What's your diet like?


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Sorry wrong forum - meant to post this in Misc

Curious what other MOFOs daily meal routines are, or if anyone is into special diets.

I'm a big believer in high protein, low carb diets, and I use fats as a substitute for the majority of my carbohydrate calories. Saturated fats freak people out due to concerns about cholesterol - but the fears are overhyped, not to mention saturated fats increase testosterone. It's refined carbs that are killing us more than anything else.

I eat bacon and eggs regularly for breakfast (with real butter or olive oil, not margarine). For mid-day meals I'll typically eat cottage cheese, and a protein smoothie. For dinner I'll typically have a "man salad" (a steak salad with spinach, olives, avocados, sunflower kernels, and occasionally other veggies like broccoli - usually topped off with some shredded cheese). I prefer red meat but substitute it for pork, chicken, tuna, fish etc seeing as it's expensive.

For mid-day snacks I go with peanuts, cashews, pumpkin seeds or sunflower kernels. I also make sure to take a multivitamin, an Omega-3 suppliment, and a Vitamin D (since I work in an office all day and don't get off until the suns' already set).

I also strongly avoid processed vegetable oils, as well as soybean oils (which I believe are estrogenic) - olive oil is the only fatty oil I like. This means I try to avoid most breads, pastas, and a majority of processed foods like canned soups, sauces, salad dressings, pretzels/chips, etc. I'll normally use olive oil and spices as a substitute for store-brand salad dressings to avoid the processed oils; sometimes I'll add in a little oil-free dressing for flavor.

I'm not a big fruit guy (or a sugar guy in general) either - so I only eat fruits on occasion (lately I prefer pomegranates) - and from what I can tell you can get pretty much the same vitamins from veggies that you can from fruits anyway.

My biggest vice right now is caffeine - I drink low carb Monster energy drinks once or twice a day - eventually I'm going to cut them out of my diet (probably switch over to flavoring water with a water enhancer as a substitute - the Stevia-sweetened ones definitely preferred over the Sucrolose or Aspartame).

Trouble with a capital "T"
Ace, It's good for a person to be aware of what they eat, so a +rep to you for thinking about it.

Your diet is quiet different than mine.

I love pasta, cheese, bread, rice, beans, fruit and salad...and that's what I mainly eat. I hate Nutra sweet.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
I'm not into any special diet. I'm fat and lazy.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

I workout 5 days a week (used to be 6) and eat half and half, really. I love working out, but I hate to focus too much on what I eat. I don't believe in that. I occasionally eat some chocolate, add sauce to my steaks or drink soda when I feel like it, and it doesn't do any harm.

I live healthy because I want to and I like to, but I don't wanna end up like those weighing their food and sh*t. I like best of both worlds and you know what, I'm in great shape and lives a happy life. But I'm not here to tell people that what I do is right I just believe it's right for me.

My diet is that of a typical university student, well, probably a lot worse actually. I do buy food in, normally go to Farmfoods which is great prices for frozen stuff and lasts a few weeks, but with my university right next to town I find myself eating either a McDonalds, Subway, Burger King, KFC or Wetherspoons multiple times during the week, and that's not too mention the unavoidable kebab after a night out (which have been slightly less recently). I don't know how I am not completely fat yet, I need to start eating more healthily and getting fitter.

Registered User
I don't diet to lose weight - that's not what I was getting at - I was talking about an eating routine, not a "diet".

Registered User
My diet is that of a typical university student, well, probably a lot worse actually. I do buy food in, normally go to Farmfoods which is great prices for frozen stuff and lasts a few weeks, but with my university right next to town I find myself eating either a McDonalds, Subway, Burger King, KFC or Wetherspoons multiple times during the week, and that's not too mention the unavoidable kebab after a night out (which have been slightly less recently). I don't know how I am not completely fat yet, I need to start eating more healthily and getting fitter.
I'm not OCD about it - don't meticulously count calories, and don't mind a Big Mac or a Subway sandwich on occasions. I just make sure that the majority of my meals are real food.

Every day I have 2 medium ice coffees with 4 creams and 4 sugars and about 6-8 ounces of cranberry juice. Tuesday through Friday I also drink about 12 ounces of water. I drink some canned diet ginger ale in the summer while I'm doing yardwork, and I drink a little bit of alcohol. About once a month I'll get a red bull and I drink eggnog during the holidays.

I eat a decent amount. Today I've had a pizza with sausage, pepperoni, and hot cherry peppers, a small plate of linguini with meat sauce, a large steak and cheese sub with spinach, onions, and jalapeno's, 2 pears, 2 pieces of cheesecake, an apple, a bag of raw veggies, and 2 small healthy snacks that my wife adds into my lunch.

The most common things I eat are pizza(about 5 times a week), pasta(about 3 times a week), and Mexican(about twice a week). Other favorites are steak, hamburgers, jambalaya, boneless buffalo fingers, bacon, eggs, potatoes, chile, beef stew, pork chops, and various lobster and shrimp dishes. I eat Chinese food about once a month and I'll pretty much eat anything.

I weigh 215lbs and have been the same weight for years.

