Explicit sex scenes in mainstream movies.


Speaking of, I remember watching "Showgirls" over my neighbors' and seeing the most phoniest sex scene with Jesse Spano.
Do you mean the one in the swimming pool? That's a great scene.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Registered User
Don't have a problem with explicit sex and nudity in films; I also don't agree that including that content automatically makes the movie "exploitation", or even that exploitation movies are automatically "bad", whether it's violence, sex, or anything. I think of it as "junk food for the brain", and just like real junk food I don't think that it's "bad" as long as it's consumed in moderation. Plenty of people can appreciate deep films like the Godfather trilogy, and still occasionally enjoy a horror movie or raunchy comedy; the idea that anyone who watches movies like that must be an unintelligent boob really isn't true - the same with the idea that violence or sex exploitation in entertainment "turns kids into killers"; countries which are the laxest on censorship also have the lowest crime rates.

IMO society's still too prudish about "sex" and "nudity" about due to a lot of bad ascetic mentalities still lingering from a bygone era. To the point that showing graphic torture in a movie won't get it NC-17 rated as fast as an uncensored sex scene.

I guess the blood of the Inquisitors sill runs in our veins.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Well said Ace. In America we love violence and murder but heaven forbid even the mildest nudity in a movie. If you take Django Unchained and replace all the graphic thrill-kills with sex scenes the movie would be an XXX film.

I guess the blood of the Inquisitors sill runs in our veins.
Close, it's the blood of the Romans in our veins. Western society was built by the Roman Empire and we still lust for bloody Coliseum games.

I'm not saying you guys are wrong, but don't you think the fact that nudity is real and the violence isn't has something to do with it. I know as a father I would be uncomfortable with my kids growing up to do nudity as opposed to violence in movies.

We treat sex and violence differently because--get this--they're really different.
Not to MovieGal.

Saucy mainstream films are slowly becoming softcore porn films. Just look at Nymphomaniac for instance - absolute filth! But because of mainstream cinema's slow decent into the depths of depravity, hardcore porn just isn't enough for me any more. I think I pose a danger to the public.

Not to MovieGal.
How in the heck did I get brought into this SWAN!

There is nothing wrong with a bit of violence mixed with sex in a film....

Registered User
Saucy mainstream films are slowly becoming softcore porn films. Just look at Nymphomaniac for instance - absolute filth!
Never seen nymphomaniac - the idea that explicit sexual content is "bad" however is more of an ascetic and puritanical mentality, and not substantiated by facts.

Basically I'd agree than films or entertainment without much substance other than visceral stimulation (sex, violence, etc) are basically the mental equivalent of 'junk food'.

But that doesn't mean that mental junk food is automatically 'bad' if it's consumed in moderation, rather than a stable of one's diet. I think a person who's so OCD about never eating junk food is probably less mentally healthy in the long run than someone who eats healthy most of the time, and occasionally enjoys junk food without stress.

The disproportionate obsession with "sex" as demonstrated in your post above (sarcastic or not) still strongly makes a case about our Puritanical mindset that's still holding out - we freak out over two people touching genitals together as though Allah's going to blind us for seeing it - but another Saw film isn't even a blip on the radar.

But because of mainstream cinema's slow decent into the depths of depravity, hardcore porn just isn't enough for me any more. I think I pose a danger to the public.
Thanks Ayatollah Komeini. JK

We treat sex and violence differently because--get this--they're really different.
One is commanded by Allah to ensure salvation - the other is Harem which will damn us to hell, I agree

I'm not saying you guys are wrong, but don't you think the fact that nudity is real and the violence isn't has something to do with it. I know as a father I would be uncomfortable with my kids growing up to do nudity as opposed to violence in movies.
That's a valid way of looking at it - personally though I strongly disbelieve that the negative attitudes regarding sexual content are objective - I strongly believe they have more to do with social indoctrination based on archaic ascetic mentalities, and that there is not a lot of factual study indicating that being exposed to it is harmful to oneself or to society - similar to the mentality that violent video games 'cause violence', despite nations with the laxest censorship having lower violent crime rates.

