How Do You Arrange Your DVD Collection?


How Do You Arrange Your DVD Collection?
19 votes
12 votes
By Genre
21 votes
However They Land On Shelf
21 votes
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Do you know my poetry?
Originally Posted by jrs
How do you arrange yours???
I arrange them in Alphabetical order, always have....

I usually try to get them in alphabetical order, but after a couple of days of pulling them out and being to lazy to put them back right, they get pretty messed up.
You were named after the DOG?

Tuna's Avatar
I arrange them in order of pure enjoyment. The problem is, it makes tough decisions for me everytime i get a new DVD =/
Boards don't hit back

The Strongest Girl Alive
I go alphabetical but about once a month I have to fix em cuz they get messed up... do you know what makes me sick? people who never buy movies! you know those people who only rent em. those same ppl never have a fav. movie.

I arrange them by the date I buy them newest one is next on the list...easy to do and I can generally know where a movie is. The only exception is my classics, they have an area of their own.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

A system of cells interlinked
Originally Posted by jrs
Now, I vote other.
I keep an online DB of my titles and box covers. Most of my dvd are put away, and it's a pain to dig through the cabinets. This way folks can look at the list and see if they want to watch something

“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

I started putting them in alphabetical order, but after, lets seee, a day, I bough a load more, and well, couldn't be bothered to re-order them, so I just put the new ones on the end

Being lazy is the way

Actually I just have my DVDs thrown on the shelf. I really should organize them alphabetically. Just need to find time to do it. When would that be?--lol

Mother! Oh, God! Mother! Blood!
The ones I have newly purchased and need to see are on the far left. The ones I've gone through completely (special features, commentary, etc.) are on the far right.

My daughter's DVDs are on a completely different shelf, and they are placed wherever they land.
NEW (as of 1/24/05): Quick Reviews #10

I usually do it by color-coded, and put all the dvd's which star the same actors together. . .color-coded.
Remember, remember, the 5th of November
I'm afraid I must bid you adieu.
He woke up one night with a terrible fright
And found he was eating his shoe.

Cyberdine Systems Model 101
I arrange my dvd's by genre. I made a sign for each movie section. One for Action, one for drama/suspense, Horror, and so on. There are times that in my weekends I have nothing to do so I just go to my dvd shelf and check if I have the action movies in the right place. Something I didn't do when I used to buy vhs.
Last 5 films I’ve seen

An American In Paris ****/*****
Once Upon A Time In China *****/*****
Father of the Bride ****/*****
Spartacus *****/*****
The Hidden Fortress ****/*****

You can view my review for each of those films at T-850's Reviews

Registered User
well how ever they landed mostly,
now with new dvd's they are just in order of purchase.

Messenger from Hades' Gate
My DVDs are divided up into three catagories: Horror, Christian, and everything else. Then, each group gets put in alphabetically.

I just don't care enough about my VHS to start arranging them.
Rapture warning is now at ORANGE

With a 7 and 10 year old U am lucky to even get them to the self at all.

Sidewinder's Avatar
I ate all your bees.
At the moment its Alphabetical but I'm pretty sure that in about a years time when my collection has doubled (its at about 80-90 at the moment) I will have to switch to Genres.
I'm a quitter, I come from a long line of quitters....Its amazing I'm here at all.

I have all the slipcase and 2 disc special edition (ie, the cardboard case folding ones) dvds in 1 row, normal cased dvds in an other, slightly seperated from the normal case 2 disc DVDs. Then i have all my collections/series/boxsets of films on another (ie, James Bond collection, X-Men 1+2, Alien Quadrilogy, Futurama's, Evil Dead Boxset). Then all 3 rows are in the order they are brought, otherwise it gets too annoying intergrating new DVDs. They were originally in the order i planned to watch them (0-25 dvds), then alphabetically (25-60 dvds) now im on 110 thats how they are.

ps. is the such a thing as DVD addiction? im 16 and spend all my £ on my collection

I keep all the box sets on the top shelf. The next three shelves are divided into drama, action, comedy, anime, then kids, (on the bottom). All series are together for easy access.
strange things are afoot at the Circle K.