the chances are very high that one of these eight people will be the next president of the USA (correct me if I'm wrong). It's very early and there may still be someone who makes a giant leap forward, but I think it's quite fun to specalute a little already.

Who would you support out of these eight candidates if you HAD to choose?