How should a MoFo Top Animated Films list work?


You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Yeah, the available pool of entries is only half the question. The other is how many people would participate.

For better or worse, I think we've seen that a lot of people won't participate if they have to wrack their brains and/or watch a lot of new stuff just to fill out a list. Which makes sense, because submitting a list where you don't even particularly like your later entries also seems to defeat the purpose.

If you guys decide to do a list of animated films, I'm in.

I'm also in for a list of animated shorts.

All the more reason why I don't want to use it.
I am so disappointed in you right now, Miss Vicky.

Would "animated" also include "anime", or is that considered a separate category?
Yes. Anything animated from any country would qualify.

I am so disappointed in you right now, Miss Vicky.
Jason and the Argonauts is not an animated movie. I have nothing against Harryhausen, but it's not animated. I would much rather see a list - be it 50 or 100 - that was compiled by forum members than one that includes Jason and the Argonauts and King Kong.

I just want it to be a good and varied list instead of including every Disney, Pixar and Miyazaki film and nothing else. I'm repeating myself I know, but dammit. I want the list to be a great resource for anyone wanting to explore animation - and that list I linked is exactly that.

I just want it to be a good and varied list instead of including every Disney, Pixar and Miyazaki film and nothing else. I'm repeating myself I know, but dammit. I want the list to be a great resource for anyone wanting to explore animation - and that list I linked is exactly that.
You may be underrestimating us MoFos a little bit. I don't think it will be THAT bad. I'm sure there will still be a whole bunch of interesting entries too.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Look at it this way Swan. If we do a list it will get me to watch a whole bunch of stop animation I have been meaning to get to.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I just want it to be a good and varied list instead of including every Disney, Pixar and Miyazaki film and nothing else. I'm repeating myself I know, but dammit. I want the list to be a great resource for anyone wanting to explore animation - and that list I linked is exactly that.
Most of the animated movies that I know and love are mainstream, but I love animated movies, so I'm willing to watch a whole bunch of other animated movies if someone starts a thread and suggests them.

I just want it to be a good and varied list instead of including every Disney, Pixar and Miyazaki film and nothing else.
Have a little faith in your fellow MoFos.

I'm repeating myself I know, but dammit. I want the list to be a great resource for anyone wanting to explore animation - and that list I linked is exactly that.
Except that includes a bunch of live action movies that have a little animation.

I will also be so very upset if the MoFo list ends up being only a top 50.

I'd say that to meet the criteria the film has to have no actual living things in it at all
damm! no Space Jam!

probably a good rule tho

That would exclude films like Wall-E, though.

I think limiting it to films that have more animation than not would work pretty well.
I have to wonder - if Avatar is 60% animation and 40% live action, would that count?