I'm not OCD about it - don't meticulously count calories, and don't mind a Big Mac or a Subway sandwich on occasions. I just make sure that the majority of my meals are real food.
This week I've had a footlong Subway, a large Dominos pizza, two McDonalds, a Wetherspoons, a Greggs, and a kebab. And that's the stuff I can remember

This week I've had a footlong Subway, a large Dominos pizza, two McDonalds, a Wetherspoons, a Greggs, and a kebab. And that's the stuff I can remember
That's the steak and cheese I had today

That's the steak and cheese I had today
Italian BMT is my regular sub choice, with lettuce, sweetcorn and southwest sauce. Helps that it's part of the £5 deal which means I get a drink and pay less than what I would normally. Sometimes if I have enough subcard points I treat myself to a Steak and Cheese melt or a Chicken and Bacon Ranch Melt

Registered User
Italian BMT is my regular sub choice, with lettuce, sweetcorn and southwest sauce. Helps that it's part of the £5 deal which means I get a drink and pay less than what I would normally. Sometimes if I have enough subcard points I treat myself to a Steak and Cheese melt or a Chicken and Bacon Ranch Melt
I've never seen sweetcorn as a Subway topping before - at least not in the US.

jamierreed92's Avatar
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After I went into remission, my oncologist had my trainer put me on a super strict macronutrient focused diet. 5 meals a day, each at a specific time everyday. Each mean was something like 4 oz of chicken or lean fish for Protein, 20g of almond butter for Fats, 150g of rice or 4oz of sweet potato for Starch, 140g of frozen blueberries for fruit, and veggies as desired. Total of 1730 calories on Weight Training days (4 days a week) & 1490 calories on Non-Weight Training days. The catch is that the list of foods to choose from is kind of limited (I can send it if you're interested) & even more so when you don't cook very well. No adding anything other than zero cal, zero carb spices. So basically anything salt or pepper based and MUSTARD, haha. I did this without veering for a while, but I lack discipline. Working on that!

And I, too, am addicted to Monster. I drink 2 of the 0 sugar, 0 calorie ULTRA BLUE Monsters almost everyday! Just love the taste!
--Jamie R.

I only eat once a day... always the same thing, mince beef chilli:
Minced beef, pulses (chick peas, haricot beans and cannellini beans), tomatoes (I've gotten rid of my allergy toward tomatoes ), pasta, rice, various herbs and spices. Dollop of Mayo on the side.

Occasionally I have frozen pizza at the weekends.

Oh... elaboration on my chilli. Nothing is fried. Everything, even the beef, is boiled.
Cuts down on the grease/oil content and preserves the flavour of the meat as well.

My cholesterol level is almost non-existent and my body fat hasn't changed either, even after spending over 10 years living on that diet.

Cool thread. Sounds like we've got a good healthy bunch of people here, which is awesome!

I too don't like referring to things like this as a "diet", that's just a bad word and brings negative connotations with it. I prefer to think of what I follow as an "eating plan". So spot on 90sAce.

I've recently taken the plunge in to giving Intermittent Fasting (IF) a shot. I'm coming up on 3 weeks of doing it consistently now, and have already seen some pretty great results with loss of body-fat and increased lean muscle mass.

With all this being said, my eating basically works like this; I only eat between 12:30pm and 8:30pm. After that I fast for a solid 16 hours until 12:30pm the next day. During my 8-hour window for eating, I try to consume a days worth of calories. This is made up mainly by eating things like; chicken breast, salmon, red meat, brown rice, basmati rice, wholemeal bread, soup, veggies, bananas, cottage cheese, protein shakes, almonds/walnuts/etc, eggs...Basically all the good stuff!

I am very harsh on refined sugar and try to avoid it at all costs. I only drink water (sparkling and flat), and orange juice.

With all of the above, it's best you know that I plan on competing in natural bodybuilding late next year, so this is all practice for what is going to need to be sustained for a good 6 months to get as shredded as possible, ha ha. At the moment, I'm training 5-6 days a week, with my usual sessions laster ~60 minutes to ~90.

Lots of peanuts, natural peanut butter, and whole grains. This is the best middle ground I have found for non-refrigerated meals at works and a minimal amount of processed foods, all while being convenient. I brew a tea concentrate at home and portion it into bottles I take and add water to at work for any needed caffeine influx.

People often ask how I can eat the same thing over and over, etc... I personally have tried to remove the emotional connection to "everyday" eating. I see people I work with on cholesterol and bp medicine eating fried foods and vending machine bombs all day. I look at it as a need, not a want. I could eat better, but I can't rationalize spending the money it takes to eat from "Whole Foods".

I will always cherish a superbly aged rib eye, a fresh hot and now Krispy Kreme; it's just not stuff for everyday living.

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I look at it as a need, not a want. I could eat better, but I can't rationalize spending the money it takes to eat from "Whole Foods".
I don't worry too much about eating organic. As long as I'm mainly eating real food I feel good, but as of right now I'm not willing to spend $10 for a lb of "organic ground beef" when I can buy the same from Wal-Mart for about $3-4.