Your favorite film at 18 years old?


and it still my favorite forever
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Mine would have probably been Cruel Intentions, a bit embarrassed to admit that.

When I just became 18 years old, I still considered Goldfinger my favorite film of all time.

Right until I fell in love with this film a couple of months later:

Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

Mine would have probably been Cruel Intentions, a bit embarrassed to admit that.
I wouldn't be. I like that film a lot. After all, it's not like one of the sequels was your favourite.
5-time MoFo Award winner.


Great cast, great soundtrack, highly quotable, and so many memorable scenes.

Mine would have probably been Cruel Intentions, a bit embarrassed to admit that.
I agree with HK. I would never call it a good film mostly because of the terrible acting, but it's still a favourite of mine so much that i wouldn't even call it a guilty pleasure.

I am the Watcher in the Night
I dunno...can't think of an exact one but when I was 18 I had watched the movies which still remain my favourite till this day and they are:

The Godfather Part I/II
Forest Gump
Jurassic Park
LOTR: The Two Towers
Pan's Labyrinth
The Departed

However there are a few films which have dropped down my list with repeat viewings:
The Matrix

Some I am starting to rank higher:
Raging Bull
Rocky II
and a few others i just can't think of now lol
"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

"I need your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle"

At 18, it was still Lion King or T2. Watched Shawshank at 14 but could not appreciate it then. Watched it again at 19 or 20, then realized how good it was.. and will probably stay on as my favorite.
My Favorite Films

My teenage favourites:

Terminator 2
The Thing(1982) (Still in my top ten)
Pulp Fiction
The Lost Boys
Near Dark
Alien 3
Totl Recall
Independence Day

The Adventure Starts Here!
It was definitely YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN, which had come out four years earlier. Beyond that, around that time I was enthralled with the new movie, THE ELEPHANT MAN.

Complete coincidence that both were produced by Mel Brooks and that both were in black and white.

I am the Watcher in the Night
My teenage favourites:

Terminator 2
The Thing(1982) (Still in my top ten)
Pulp Fiction
The Lost Boys
Near Dark
Alien 3
Totl Recall
Independence Day
You were high right?