Al Sharpton planning protest at Oscars


it's usually brought up by white people who don't realize that real racism is not dead in America.
Right, it's definitely not brought up by people who know racism exists but think putting another thumb on the other scale is a crappy way to fix things. It's definitely not that, because that kind of claim would be harder to be sarcastic or dismissive about.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
Racism is a disease.. But Al Sharpton only pours gasoline on the current fire. He's not very bright, he doesn't speak well, let's give him a show on MSNBC. When he says he won't criticize Obama, he's doing an injustice to those he pretends to help. I'm getting tired of classifying ourselves with white, or black (no such thing, we're all mixed), and other groups. Sharpton is nothing but a wannabe pimp who thinks he's intelligent when he's not.

I don't care if all the nominations are minorities, or not - I want the best. Most of the "social reforms" are nothing more than cynical attempts to make money.

I'm not a fan of political correctness, in fact I despise it.

It seemed to me race relations were going pretty good (with Obama becoming president and all) until around the Trayvon Martin fiasco happened, now it seems like political correctness has blown up with everybody screaming "RACIST!!!" At everything and anything that they don't like, with many of the instances not even being actually "racist". It's getting very tiresome when you turn on the news and just about everyday there's someone that's "offended" about something.

I don't know just my opinion... As for the academy awards I haven't seen Selma so I can't really say whether it's good or not, but it still got nominated for best picture right? So what's the big deal? American Sniper got nominated too yeah but I really don't think it's gonna win. I enjoyed it for what it was: a war film. Nothing more.

And also, Twelve Years a Slave did win multiple awards including best picture last year. So for everyone flipping out about how the academy is so racist is pretty dumb.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Over 6,000 people will vote on the Academy Awards. The KKK wishes it could have been that organized in their prejudice. People I think do tend to gravitate towards what looks and talks like them, so I am certainly not saying the discussion is completely invalid. However when the argument starts to sound like the Academy is conspiring against minorities it makes me roll my eyes.

Trouble with a capital "T"
If we look at the numbers of black actor nominees and winners vs the percentage of black Americans...what do we get? This pretty much tells the story.

At the Academy Awards in the 21st century.

10% of all acting nominees were blacks
14% of all winners were blacks
12.6% of the US population is black

Doesn't sound like the Academy Awards are racist to me.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I don't think it's necessarily helpful to start flinging accusations of racism around. That generally has the effect of people just getting really defensive, so insistent that they aren't racist that it makes it harder to examine and address any prejudice or unfairness that exist in the system. I don't think the Academy are being consciously and deliberately racist, but that doesn't mean there isn't some kind of unconscious bias or unfairness going on.

I think the real question is not why Selma wasn't nominated. Maybe it just wasn't that good, maybe it was released at the wrong time, whatever. I think the real question is why is Selma the only possible nomination? Where are all the other films with non-white actors?

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I do also think it is fair to point out that Selma is nominated for picture but that is probably because we have more than five nominees now. It stands to reason that if there were more than five in the other categories we would have seen some of those nominations people are talking about. Cooper is probably the biggest head scratcher to me but there are at least three actors I could see being in that spot, so Oyelowo was far from a given. Same goes for director.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Imagine if David Oyelowo and Ralph Fiennes had both been nominated for best actor. That might have been more British actors than Hollywood could cope with.

I am the Watcher in the Night
I'm not sure if The Academy is racist....but surely there are bigger problems facing the African American than a bunch of jumped up posh twats who think being pretentious about movies makes them important.

What makes me really angry is the rejection of Cap 2 and The Lego Movie in favour of so much crap, especially 'Sniper.
"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

"I need your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle"

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'd like to know how much of the hate here for American Sniper is do to it's politics and not the film's quality. I haven't seen it yet, but I will.

Lord High Filmquisitor
I liked American Sniper quite a bit, but considerably less so the more that I thought about it. It went from an 8.5 to an 8 and has currently settled at a 7.5 (still quite good, but not nearly as good as it initially was). It's the kind of movie whose appeal seems to lessen with time and retrospection.

With as unbelievably strong a year as 2014 has been, American Sniper doesn't even make it into my top 30 movies of the year, although I still prefer it to The Theory of Everything.
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