
Don't act like you wouldn't give her your Winter's Bone.
That means nothing and you know it.

I've only seen the first one, I give it 6/10. The J-Law effect.
Second one is on Netflix. A good amount of people like it better. I was not among them.

When is your shirt of the day going to be a nice Malick landscape shot.
When that kind of shirt exists.

Brought my boys to their favorite spot for the afternoon. Forgot my book, so it looks like you guys are stuck with my ramblings for the next few hours.

There's the shirt of the day.

Anyways, I'm headed out for the day. I'll be back for the commentary.
I'm not wearing that shirt though.

Doesn't seem like many MoFos are going to see the Hunger Games, no reviews as of yet. I enjoyed the first to some extent but really didn't care for the second much at all. Trying to decide whether to see the third or not. The people that like and dislike these movies vary so greatly. For instance, both the Filmspotting guys liked it quite a bit. I am so torn. What to do?
I thought it was good, a solid
- about on par with the other two. But that's coming from someone who has never read the books and isn't enamored with Jennifer Lawrence. I saw it (and the other two) because my mom wanted to see it.

She came out of the theater angry at all things they changed when adapting it from the book.