Is it any wonder cinema is dying.


"""" Hulk Smashhhh."""
I used to visit the cinema almost 2-3 times a month, and some months even more. I love the cinema experience, seeing your favourite films on the big screen is excellent. But lately I just havnt been able to afford to visit as much as I would like to. I went last night and 2 tickets to see fifty shades of grey was £22. 2 drinks, 2 bags of sweets and a large popcorn was £28. That's £50 on a night at the cinema and that's for a movie without 3D or IMAX. Is it any wonder people stay in and download movies now.
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"""" Hulk Smashhhh."""
Hence why when I go to the movies I eat before I go.
You could do that to save money, but I like going to the cinema and getting sweets, and nachos and maybe a ice blast but the prices are just ridiculous now.

"""" Hulk Smashhhh."""
I remember was I was a child I could get my ticket, popcorn, drink and a macdonalds for £10 and that's was only 12 years ago. I dread when my soon is older and he's going the cinema with his friends, I'll have to shell out £30 haha.

This has been an on-going talking point for years.

Ticket prices and food prices are just stupid these days. Sure they sometimes put deals on at certain times of the day and on certain days, but it's still too much money.

My local, and I've said this before on here, is a total dump and costs anything from £15 to £20 for a ticket.
I went to the cinema last to see Days Of Future Past and I had a £30 gift card to use...

The gift card covered food. Just food. Two people, tub of popcorn each and a drink each... came to £28.

That's £14 for a watered-down Pepsi and some fried corn husks.

In the past 10 years I've gone to the cinema maybe 4 times.

"""" Hulk Smashhhh."""
I haven't been in a theater since Gladiator. Think of all that money I saved. And all those noisy people I didn't have to listen to.
But sometimes it's great to see a movie you have been excited about for months on the big screen, or even in IMAX. It just adds to the experience.

I still go to the cinema, but I prefer to go in the morning first showing where a normally 9-12 dollar ticket costs around 6 bucks. So much more economical.
That's less than £4. I was paying more than that in the 90's and I used to go to the cinema pretty much ever week back then. You young'uns don't know you're born.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

This is my last 10 years of viewings at the cinema...

Star Wars Episode III (2005)
Die Hard 4.0 (2007)
TDKR (2012)
Man Of Steel (2013)
Days Of Future Past (2014)

I doubt I'll be seeing anything until maybe Star Wars VII comes out... after that, nothing really takes my fancy enough to warrant spending £50 on a ticket, a small popcorn and some water-flavoured coke.

That's less than £4. I was paying more than that in the 90's and I used to go to the cinema pretty much ever week back then. You young'uns don't know you're born.

I am damn near 30, young is not the proper term.

I remember tickets were about £5 when Jurassic Park came out. I was 11 when it was released and can still remember the experience. Great times.

Great times.

Great times... when you didn't have to re-mortgage several houses and sell your car, blood, bone-marrow and other bodily fluids and your soul just to buy a ticket.

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If I go to a matinee it costs me $5.25. I buy a bucket for $20 every year, you can refill it for $4 all year long. I admit I still usually go for the Coke, which means the night costs me close to $15. It is my favorite activity out though, so still worth it for me.