I view it similar to our double standard in mentalities regarding drugs; we freak out about marijuana because it's considered "a drug" but don't give a flip about legal drugs like alcohol, even though objectively I believe alcohol is more dangerous; which is largely in part just to social conditioning. If the prohibition had never been repealed, but pot had become legal decades ago, I believe our mentalities would be revered, because when it comes down to it, we (people) are emotional beings first, and rational second.

Saucy mainstream films are slowly becoming softcore porn films. Just look at Nymphomaniac for instance - absolute filth! But because of mainstream cinema's slow decent into the depths of depravity, hardcore porn just isn't enough for me any more. I think I pose a danger to the public.
Sci Fi Slob..hun... lets talk about Niku Daruma.. once you watch that.... you will go back to your so called "soft core porn"...

In the underground cinema scene, there are many films that put extreme violence with sexual exploitation Anymore, add a bit of necrophilia to the mix and you have something that can be explored to the depths of your mind.

(stupid spell check!)

Heres something I brought up earlier, is there one movie with an explicit sex scene thats worth a fiddlers damn? Even one?! I dont know of any.

Heres something I brought up earlier, is there one movie with an explicit sex scene thats worth a fiddlers damn? Even one?! I dont know of any.
Most of them are for shock value at least the ones I have seen... Neiba and I watched a few that were just down right fun... I mean... really that stuff doesnt happen in real life...

Registered User
Heres something I brought up earlier, is there one movie with an explicit sex scene thats worth a fiddlers damn? Even one?! I dont know of any.
Most likely not - since having an explicit sex scene in a film (or a video game) will get it X-rated 90% of the time, most big budget studios don't bother with it knowing that major theater chains and retailers will refuse to carry it. So the explicit sex usually gets reserved just for low budget porn and exploitation films.

If the censors weren't as strict about it we'd probably see more quality flicks with explict sex scenes.

Most likely not - since having an explicit sex scene in a film (or a video game) will get it X-rated 90% of the time, most big budget studios don't bother with it knowing that major theater chains and retailers will refuse to carry it. So the explicit sex usually gets reserved just for low budget porn and exploitation films.

If the censors weren't as strict about it we'd probably see more quality flicks with explict sex scenes.
hey there are some fun films... gesh.. havent you even seen my commentary thread??? Neiba and I had some fun with a few of them... especially "A Chinese Torture Chamber Story"...

I wish I had someone to watch more with and post here... I have a couple of websites full of this stuff as recommendations.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm not for explicit sex scene in mainstream films. That's what NC17 is for. I just find America's love of murder and violence disgusting. And no I'm not for censorship. But I do think that graphic violence should earn a stricter rating...R bumped to a NC17 or PG13 bumped to a R.

I'm not for explicit sex scene in mainstream films. That's what NC17 is for. I just find America's love of murder and violence disgusting. And no I'm not for censorship. But I do think that graphic violence should earn a stricter rating...R bumped to a NC17 or PG13 bumped to a R.
Most of the American cinema that does mix explicit sex with violence, like the stuff I watch, has a Non Rated status on them. There are some that are R rated... as far as what they call NC17 is mild to me... Most of the stuff that I watch that is extreme is foreign and even some of the film's content wouldnt make it in American cinema.

Registered User
hey there are some fun films... gesh.. havent you even seen my commentary thread??? Neiba and I had some fun with a few of them... especially "A Chinese Torture Chamber Story"...

I wish I had someone to watch more with and post here... I have a couple of websites full of this stuff as recommendations.
Thanks for sharing that recommendation.

I was thinking more along the lines of serious dramas and romantic films featuring explicit sex in a classy context.

I'm not big on films that intermingle "sex" and "violence" since I believe that's just treating it more like "explotation fodder", and associating it with something "bad".